Detour, Part 3: The Surprise
By Sandra

Date Posted: July 11, 2000

Disclaimer: I do not own any of these characters, I only use them to entertain fellow NBK fans…

Note: Special thanks to Patrizia, for giving me the surprise idea, and to Shelle for all the hard work she's done. I'm VERY sorry for the long delay. School (final exams and projects) and work just sucked up all the time I had these past few weeks. Anyway, here's the story, and feel free to write any comments on the message board or email me at [email protected], thanks!

Click here to hear "I Want To Spend My Lifetime Loving You" by Marc Anthony

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Josie was in her usual front row seat of Sam's English Lit class. It was a hot day; Chicago was in the middle of a heat wave. Josie was listening and watching Sam recite a few lines of a poem when suddenly they made major eye contact, unlike they'd ever made before in class. Luckily the class was more interested in their cool drinks to quench their thirst than in the hot looks they two of them were giving each other. But it was evident that Sam and Josie's attraction was profoundly growing in the classroom. It was as if the heat was making their longing for each other more intense.

Josie was wearing a tank top with a floral skirt and sandals and Sam a light button-down tan shirt with a pair of jeans. Both of their faces were shining from the heat.

Suddenly, Josie had the urge to do something. Before she could stop herself, she stood up, still maintaining the eye contact with Sam, stalked right up to him, yanked his book away, tossing it aside, and grabbed both lapels of his shirt to pull him up against her. It seemed as if Sam knew what she was thinking because he took her in his arms and thoroughly kissed her. Both of them ignored the class, and, amazingly, it seemed as if the class was ignoring their little spectacle.

There was no need for words at that moment, because no words could explain the emotions and actions that were running through both of them. After a few moments more of incredibly passionate kisses, Josie backed off a bit. But to Sam's surprise, it was only to shove everything that was on Sam's desk unceremoniously onto the floor. Smiling at her antics, Sam lifted Josie in his arms and laid her across his desk and then lay down beside her. Both of them knew that there was no stopping them this time. This time they would continue to do what they had been longing to do for the longest time…

* * *

Sam was mesmerized at the sight of Josie sleeping. He felt it was one of the most heartwarming sights he'd ever seen. She was nestled in his arms and turned toward him, obviously dreaming…and from the smile on her face, he'd bet it was a dream about them. He softly brushed a lock of her golden hair away from her eyes and smiled, knowing this action would not wake her. Josie was not exactly a morning person, and after what they did last night, she was probably pretty tired. Sam smirked as he looked around the bedroom. Their still-damp clothes were strewn all over the room, leftover from their passionate encounter last night.

Sam continued watching Josie sleep for about five minutes, thinking about how much this woman had completely changed his life. He was more certain of what he wanted in life now that she was with him than he ever had been before. Ever since that night at the baseball field, he felt more secure of what he wanted, and wasn't afraid of anything because he had his whole world to share with Josie.

Suddenly, while Sam was in mid-thought, Josie began to awaken. She woke up with a huge smile on her face. "Hey you," she whispered as she did a little cat stretch in his arms.

"Good morning, hon," Sam replied, dropping a kiss on the end of her nose. Then he asked with a grin, "Why are you so happy this morning?" Curiosity was now consuming his train of thought.

"I just had a wonderful dream," Josie replied, responding to Sam's smile. "I know they only last like 2 minutes, but I have to say it was one of the best dreams that I've ever had," Josie admitted.

"What was it about? If you don't mind telling me, that is," Sam said.

"Of course I don't mind… You were in it," Josie snuggled up against him more, beginning to rub his neck softly with her fingers. Sam responded by running his right hand along her side and Josie sighed happily. "We were back in school again. I was still your student. It was this really hot day and it just seemed that the heat made it impossible for me to hide how I felt about you anymore. So I walked up to you, ripped the book out of your hand and started kissing you, right there in front of everybody."

Sam replied with a smirk, "Gives a whole new meaning to 'sharing with the class…'"

Josie smiled, but then blushed a little as she confessed the rest of the dream. "After that, we…well…you know…right there on your desk."

Sam turned on his side to fully face Josie, sending her a smile that was just as great than the one she had on her face. After a moment, he admitted, "I had a dream like that before as well. Honestly, it was when you actually were my student, though. And my dream was just about us kissing, but you were sitting on my desk while we kissed. I don't think I'll ever forget it, because it shocked the heck out of me. That was really my first inkling that I had it bad for you." With a rueful chuckle, he said, "It was torture going into that classroom day after day and seeing you and that desk, because I just couldn't keep the image of us kissing on that desk out of my mind…"

"No way!" she exclaimed incredulously, still stunned after all this time that someone as wonderful as Sam was in love with her.

"Yes way! I'm serious," he countered "Actually, right before you woke up, I was watching you sleep and thinking about the dream I had last night."

"Really? What about?" Josie asked, propping herself up on her elbow and giving Sam her full attention.

"Well, it was summer, and we were in Grant Park for a lazy afternoon. But we weren't alone. We were parents to the most adorable baby girl…she had blond curls, big chubby cheeks, and, of course, your beautiful, soulful eyes. We were laying down on the grass admiring and playing with the baby."

Josie's breath caught in her chest just thinking of something that wonderful becoming reality. "Wow, Sam. That would be absolute heaven. I only hope that dream is a foreshadowing of our future. I love you," Josie responded, sliding her hand into Sam's hair at the back of his neck and massaging gently. They stared at each other for a while, and then Sam leaned in close to kiss her.

"I love you Josie, and I, too, hope that dream will be a reality one day," he said just before their lips touched for a soft, soulful kiss.

They stayed in bed for a few minutes longer, just cuddling with each other. She was lying slightly on top of him with her head on Sam's shoulder when he suggested, "How about we have some breakfast? I'll prepare the food."

"Mmm," Josie purred, "that sounds great, Sam. But I really feel like taking a dip in the lake…this time without being forcefully pulled in," Josie joked then continued, "Don't get me wrong…last night was wonderful, perhaps one of the best nights I've ever had. I just want to be in there one more time. Care to join me?" she asked.

"Hmm…let's see. I think I could fit that in my schedule," he laughed.

"Okay then, let's go!" Josie exclaimed, jumping out of bed and running into the bathroom to put on her bikini.

Sam simply stared after her, smiling as he realized she was beginning to be comfortable about him seeing her naked in the light of day. Once she'd closed the door to the bathroom, he got up and searched for his swim trunks. He had just slipped them on when Josie emerged wearing her pink, white-trim bikini. Sam felt his mouth drop open and had to make a concerted effort to close it again. She had her hair fixed into a ponytail, only leaving a few tendrils out of place to hang around her face. She looked adorable.

"Ready to go, Sam?" she asked and held out a hand.

"Yeah, lets go," he responded as he placed his hand in hers only to grab her from behind, hugging and walking behind her at the same time. They walked out the back door towards the lake that was only a few feet away. When they were only steps away from the shore, Sam swooped Josie up into his arms and carried her into the water, much the way he'd carried her out last night.

When they were about a waist-deep into the water, Sam let Josie down. She turned toward him and put her arms around his neck, pulling him close. She kissed him and afterward said, "Thanks for the ride."

"The pleasure was all mine," he responded and kissed her again, this time for a little while longer. Afterward, they both smiled and laid their foreheads against each other's staring deep into each other's eyes and into their future.

* * *

After taking a dip in the lake for about a half-hour, Sam and Josie decided that it was time to eat breakfast. While Sam made breakfast, Josie took a shower. He prepared fruit salad, bagels with cream cheese, and the coffee. They both felt that a light breakfast was appropriate, considering the huge dinner they would be in for at Sam's parents' house later on that night.

It was 9a.m. when Josie reappeared from the shower. She was dressed in a pair of black capri pants, red v-neck shirt, and a pair of slinky sandals. She walked into the kitchen and automatically smelled the coffee brewing on the counter. She told Sam that she would set everything up while he took a shower. Sam agreed, and she headed to search for mugs, forks, bowls, and napkins.

After she had set everything up and placed everything on the dining table, Sam emerged from the direction of the bathroom. His hair was damp and sticking up in every which way possible from being vigorously dried with a towel. He was wearing khaki dockers, a plaid blue quicksilver beach shirt, and a pair of thong sandals.

Josie walked over to Sam with a huge grin and slicked his hair down with both hands, and then wrapped her arms around his neck to give him a quick kiss. Then, letting go, she gestured toward the set table.

Sam sat down next to Josie. They talked and had breakfast. He gave her the "low-down" on his family, so that she would be prepared with what to expect later on that night.

"I can't believe we're leaving this place already. I love it here," Josie sighed sadly.

"I know what you mean. Every time I leave this house, I feel that way. Some of my best memories are from this place," Sam commented and continued with a grin, "I remember once my sister and I went to explore the woods just north of here and ended up getting lost. We screamed at the top of our lungs for someone to help us find our way to the house, but no one heard us. We ended up making our way to a dirt road, which turned out to be our driveway, and we 'hitchhiked' our way home. A neighbor who shares the same driveway was driving home at that time and dropped us off here."

"Wow. How old were you two?" she asked.

"Well I was I think 8 or 9 and she was 11 or so," he responded. "I guess that was our dumb phase." He smiled at her and then took a bite out of his blueberry bagel.

Once they'd finished breakfast, they decided to get their things ready to go. They both cleared up the table and cleaned the kitchen. When that was done, Josie went to the bedroom to pack and rearrange the room.

She laughed to herself as she saw all their damp clothes from the night before lying strewn all over the bedroom. As she picked up some of the clothes, she remembered last night and how wonderful it was in vivid detail and sighed blissfully. As she picked up her damp dress that had been draped on a chair, she noticed a card propped up on the table beside it. Curious, she plopped her handful of soggy clothes on the chair and picked up the card.

Josie opened the card, which read: "This is when I first realized I was in love with you." A picture fluttered out onto the table; it was the picture that was taken of them when they were painting the prom backdrop. Josie felt herself tearing up at the incredibly sweet gesture. "Oh, Sam…" she said, mostly to herself, as she touched his smiling face in the picture.

Turning the card over, she saw that he'd written more on the back. It was a clue that read, "I hope to always be in your dreams…" Josie realized almost immediately whatever she'd be looking for next must be somewhere around her bed. Sure enough, under her pillow she found another card. This one read: "You will always be my Queen," and inside was a perfectly preserved rose pressed between two sheets of tissue paper. She wondered about the rose and how that represented that she was his queen. And then suddenly the connection came to her. 'I was Prom Queen,' she thought, and then realized that the rose must've been from the rose bouquet she received from Sam when he'd crowned her Prom Queen.

Suddenly she remembered to turn the card over and sure enough, there was another message. This time the card read: "I'm amazed every time I see my love reflected in your incredible eyes." Josie read the clue a second time, confused. What was she looking for? After a moment's contemplation, a word in the sentence jumped out at her: reflected…

Smiling, she headed off toward the bathroom. There it was, another card taped to the mirror. She noticed that on the counter next to the card was a newspaper, and it looked as if at one point it had been crumpled. But this was not just any newspaper…it was her "Never Been Kissed" article. Curious, she read the card. It said, "My heart pounded and my soul flew the moment I realized you loved me, too…" She quickly turned the card over. This clue read, "Let's sit and watch the world go by together…" Instantly, she thought of the hanging swing on the front porch and hurried out to the front door.

Josie headed to the front door. On the swing's seat cushion was another card. This one said, "Wrapped in moonbeams, you glowed more brightly than any star in the heavens…" Inside was a small patch of material from the quilt that they'd laid on the night they made love for the very first time. She'd recognize it anywhere, because she'd specifically commented on the beauty of the homemade blanket.

'God,' Josie thought, 'Sam is incredible…' realizing that this had been the surprise he'd been teasing her about. She began to wonder where all this was leading, and what he had up his sleeve next. She flipped the card to read the back, which said, "Never fear, I will always be with you. So step boldly, if you dare, into our future… 250 steps, to be exact."

From that point, she stood up straight and proceeded to walk straight into the woods counting "1, 2, 3…" and so on as she went.

Once she got to about 150 there was no need to count anymore, because in the shrubby distance she could see Sam standing there waiting for her. His expectant grin looked awfully cute. She ran a bit toward him, happiness filled her completely. She just wanted to get to him and kiss him, a scene reminiscent of the one on the baseball field that only took place a few months ago.

As she approached him the look on his face was just of pure joy to see her there, knowing she had found all his gifts and clues in order for her to find him. But there was also something different about this look. He seemed nervous about something, although Josie didn't know what he could possibly be nervous about.

As she reached Sam, she wrapped her arms around him and without any words being spoken, she kissed him. The world instantly dissolved, just like it had that night on the baseball field. Of course, this time all they had to ignore was the birds chirping in the woods, but not even that could break the bond that they were creating at that moment. After a several minutes of non-stop kissing, they pulled back, looking deep into each other's eyes.

Josie's eyes glistened with unshed tears as she spoke. "I can't believe you did this! Sam Coulson, you are the sweetest most lovable person on the face of the earth! And this was absolutely the most romantic thing anyone has ever done for me. Not that I'm complaining or anything, because I totally loved it, but why did you do all this?"

Sam gently released his hold on her and lowered her hands down to her sides. When he let go of her hands, Josie could tell that his palms were soft and sweaty. He shrugged a little self-consciously and explained, "I was in the mood to do something sweet for you, and I wanted you to know just how much you being in my life means to me."

"But…all those keepsakes…you really saved all those things for me?" A fat tear trickled out from the corner of Josie's right eye.

"Yes, I did. I knew from the moment I met you that you were special, and that you always would be special to me. All these little relationship collectibles belong in your new hope chest… the one that will be waiting for you as soon as you get home. But that's not the only thing I want to do right now."

"What do you mean, Sam?" she asked shakily. 'Could it really be?' Josie asked herself in wonder.

"I mean this," he said, bending down onto one knee and holding her hands in his. "Josie, I love you with all my heart. I know we've only known each other a few months and been together even less, but I know without a doubt that you are the only person that I'm meant to be with. I want to spend my lifetime loving you."

Josie's heart was racing. She remembered in a flash her conversation with Anita and Cynthia in the lunchroom that day in March, and how she told them she wasn't going to kiss a bunch of losers just to get to the man of her dreams. That prophecy had certainly come true. Was it possible that the whole fairy tale could come true? Josie held her breath, praying, hoping.

Sam reached down into his pants pocket and pulled out a small velvet box. As he opened it and held the open box up to her, she gasped. Inside was the most gorgeous ring: it had a beautiful oval shaped emerald bezel set in the center with ornate designs along either side of it, something specially designed to be reminiscent of something that would have been worn in Shakespeare's time. Josie looked down at it with tears in her eyes and then at Sam, her eyes questioning.

Sam answered, "I hope you don't mind that it's not a diamond, but in the days of Shakespeare, they didn't have them… Besides, the emerald matches your eyes. That's why I chose it," he explained with a nervous smile. Sam continued, saying, "Josie, will you marry me?"

"Yes!" but she couldn't say more…she was beyond speech, she was so happy. She looked into Sam's eyes, and saw they were also teary. Her heart was overflowing with emotion.

Smiling, Sam stood up and removed the ring from its box and snapped the lid shut. He slipped the ring on Josie's finger; it was a perfect fit. He then looked deeply into her eyes and said, "I love you, Josie," while gently wiping one of her tears away.

She giggled a bit and looked into the eyes of her future husband, then softly said, "I love you, too." Ignoring the rest of the world, they kissed for the first time as an engaged couple.

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To Be Continued

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