Falling in Love, Part 3:
"To Sleep! Perchance to Dream..."
By Patrizia

Date Posted: July 9, 2000

Thank you for your encouragement and your continued support. It means a lot of me. You can email comments hereor post on the message board.

Click here to hear "I Think I Love You" by The Partridge Family

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"Ouch!" Sean complained as he gave Matt a 'Why did you elbow me in the ribs for?' look.

Sam and Josie stared at each other in shock and as the awareness of what his friends must have all been thinking about them rose to the surface. Then the panic set in. They turned to his friends, adamant on setting the record straight and said together, "No, no, no!"

"Josie's my student!" Sam proclaimed.

Josie concurred, "Yes, I'm his student� Mr. Coulson is my teacher!"

"Ohhh!" Sam's friends said, pretty much in unison.

Sam continued nervously, "Josie and I were just talking, you know, about�"

"Homework!" Josie finished. Both Sam and Josie looked at each other as if they were conspiring to cover up a crime, yet they didn't do anything wrong�or did they? Sam wasn't too sure now.

Sam wiped the rest of the cream off his shirt and face and then proceeded to make the introductions. "Um�guys, I'd like you meet Josie Geller." He smiled to Josie. "She's in my Senior Lit class."

Josie stepped closer to Sam, feeling safer in his protective zone as he continued the introductions. "Josie�this is my best friend Matt Collins and his wife Michelle."

Josie turned to Sam and smiled. "He's the one that teased you about your chin�right?" Sam smiled sheepishly, his eyes connecting with Matt's in embarrassed apology. He glanced back at Josie and nodded, thinking, 'She really does remember my stories!'

"Oh, man! Do you have to tell that story to everyone!?" Matt said jokingly. "That was the third grade, Sam�let it go already!" Matt moved closer to Josie and smiling said, "Nice to meet you Josie� and don't believe a word this guy says about me! It's all lies!"

Josie smiled. She liked Matt already. He was good looking too, she thought. He was tall with light brown hair and athletic, like Sam. In fact, Josie thought all his friends were quite good looking, although in her opinion, none of them could hold a candle to Sam.

Matt continued, shaking his head in mock sympathy. "I feel sorry for you, Josie. I mean�having to put up with Sam all day must be real torture!"

Sam rolled his eyes at him and started to reply when Josie said "Actually�" she turned to Sam and smiled, "Mr. Coulson is a wonderful teacher."

Sam patted Josie's arm affectionately. "Thanks, Josie. At least my students support me�unlike some of my supposed friends!" he said, raising his eyebrow at Matt.

Michelle, a very attractive brunette, stepped forward to shake Josie's hand. "It's very nice to meet you, Josie," she said giving Josie a warm, welcoming smile.

Josie put the teddy bear down on the ground and reached out to shake the woman's hand. "Nice to meet you, too," she said shyly. Sam's friends seemed nice and genuine, not at all like Lara. It made her wonder yet again what Sam was doing with Lara when it was obvious, to her at least, that they were so different.

Sam finished the introductions, "And Josie, this is Ben, his girlfriend Liz, and this is Kevin and �this is Sean," he added grudgingly.

They all said a friendly hello and then Sean stepped forward. "Sorry about what I said before, Josie. I didn't mean to embarrass you. I guess it was just wishful thinking on my part; that's all."

Josie was startled by Sean's comment. Was it possible that Sam's friends were not quite enamored with his choice of girlfriend either? She turned toward Sam to gauge his reaction. Sam was giving Sean a stern, cross look.

"Well, it was really nice meeting you all, but�" Josie turned to Sam, "I should really get going."

Sam sighed. He was having so much fun with Josie that he was sad this night was coming to an end. Nodding to his friends as a signal they should wait, he pulled Josie slightly to the side and said, "Please don't feel you have to leave on account of my friends showing up. I mean you're more than welcome to�"

Josie interrupted Sam before he could finish. As much as she wanted to stay with him, she knew she would feel uncomfortable around his friends. It was hard enough keeping up her pretense of being seventeen around him, let alone a bunch of his impartial friends. "Thanks, but I really should get going."

Josie and Sam stood in an awkward silence for a moment and then Sam leaned in, almost whispering to Josie. "I'm really sorry about what happened just now, Josie. I mean�about what Sean said."

"What? Oh no�that's okay," Josie stammered self-consciously. "They just misunderstood the situation, that's all. No big deal." Although she couldn't help but wish that Sean had been right, and that she was his date instead of his student.

Sam lowered his eyes and nodded. "Yeah." He paused and then flashing his brilliant smile said, "Well, I had a really great time tonight, Josie. I'm really glad you came."

Happiness glistened in Josie's eyes. "I had a great time, too. Thank you so much for keeping me company� And thank you again for coming on the Ferris wheel; it meant a lot to me."

"It was my pleasure, Josie." And then with a sheepish grin he said, "And believe it or not, I actually sort of enjoyed it! Although a lot of that had to do with you keeping my fear at bay, so thank you for that."

Josie rolled her eyes and smiled. "You don't have to pretend you enjoyed it for my sake."

But Sam was full of sincerity. "I'm not pretending Josie. I really did enjoy it!" Of course, she wouldn't know that it was because of how good it had felt to have her hand on his arm and her leg pressed up against his�that certainly was enough of a distraction to keep his mind of his fear of heights. He stepped closer to Josie and then, looking deeply into her eyes, he whispered, "I would never lie to you."

Josie suddenly felt nauseous, as she realized that she was lying to him. Lying about who she was and why she was at South Glen South. In her whole life she had never felt as low as she did at this very moment. She wished she could to tell Sam the truth about everything�about her age and about who she was, but she knew she couldn't and it was killing her inside.

Noticing her faraway look Sam asked, "Hey, are you okay, Josie?"

Josie nodded. "Yes." But she sighed again. She glanced up to Sam and their eyes locked for a moment. They both knew, even if they didn't want to admit it, that things between them were forever changed. They were no longer Mr. Coulson, English teacher, and Josie Geller, student; they were Sam and Josie� two people who were falling in love.

"So, should I walk you to your car, Josie?" Sam asked, not wanting Josie to walk around alone in the darkness.

"No, that's okay. I actually came here with my�" Josie caught herself about to say 'brother', "�my friend Rob," she quickly corrected. "I'm sure he's around somewhere." And then peeking over Sam's shoulder said, "Besides, your friends are waiting for you."

Sam couldn't help but be a little disappointed. "Oh�yeah, right�but only if you're sure, Josie. I'm sure they wouldn't mind waiting�"

Josie nodded. "I'm sure," she replied.

Sam sighed again and then looked down and saw that Josie had set her teddy bear on the ground. He grabbed it, brushed it off, and turned to her, holding it out. "Hey, don't forget this." Sam handed the teddy back to Josie, and she snuggled it close to her with a smile. "You know, it took great skill and effort to win that bear. I'm leaving it up to you to take care of him, okay?"

Josie grinned at his teasing tone. "You can count on me."

Sam glanced down to the teddy bear, then back up to Josie's smiling face and smiled himself. "So, what are you going to name him?"

Josie already had named him, but she wasn't about to tell Sam that. "I'm sure I'll think of something."

"Okay. Well�goodnight, Josie," he said hesitantly and then placed his left hand on her right shoulder and gently squeezed it, smiling at her.

"Good night, Mr. Coulson." They looked at each other one last time and then Josie turned and weaved her way through the crowd as Sam stood watching her.

Matt's wife Michelle watched Sam's face as he watched Josie disappear into the crowd. He actually looked sad, but not the kind of sad that she was used to seeing him�meaning the sad she usually equated with Lara. This was different�almost as if he were already missing that girl, Josie, and she wasn't even gone yet. Considering that Josie also seemed enamored with Sam, she thought this was an interesting turn of events. Still, she was not yet ready to jump to any conclusions. No, she figured she'd just sit back and wait, because if her instincts were correct, she figured she'd be seeing that expression on Sam's face a lot more often�

Josie clutched the teddy close to her and then she held it up and looking at it said, "So, what are we going to name you?" She paused for a moment and then smiling said, "I totally agree with you. Sam it is!" She held the teddy close to her again, wrapping her arms tightly around it. Suddenly, out of the corner of her eye, she saw Rob, who had joined in with Tommy, Guy, Jason and now Brett as they ran around wreaking havoc on the unsuspecting crowd. Josie just rolled her eyes at them. "Boys."

Josie shouted out to Rob as he ran by. "Hey�Rob!"

Rob stopped in his tracks and turned to see who was calling him, and then smiled cockily when he saw Josie standing there waiting for him, almost in the same spot where he'd left her two hours before. Ambling over, he held out the cream pie in his hand like a waiter offering desert and asked, "Would the madame like some cream pie with her moose?" Then he wiggled his eyebrows like Groucho Marx, amused by his own pun.

Josie slapped Rob on the arm and laughed. "It's a bear, you ninny, not a moose!"

"Yeah? Well it's big enough to be a moose! How'd you get that thing, anyway?" Rob asked, pulling the bear away from Josie's chest long enough to see its face.

"Oh, I got it at the duck target booth," Josie said, but did not elaborate.

Rob gave her a look that said he wasn't buying her explanation. "Oh, yeah, right�Come on, Jos�You couldn't even hit me with a squirt gun when we were kids�even when I was standing still! And you want me to believe you shot down all those ducks? Yeah, right, tell me another one�got any bridges to sell?"

Josie blushed a little, and admitted, "Actually, I only hit six of them�"

Rob gave Josie an 'I told you so' look.

Then Josie continued, "Someone won it for me."

Rob's eyebrows shot up at this news. Surprised, he said, "Really? And who might that be, Miss Secret Rendezvous?"

Josie's blush deepened as she thought of how she and Sam had hidden behind the booth from Ms. Hamilton�that was a rather secret rendezvous, she thought. Josie looked down at the ground and mumbled, "Mr. Coulson."


Josie looked a little exasperated and repeated in a furious whisper, "Mr. Coulson, okay? You know�my English teacher?"

"Ohhhh," Rob teased, "that Mr. Coulson�" nodding sagely, like he knew it all along. After a moment, he continued, "So, how'd you con him into that?"

Josie tried giving Rob the big sister's "I don't want to talk about it" look, but to no avail.

Rob nudged Josie with his elbow and then said in a quiet, conspiratorial voice, "What, did you flutter your eyes and recite Shakespeare to him or something?"

Rob's teasing question hit a little closer to home than Josie liked and it put her on the defensive. She turned on her heel and huffed, stalking off, "All right, that's it! Bambi and I are going home, and we are not going to take you�"

Rob watched Josie's retreating form, dumbfounded for a moment before he realized that Josie was planning on stranding him at the Pier�without Bambi. Dropping the pie tin and hurrying after her, he called out, "Hey, Jos, wait! Wait for me!"

* * *

Once Sam saw that Josie was in the safe company of her friend Rob, he turned and rejoined his friends. "Sorry about that, guys."

"That's okay, Sam." Matt turned to the gang. "So are we off?"

"Where are we going?" Sam asked.

Matt raised his eyebrow and gave Sam a cheeky grin. "We thought we'd go check out Delloser Hall. Since you said Lara hated it so much, that must mean we'll love it!"

Sam rolled his eyes but still cracked a grin despite himself. Michelle went up and entwined her arm through Sam's, pulling him away from the crowd a little bit. "So, you two looked like you were having fun before we interrupted you."

Sam tried to feign an innocent expression. "Yeah, I guess so," Sam put on his best impartial teacher voice and continued, "Actually, the whole night turned out better than expected and I'm sure we raised a lot of money, too."

"Uh-huh." Michelle's woman's intuition was telling her that indeed there might be more going on between he and Josie than Sam was letting on. "And that girl Josie seems really nice."

Sam looked down at Michelle for a moment and then smiled wistfully, looking off in the direction that Josie had gone. "Yeah. She is really nice."

* * *

Josie's bedroom was dimly lit as she snuggled in her bed, her teddy bear sitting on her lap. She kept looking at him, smiling. Her night with Sam kept going over and over in her mind. Sam Coulson was truly incredible and she liked�no, loved spending time with him.

She looked at the teddy and began to talk to it, as if it were her new friend. "You like Mr. Coulson, don't you?" She nodded as if the bear had answered. She went on, "He's so wonderful and so handsome. And he stayed with me the whole night, can you believe it!?" She paused and smiled. "That means more to me than a thousand kisses�not that I wouldn't mind being kissed, especially by him." Josie blushed at the very thought and then said, "Not that that would ever happen. I could never be that lucky�could I?"

Josie sighed briefly and then smiled again. "Oh, and did you see his eyes? Sam�I mean Mr. Coulson�has the most amazing green eyes I've ever seen. Not to mention his adorable chin and his voice�did you notice how sexy it is?" Josie tried to calm herself down. 'Pull it together, Josie. It's not going to happen. It's never going to happen.' Josie pulled the teddy close to her and wrapped her arms around it, holding it close to her chest. Tears began to trickle down her face. She looked at her teddy again and said, "I'm afraid you're the closest that I'm ever going to get to having Sam in my arms. I guess I'll just have to cuddle up next to you�okay?"

Josie reached over and turned off her bedside lamp and then pulled her blankets over her. She snuggled close to her teddy bear and closed her eyes, breathing in deeply. Josie swore that she could still smell just a hint of Sam's aftershave on the bear from when he had held it for her. Josie smiled as the memories of her evening with Sam flooded her mind.

* * *

Sam finally found himself climbing the stairs to his apartment at 1:45 in the morning, after having spent the night with his friends at Delloser Hall. His visit to Delloser was much more enjoyable this time, except for one thing: he hadn't been able to take his mind off Josie the whole night.

Sam pushed his door open, switched on the light, dropped his keys onto the side table and strolled into the living room. He stood for a moment and then made his way into the kitchen to check his messages. Upon seeing the blinking red light, indicating he had a message, he rewound the tape and then pressed play. "Sam, its Lara." Sam cringed at the sound of her voice. "If you're there Sam, pick up!" Her voice paused and then said crossly, "You know how I hate these machines�" She sighed, and then went on, "Listen, Sam� I'm going to a very important Gala dinner in two weeks time and I want you to be there with me. No buts about it this time! This is very important to me and you need to be here. Call me when you get home and we'll discuss the details."

Sam raked both hands through his hair and said, "I don't think so, Lara�not tonight." He shook his head and went to the fridge. He opened it, browsed around, found nothing of interest and then closed it and made his way back into the living room. He grabbed the remote control, fell back into his armchair and proceeded to unceremoniously flip through the channels. He landed on the sports channel and then sat quietly watching a replay of an international soccer match between France and Brazil.

Growing impatient, Sam then got up and wandered aimlessly around his apartment again. He went to his desk, switched on the little green lamp and sat down. He shuffled some papers around and then, leaning back into his chair, he sighed. It wasn't working. Nothing was working. Sam just couldn't seem to take his mind off Josie and the incredible attraction he knew he now had for her. But it wasn't just a physical attraction; Sam knew he had feelings for Josie�deep feelings. Sam closed his eyes and grimaced.

Sam got up out of his chair and approached his bookshelf, pulling out his Shakespeare book. He opened it, unfolded Josie's poem and glanced over her words. Upon reading 'His soul and mine do so entwine,' Sam swallowed hard and abruptly closed the book shut, entrapping Josie's poem inside. He closed his eyes and whispered, "This is not happening," even though he knew it was.

Sam placed the book back onto the shelf and then slowly made his way to his bedroom. Sam decided that maybe all he needed was a good night's sleep and that in morning things would be a lot clearer. 'Maybe it isn't that bad� Maybe I'm just blowing things out of proportion because I'm tired�' he thought.

Sam switched off all the lights in his apartment and went into his bedroom. He pulled his shirt off, which was dirty from where Tommy had hit him with the cream pie, and threw that into his laundry basket. He then went into the bathroom, brushed his teeth, washed his face, and then came back into the bedroom, turning off the bathroom light on his way out of the room. He plopped down on the side of the bed and removed his watch, tossing it lightly onto the bedside table. Then he unzipped his pants, slid them off, and threw them over to land across a chair beside the window. Then, dressed only in his underwear, he slid underneath the covers and reached over to switch off the lamp.

Sam placed his hands behind his head and just looked up at the ceiling, allowing his eyes to adjust to the darkness, as his mind went around and around in circles. All he could see was Josie's beautiful face. Sam smiled as he remembered the way Josie gripped onto his arm to help ease him from his fear of heights. He had images of her hair blowing in the breeze, her beautiful blue eyes gazing at him and he could still smell Josie's sweet floral scent. Indeed, he swore that it still lingered on his body.

Sam shook his head. He had never, ever dreamed that he would have romantic feelings for one of his students, but there was no denying it now. One thing he did know for sure was that these feelings would never, could never lead to anything. He was Josie's teacher and whether he liked it or not, Josie Geller was his 17-year-old student and that was all she could ever be to him. Sam turned over in his bed, closed his eyes and let out a heavy sigh.

* * *

Josie had gone to bed at midnight, but when she stole a peek at the red glare shining from her clock radio it read 2:15am and she was still wide awake. Josie couldn't help but replay her whole evening with Sam over and over again in her mind, which in turn prevented her from falling asleep.

Josie knew that Sam could never look at her as anything other than his student, but every now and then she swore that the way he looked at her proved to the contrary. She felt a kinship with Sam and�dare she think it?� perhaps even a mutual attraction. That thought all both excited and terrified her.

A part of Josie prayed that is could be true and that perhaps that after all was said and done, that something might develop between them. With a rueful shake of her head, Josie came back to reality. "Beautiful Sam Coulson with Josie Grossie? I don't think so," she said softly to herself.

Josie sighed as she rolled over in her bed, so that she was staring out her bedroom window, directly into the night sky. Gazing at the canopy of twinkling stars only reminded her of being up on the Ferris wheel with Sam. After an endless amount of time staring out into the sky, Josie slowly but surely began to fall into a deep sleep�

�"Well all I can tell you is that when you're my age, guys will be lined up around the block for you," Sam said softly with a hint of a smile.

Josie rolled her eyes in disbelief and turned away from Sam with embarrassment. "You have to say that because you're my teacher."

Sam looked intently at Josie for a long moment. Then with his left hand, he reached across, placing two fingers under her chin, and turned her face, so that he could lock eyes with Josie's. Josie breathed deeply as she felt Sam's intense green eyes drawing her in. Speaking quietly he said, "No, Josie. I said that because you are a beautiful woman and any man would be lucky to have you in their life�including me."

A tear trickled down Josie's face. "Really?"

Sam smiled and then with his fingers he traced the tear down her burning cheek. "Really," He whispered as he moved in close to Josie.

Josie and Sam were trapped in their gaze and everything else around them seemed to fade away. The glaring lights and the sounds of screaming people seemed to melt away until Sam and Josie felt they were the only two people left in the world.

Sam caressed Josie's cheek with his fingers and then moving in closer, Sam cupped Josie's face in his hand and gently pressed his lips to hers. His kiss was short but sweet and then he quickly pulled back. Josie simply stared at Sam, in shock at what had just taken place. Sam studied her face for a long moment, and then becoming worried, said with a self-conscious laugh, "Say something, Josie."

Josie simply smiled and raised her right hand to touch Sam's face. She loved the way his masculine skin felt against her hand; the smoothness of it coupled with the slight prickling of his facial hair. She brushed her fingers lightly over his lips and then moved her fingers down to his chin, drawing a little circle around his cleft. Then she whispered, looking back up into his incredible eyes, "Do that again."

Sam smiled and in response, he wrapped his right arm around her shoulders, pulling her close to him, and with his left hand, he gently caressed her face, pulling Josie into another kiss.

Josie placed both her arms up and around Sam's neck and pulled him closer as they continued to kiss passionately. Josie relished in the wetness of Sam's lips and as their kiss deepened, Josie let out an excited gasp when she felt Sam's tongue touch hers. Josie had never been kissed before and she never knew a man's lips could be so soft and a kiss so sensuous. This was sheer heaven and Josie never wanted it to end.

Suddenly, as if a loud speaker had been turned on Josie heard a gruff voice say, "Geller! Get back to work!"

Josie abruptly pulled away from Sam in alarm. "Huh!? Is that you, Gus?"

But Sam did not seem to hear the voice nor seem to notice her talking. Indeed, he seemed oblivious as he buried his face into the left side of her neck continued to kiss her.

Josie's eyes darted around, trying to determine where the voice was coming from. "You heard me, Geller�"

Suddenly Josie opened her eyes and sat upright into her bed with her teddy wrapped tightly in her arms. She looked around and then realized she was all alone in her bedroom. Josie slumped back down deeper into her bedcovers. Josie brushed her fingers across her lips and a slight smile crossed her face, as the images of Sam kissing her were still strong in her mind. This was one dream that she wished were real�but she knew it wasn't. She sighed heavily and then whispered sadly, "It was just a dream� It was just a beautiful dream."

* * *

After several hours of tossing and turning Sam was still unable to sleep. He sat up, glanced over to the clock, which read 3:47am, and sighed. He was mentally and physically exhausted. He just couldn't get Josie out of his head. "Arrghhh!" he cried out in frustration, and then slumped back into his bed, covering his head with his pillow.

After another hour of battling with his common sense, Sam started to slowly drift into a deep sleep�

�Sam was busily correcting his student's work at his desk, when he felt a pair of hands wrap around his eyes from behind. "Hey!" he said, surprised.

"Guess who?" a soft voice whispered past his ear.

Sam didn't have to guess. He knew it was Josie; her wonderful perfume enveloped all his senses. He placed his hands over Josie's and gently caressed her soft hands. "Let me guess. Hmmm�is it Ms. Knox?"

"No." She said softly. "I'll give you a clue. It's your favorite student."

"Ohhh, It's Tommy�right?" he said jokingly.

Josie giggled. "No! Don't be silly."

Sam smiled. "Sorry. Okay�okay, you said my favorite student. Hmmm�then, it could only be Josie."

Josie pulled her hands away from his eyes and Sam turned and looked up to see Josie standing by, smiling at him. Josie was wearing pair of tight blue jeans, with a pale pink button-down shirt, which was just tight enough to accentuate her voluptuous curves. Sam swallowed hard and smiled. "What are you doing here, Josie? It's late."

"I was hoping that I could go over one of my essays with you. I'm having trouble with one section and I wanted your opinion�if that's okay?"

Sam smiled. "Sure, Josie. Pull over a chair."

Josie smiled and then pulled the chair by the door over and pushed it right up against Sam's chair. She sat down next to him. They both turned and smiled to each other. Sam cleared his throat. "So what's the problem?" he said, while resting his elbows on his desk and holding his head in his hands, gazing at her.

Josie pulled out her essay and placed it on the desk in front of them. "Right here." Josie pointed to a section in her essay. "Does this sound right to you? I keep changing the words around, but it never seems to come out the way I want it to."

Sam glanced down to her paper and read the paragraph she had pointed out. "It sounds fine, Josie; in fact, you write beautifully." They looked into each other's eyes and Sam said softly, "I don't think I can improve on something that is already perfect."

Josie blushed. "You think it's perfect?"

"It's perfect," he whispered.

Sam eyes traveled around Josie's face. He was in awe of her beauty. Her skin looked so soft that Sam itched to touch it. They were lost in each other's eyes when suddenly, becoming nervous, Sam dropped his pen and it landed on the floor between them. Both Sam and Josie bent down to retrieve it, bumping their heads together in the process.

"Ouch." Josie whimpered.

"I'm so sorry, Josie." Sam's hand instinctively went to Josie's forehead and he gently rubbed his fingers across it, soothing the pain away. He spoke softly. "Does that feel better?"

A smile crept across Josie's face and she nodded while whispering, "Yes."

Their eyes remained locked and then without even thinking Sam leaned over and pressed his lips to her forehead, softly kissing the spot where their heads had collided. Josie closed her eyes in pleasure and let out a gentle sigh. Josie then opened her eyes, allowing them to connect to Sam's again and then Sam cupped Josie's face in both his hands, entwining his fingers through her golden hair and leaned in, pressing his lips against Josie's, kissing her softly but passionately. Their kiss was unlike anything Sam had ever felt before, so soft and warm and wonderful. Then Sam pulled back, splaying his hands softly over her burning cheeks. They both breathed deeply. "I'm so sorry, Josie. I don't know what came over me."

Before Sam could remove his hands from her face, Josie placed her right hand around his left wrist and gently squeezed it. "I'm not sorry."

Sam let a tentative smile escape. "Really?"

"Really." She said as she moved in close to Sam again. Josie wrapped her left arm around his neck and drawing her face closer to him, whispered, "I'm not sorry at all." Sam leaned in close and their lips brushed lightly together. He pulled back slightly, allowing his left thumb to gently caress Josie's lips, feeling their silky softness. Gazing deeply into her eyes, Sam whispered, "Are you sure, Josie?"

In response, Josie opened her lips and traced her tongue along the soft pad of his thumb. Sam hissed in pleasure. Then, smiling she said, "I'm sure�"

Sam pressed his forehead against hers for a moment and then he placed his right hand at the nape of her neck and wrapped his left arm around Josie's waist pulling her close to him so that his knees were straddling hers and then he kissed her again.

Josie's lips were so soft, and her kiss so sensuous that Sam moaned aloud against her mouth. Josie placed her right arm around Sam's neck and pulled him close to her. Their kiss continued to deepen until Sam pulled back. "This is wrong, Josie. We can't do this," he said breathlessly.

Josie murmured, "It doesn't feel wrong..." Then she slowly stood up from her chair, turned, and lowered herself down onto Sam, sitting across his lap. She wrapped both her arms around his neck and then, gazing deeply into his eyes said, "Does this feel wrong to you?"

Sam couldn't deny the truth in her words. He shook his head. "No, it doesn't feel wrong� It feels amazingly right." Sam wrapped both his arms around her waist, dug his fingers into the folds of her shirt, and buried his face into the right side of her neck, kissing and nuzzlling it. Josie smiled and in response she bent her head down, kissing Sam along his cheek and jaw line. Then she scraped her teeth along his ear and then began to suck on Sam's left earlobe while running her fingers enticingly through his hair. Sam smiled in Josie neck as he continued to trace his tongue along the hollow at the base of her neck.

Sam could feel the passion intensifying between them. He ran his hands anxiously up and down Josie's back while he continued his assault on her neck and then suddenly becoming impatient; he entangled his hands through her hair and gently pushed her head away from his ear and pulled her down, pressing his lips hard against hers. Sam delved into Josie mouth again and again, savoring her taste, exploring her mouth as his tongue intermingled with Josie's.

Sam and Josie could no longer deny their incredible attraction to each other. It was as if with each kiss, each touch and every breath, a flame ignited inside their bodies, burning into a bright inferno. Sam was at the point of no return and he wanted Josie�no, he needed her. He pulled his lips away from Josie, both of them panting in anticipation. He gazed into her magnificent eyes and breathing deeply said, "I think maybe I..." Sam swallowed, knowing he just couldn't get those three words out. Instead he said, "God! I want to make love to you, Josie. I want to be with you so much!"

Josie smiled, and then leaned in to kiss him again. Breaking away she said, "I want to be with you too, Sam. More than anything in the world." Sam covered Josie's mouth with his lips again and then placed his left arm under Josie's legs and with his right he pulled her close to him and then slowly stood up, cradling Josie in his embrace and moved, resting her on top of his desk. Josie parted her legs so that Sam could stand between them, pressed right up against her.

While still kissing her, Sam's hands moved to the front of her shirt and began to unbutton the first couple of buttons. He pulled her shirt slightly to the side to reveal her soft, milky white skin and then he buried his face into the side of her neck as he continued kissing and licking her there. Josie slid her hands up and down Sam's back, moaning in pleasure. "Oh, Sam�." she breathed.

He smiled at the husky sound of her voice and lifted his head to gaze into her eyes again. Suddenly, from the corner of his eye, he noticed a movement from over Josie's shoulder and gasped. At first, he pulled Josie toward him as if he could somehow shield and protect her, but when his eyes focused on the room's other occupant, he pushed Josie away from him in shock.

Right in front of him, sitting at the desk usually occupied by Josie, with her legs crossed and busily filing her nails, was Lara. She looked up at Sam and quite casually said, "What exactly do you think you're doing to that girl, Sam?" Sam was in a fluster looking back and forth from Josie to Lara. Just then the school bell started to ring�

Sam continued to hear the ringing in his ear. Suddenly Sam opened his eyes, reached over with his right arm and slammed his hand down on the snooze button of his alarm clock. He closed his eyes again and then slowly opened them to find that he was lying in a pool of sweat. He sat up in his bed, ran his hands through his hair and when the realization of what he had been dreaming about hit him, he said aloud, "Oh my God! You are in big, big trouble Sam Coulson!"

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To be continued...

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