Detour, Part 4
By Sandra

Date Posted: October 16, 2000

Disclaimer: I own none of these characters, la dee dah…I'm just using them for bringing a bit of happiness to those who love and adore this movie and its characters.

Note: Remember Josie and Sam are now engaged. Yay!!! Sorry again for the long delay, but just because you've waited so long, I've combined 3 stories into one long one. If you would like to respond, please do so on the Message Board or e-mail me at [email protected] .

Click here to hear "Crash Into Me" by the Dave Matthews Band

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After a full day alone at the house as an engaged couple, Josie and Sam packed up everything and cleaned up the house a bit. On Labor Day morning, they finally left for Racine. Josie was feeling a bit more nervous than before since she was not going as Sam's girlfriend, but his new fiancée. She has spoken to his parents before, via telephone, particularly his mother, but she's never talked to his father, and they have yet to actually meet her.

Julia, Sam's mother, was particularly fond of Josie just by conversing with her over the phone. Josie had seen pictures of Sam's family, and she knew that they had seen pictures of them, after all, half the nation saw what they had gone through just a few months ago. Just by conversing with Julia, they automatically hit it off. Sam would call his parents every weekend just to see how things were going, and every time he called, Josie spoke to his mother. Julia was even kind enough to send Josie a gift for her birthday a few weeks ago, a collection of poems by various writers. Josie looked very forward to meeting her.

Sam drove down the dirt road driveway and soon after entered the freeway. Josie was so caught up in her sudden engagement that she had yet to notify Rob and Anita. She got out her cell phone and first dialed Rob's cell phone number. He just got the phone, since he got the job at South Glen, he quit working at The Tiki Post, and has been head coaching baseball during the summer league, and has also been appointed the new junior varsity head coach in the fall. Although the school didn't like the idea that he was a fake high school student, they did like the improvements he made on the baseball team, so they decided he should have a permanent place in the school. He even began taking a few summer classes at the community college just to better his chance of "moving out of mom and dad's."

"Who are you calling?" Sam asked.

"I'm calling Rob. He's babysitting my turtles, my apartment, and my new car this weekend. His precious Bambi is in the shop, so he needs something to drive, and I want to make sure he's feeding my darling turtles, and hasn't crashed or decorated my new car. I also want to notify him on the good news," she sent him a smile as she speed-dialed Rob.

The phone must've ringed about 4 times by the time Rob answered. "Hello?" he asked.

"Hey Rob!" Josie exclaimed, she had to, Rob had his Rage Against the Machine CD blaring in Josie's new sleek silver Toyota 4Runner.

"Hi Jos, what's up!?" he asked loudly and then turned down the volume a bit.

"Well everything is going great," she smiled at Sam, "How are my turtles?" Josie asked. Sam held Josie's free left hand in his right, and gently brushed his fingers around her hand, she began doing the same again in his.

"Oh I knew I forgot to do something!" Rob exclaimed, then said, "I'm kidding. I fed them this morning." He was laughing.

"Ha ha, very funny," she sarcastically replied. "No baseball decorations on my car yet?" she just had to ask.

"No, not yet. Josie I'm so glad you traded in your Buick for this bad boy. It drives amazing, and the system in it is dope!" he exclaimed.

*FLASHBACK* The word "dope" immediately reminded her of Delloser Hall, a memory she'd rather not think about.

"Josie, why do you seem so happy today?" Rob asked.

"I have good news Rob," she looked toward Sam, who looked very happy, and said, "Rob, Sam and I are engaged!"

"Josie, that's great news! I'm so happy for you, both of you! You guys are so perfect for each other, it's sickening!" Rob chuckled.

"Thank you, Rob. You're the first to know about this, so don't tell anyone yet!" Josie pleaded.

Sam squeezed Josie's hand a bit and said, "Hey I have an idea! Please pass me the phone Josie, I need to tell Rob something." Josie turned the phone over to Sam. "Rob, hey do you have plans for later on tonight?" Sam asked.

"No, not really. Just to feed Josie's turtles and watch the Braves and Cubs play, that's about it. Why?"

"Hey why don't you come over to my parents' house and chill with us. We're going to have a barbecue and some of my family and friends will be over, we'll be announcing the engagement tonight."

The thought of Rob attending the dinner just lit up Josie's day even more. Rob has always been there for every big event of her life, and now if he were to be at this function, it'd make the day even more special to her.

"That sounds better than what I have planned," the idea of free food, sounded splendid to Rob, and it'd give him a chance to be one of the first people to congratulate Josie and his future brother-in-law. "How do I get to your parents' house?" he asked.

Sam gave him the directions, which weren't at all difficult to follow. He agreed to be there at around five or six in the evening, a few hours after Josie and Sam were going to arrive. Sam promised he wouldn't announce anything until after Rob got there.

* * *

About 15 minutes after Sam and Josie finished telling Rob the news, Sam pulled into a gasoline station, just off the freeway to fill-up the tank. Both Josie and Sam exited the car. She was rather thirsty to she went to buy an iced tea in the vending machine nearby.

Sam was standing next to the car, when Josie arrived. He had put the gas nozzle to automatically give him gasoline. He stared at Josie in awe, not for what she was wearing, although it did make her look very sexy, but because of who she was—the love of his life, his future wife, the woman of his dreams, so many little things made about her made him love her with more depth and passion that he had stored in him.

She walked toward his side of the car, and he held out her hand to reach for her iced tea. He placed it on the top of the car and he then wrapped her in his arms. He looked into her eyes and said, "Mrs. Soon-to-be-Coulson," Josie had a glowing smile on her face at what Sam just said.

"Yes Mr. Coulson?" Josie softly said, as she brushed her hand through his hair and began tickling the hairs the nape of his back, a soothing act he just loved.

"This may seem rather unexpected, but have you ever made a big scene in a public place?" he mischievously asked.

"What are you talking about?" she had no clue what Sam was talking about, but once Sam cleared everything up, she knew exactly what he was talking about.

"I mean this…" he passionately kissed her and pressed her against the car. At first she was in shock of the spectacle they were going to cause, but Sam's sweet kisses made that whole sense of embarrassment go away. She actually felt comfortable at what she was doing.

He traced a hand along her back and down to her buttocks, firmly squeezing her curves, and then lingered his hand back up to her lower back, where he reached a bit under her shirt to brush his fingers along the soft skin on her back. His other hand was doing its work on her neck, pushing her head a bit more towards his with synchronized motion their bodies were making.

She had her arms snug around his neck; their bodies were pressed against one another. Their tongues were tangled in the rhythm of their mouths. She softly moaned, just quiet enough for only Sam to hear.

He so loved to hear how much she was being pleasured. It only made him want her more. If something didn't interrupt them soon they'd be in big trouble.

Just then, they heard the bell ring that another car was pulling up to get gas; they stopped their little spectacle. 'Whew…saved by the bell,' Sam thought as he looked over Josie's shoulder and noticed the gas attendant at the register simply drooling is eyes off at what he had just seen.

Josie did the same and noticed a group of high school kids in a convertible. She heard one of the girls say, "Oh my gosh! I know what they'll be doing tonight!" and they all chuckled because they figured it'd definitely be happening after what they had just witnessed. Another girl said, "Dude! They need to get a room—quickly!" The group of girls giggled a bit more.

Sam and Josie then stared into each other eyes; they each had a huge smile on their face, as well as rosy cheeks. They both laughed a bit at the scene they just caused. It felt a lot like it had that night on the ball field. They knew that other people were watching, but they both felt that time stood still just for them, that at that moment, they were the only two people in focus. "What do you say, let's get going?" Sam said. A bit of Josie's lipstick rubbed onto him again.

"I say that's a plan!" Josie said as she wiped the bit of lipstick away.

Their arms were still wrapped around each other and he softly kissed her, something a bit more tame than what happened just a minute before. His hair was standing up a bit. She no longer had any trace of lipstick on her lips. They kissed again and she retreated toward the other side of the car while he put the gas nozzle back on the pump. He got into his car and they made their way toward their original destination, before taking their magical detour—Racine.

* * *

"Wow! I've never done anything like that!" Josie confessed, giggling.

"Well I had to, I couldn't help myself from doing that after the dream you told me you had last night," Sam confessed. He had his hand resting on Josie's upper leg, his favorite driving position.

"So, I've been thinking, when do you want to get married?" Josie asked.

"How about May or June?"

Josie smiled at that. She seriously didn't like the idea of having a winter wedding in Chicago, the weather would be a great barrier to a perfect wedding, and the idea of a rainy early spring wedding wasn't too pleasant. The idea of an early summer wedding sounded perfect. Perhaps even a year after the infamous first kiss day. "I would like that very much, Sam," Josie said smiling at him.

"Great! The idea of us getting married a year after we first kissed is perfect! And 9 to 10 months is good time to get everything prepared and perfect" Sam took the words right out of Josie's mouth. She sat there staring at him, thinking he was truly amazing.

* * *

They soon pulled into the driveway of the Coulson's home. It was a lovely house. The two-story, ivory color home was on a cul-de-sac. There was a small porch on the doorway, and the second floor had a little balcony. Josie was growing very nervous at the sight of the walkway; she didn't know what Sam's parents would think of her.

"Sam can you do me a huge favor?" Josie asked.

"Sure, what do you need?"

"Well I'd really appreciate it if you don't make the announcement until dinner, or when Rob arrives." Josie asked.

"No problem. I also want everyone there as well. It makes everything even more special," Sam winked at her. "Oh Josie, would you mind hiding your ring until we make the announcement? My family would pick up on it very quickly, which would really give the whole surprise feeling away."

"Oh I totally forgot about that! Thank you," Josie slipped the ring off her finger and gave it to Sam so he could place it in his pocket, since Josie didn't have any pockets on her outfit.

He looked in her eyes and said, "My pleasure," giving her a little peck on the lips.

As soon as they set foot on the walkway toward the door, the front door opened and out popped the family. Sam and Josie were holding hands, when everyone in the house burst out and greeted them. Sam's mother Julia, a woman a bit taller than Josie, was the first to come up to Josie and give her a hug. She had short dirty blond hair that carried a hint of white strands, blue eyes, and looked very young for her age. Sam told Josie that his mom was 56 years old, but she still looked as if she was in her 40's.

"Josie, its great to finally see you with my own eyes! You are such a beautiful young woman!" Julia said as she hugged Josie, and gave her a kiss on the cheek.

"Mrs. Coulson, it's a pleasure finally meeting you!"

"Please, call me Julia," she answered with a dazzling smile on her face.

A few moments later a little toddler ran her way toward Sam, screaming at the top of her lungs, "Uncle Sammy!"

"Emma!" Sam bent down so she could run into his arms. She did so, and when she did they gave each other a tight hug. She gave him a kiss on the cheek, and Sam responded by giving her one back on her nose.

Abby walked out from the house to say hi to Sam and her future sister-in- law. Sam had called Abby up a week ago telling her what he had planned, and she was completely happy for him. She knew that Sam and Josie were meant to be together, and that they would make the loveliest couple, so it was only a matter of time before Sam would pop the question.

Abby first walked toward Sam and Emma, since they were closer to the entryway. He let Emma down so he could give his favorite sibling a hug. "Hi Abby! Where's Bill?" he asked.

"Unfortunately Bill couldn't make the trip. He was ill last week, and is feeling much better now, so he's using today to catch up on research, and a couple of meetings."

"Oh that's unfortunate, Ab," Sam consoled her a bit and picked Emma up again in his arms, then turned to Josie, "Abby, this is my girlfriend Josie."

"Pleasure to meet you, Josie," Abby said as she pulled her in to give her a hug.

"The pleasure is all mine, Abby," Josie answered politely in her ear, loud enough for everyone to hear. "I've wanted to meet you all for the longest time. Sam talks about all of you all the time, and I'm so glad that day has finally come."

"You have no idea how long we've all been wanting to meet you. In all of Sam's phone calls, you're the only thing he talks about," Abby responded with a little laugh and smile.

Julia held Josie's arm and led her inside the house.

"Mom, where's Dad?" Sam asked.

"He's in the backyard starting up the barbecue," she responded.

"Josie, let's go say hi to my Dad." Sam walked toward the back sliding door where on the patio; he could already see his father burning up the wood. He wrapped one arm around Josie and whispered in her ear, "Or shall I say, your future father-in-law?" Josie had to smile at that.

Emma ran toward her uncle and clung to his leg. "Hold me!" she commanded. He adored his niece and would do absolutely anything for her. He grabbed her in his arms and began to tickle her, she was screaming at the top of her lungs with pure joy. Josie realized that Sam was totally right about Emma. She was one of the most beautiful little girls that she'd ever seen. Emma had a head of light brown hair, rosy cheeks, deep blue eyes, and one of the most vibrant smiles she had ever seen on a toddler. She was wearing a lavender sundress, with white sandals. Her hair was a bit curly and neatly clung around her face.

"Emma, I'd like you to meet Josie," Sam pointed Josie out and Emma let out a beaming smile.

"Hi, Emma," Josie said as she smiled and sent her a little wave.

"Uncle Sam, is she my auntie?" Emma was a smart little girl for being only two years old. "Because I really want her to be my auntie. I don't have an auntie." She was right; she didn't have an auntie yet. Neither of Sam's brothers were married, and Abby's husband was an only child.

"Well Emma, if its all right with Josie, I don't see why you can't call her auntie, but you're going to have to ask her first," Sam said.

"Josie, can I call you auntie?" Emma desperately asked.

"Yes Emma, you can call me auntie," Josie playfully responded.

"Yay! I have an auntie now!!!" Emma yelled. Luckily, Sam, Josie, and Emma were in a pretty desolate area of the house. It seemed as if nobody heard. Julia and Abby were in the kitchen, and Sam's father was in the backyard.

"Let's go see grandpa!" Sam mused.

"Uncle Sam, I want Auntie Josie to take me," Emma pleaded, but Sam willingly gave her to Josie. Emma was such a cute little girl. She had light brown hair, blue eyes, and a smile that was just enchanting. Her hair was up in pigtails with soft curls streaming from both sides. She got a hold of Josie and clung onto her. Likewise, Josie gave her a hug as they went outside.

"Dad," Sam said.

His father turned around and said, "Hey, Sam! It's been a while!"

"I know it has, Dad, and I'd like to you meet someone," he turned to Josie and said, "Dad? I'd like you to meet Josie Geller, my girlfriend."

"Why hello, Josie! We've heard so much about you! It's a pleasure to finally meet you!" He extended a hand, but after hearing all about Sam's father, a nice handshake just seemed too miniscule a greeting to Josie. She pulled him in to give him a hug.

"It's so nice to finally meet you and your family, Mr. Coulson," Josie replied.

"Please Josie, none of this 'Mr.' Stuff. You're not one of my students. Please, call me Tim." He sent a warm smile her way, much reminiscent of Sam's crooked smile. Josie could see were Sam got his looks from. His father was still a very handsome man. She could only imagine how Sam would look when he reached his father's age: his looks would not have faded a bit.

"Papa," Emma interrupted. Abby taught Emma to call her grandfather 'papa' instead of 'grandpa' it just sounded so much younger, and Tim preferred to be called so.

"Yes, pumpkin?"

"Josie is my auntie!" she excitedly answered.

"Oh really?" he stared at Sam and Josie, willing to get an answer from either of them. He knew his little pumpkin's mind was full of imagination, so he had to seek the truth.

"Dad," Sam whispered in his ear, "Emma has never had an aunt, and I guess she views Josie as being an aunt, since she's with me. She's too young to understand, so we just let her have her way."

Tim responded with a simple nod, knowing that his son had a keen mind for knowing what was going on with the youth of today, even if Emma was only 2, Sam profoundly understood her. "Yes, she is sweetheart," Jake told Emma and sent Josie a wink and a smile.

* * *

After Josie had let Emma down, she noticed that Emma had dirtied her pants with her shoes, which were dirty from trying to catch butterflies in the garden.

"Oh no. Josie, do you have an extra pair in your duffel bag?" Sam asked.

"Yes, I did bring a skirt just in case something happened," Josie was always prepared for accidents that may come up. She also had another extra outfit in her bag, just in case.

"Great, I'll get the bag from my car in you can change upstairs."

* * *

Sam got Josie's bag and led her upstairs to what was once his bedroom. Once there, she pulled out a floral pink skirt to match with her pink shirt that she was already wearing. Sam was still in the room when she was changing. They've gotten so used to seeing each other in every way possible that a simple change of clothing wasn't a really big deal. On the contrary, for Sam this simple act was something else. He had never brought a girl into his bedroom before. He never could since his younger brother occupied half of it, and he was always home.

"Josie, congratulations, you're the first girl to come into my bedroom, that I know of that is," Sam confessed.

"No way!" Josie said as she pulled up her skirt.

"Honestly, you're the first girl that I brought up, at least. I bet my younger brother brought some while I was at Yale, but you're the first girl I know of." He smiled at that, as did she.

"I believe you," Josie said, and without saying another word, Sam pulled Josie into his arms once again, and kissed her.

After several minutes had passed, Josie reluctantly broke their embrace. "Mmmm. Sam, let's go see if they need any help downstairs. Don't you think they'll be looking for us?" Josie asked.

"You do have a point; we should go downstairs," Sam answered.

"Yes, but let's continue this tonight," Josie smiled into his lips and then kissed him again.

"Definitely," was all Sam could say.

* * *

At around 6 p.m., everything was set up for dinner. Rob had made his way to the house safely and unsurprisingly Casey, Andy, and his girlfriend Camille made their way over as well. Camille was also a friend of Sam's. They all attended high school together. Andy and Camille were just friends but right out of college, things began to heat up between the two. No wedding plans as of yet, but Sam could feel that that possibility would be looming in the near future as well.

Like Josie, Camille was a very intelligent and creative girl as well. She had told her that she attended Ohio State, later transferred to the Academy of Art College in San Francisco, where she and Abby became really good friends. While attending college she began working at a Jessica McClintock boutique. By the time she graduated she was appointed store manager. She was store manager at 24, region manager at 26, and then last year she was transferred back to Chicago where she was supervisor to most of the stores in the Midwest. With her background in fashion, she had also worked in designing some prom gowns, a specialty of the boutique. Camille said that she absolutely loves her job, but would love to design gowns under her own label, particularly wedding dresses.

Dinner went on with everyone talking about things that were going on in their life. Abby spoke about all the mischief Emma had done, she was after all in her 'terrible two's' stage. In one incident she said she wanted to be a rock star, so without Abby noticing, Emma went into Abby's makeup counter and put on every makeup there was on her face. She had put her mascara on her eyebrows, her blush all over her face, and to put it nicely she had created a disaster in Abby's room. Once Emma actually saw herself in the mirror she tried to wipe the makeup off by way of Abby's white robe that was hanging in the bathroom. Abby explained how the makeup would not come off of the robe. There was a huge reddish-brown stain on the lower back of her robe that looked as if she had had an accident of some sort, that Abby was left no choice but to buy a new robe.

Josie was seated next to Sam, and by the time dessert came around it was Sam's turn to talk. Before he got up he reached into his pant pocket and gave Josie her ring back. He sat next to Josie, gently clutching her hand in his. He cleared his throat and stood up. Everyone except Abby and Rob looked at him curiously, they had the biggest smile on their face. "Everyone, I have an announcement to make. Emma really will have an aunt. Josie and I are engaged!"

Julia and Tim rose from their seats in complete and utter happiness for the two of them. She knew that Josie and Sam had a unique chemistry and bond that was just inseparable; nothing could ever come between them. "Congratulations you two!" Julia said as she first hugged Josie while Tim said the same as he hugged his son.

Right after a good round of hugs, the doorbell rang—again. Sam's younger brother Russ came in. He had just arrived from a friend's party, which was on the other side of town. Josie had already met him before. He would often come into Chicago to play hockey with Sam and their mutual friends. He looked a lot like Sam, obviously younger though. "Hi everyone, what seems to be all the fuss?" he immediately asked, then joked, "I'm sure it's my presence."

They all let out a sarcastic laugh, Julia let out the news, "Russ, your brother and Josie are engaged!"

"Oh wow! Congratulations!" he said as he went over to Sam and Josie to give them a congratulatory hug.

"Russ, I'd like you to meet my brother Rob," Josie waved to Rob. She knew that they would have a lot in common—a mutual interest in sports, partying, and mainly in knowing how to have fun.

They both shook hands and first began talking about the engagement, but that topic soon morphed some weird way into sports. Josie knew she just formed a new friendship between the two. Casey made her way into the conversation as well. She was a die-hard baseball fan; her favorite team was the Atlanta Braves, which was also Rob's favorite team. Casey had mentioned to him that she had an extra ticket to the upcoming Cubs game that was right on the first base line—above Braves dugout. She asked him if he wanted to go with her, and he immediately jumped on the chance. He figured if there was a scheduled practice set for that day, he'd cancel or have the assistant coach run things through with the players, after all, its only twice a year that the Braves are in town. There was a "date" set. Who knew if something might grow from that bond?

After everyone was finished eating, Josie, Camille, and Abby helped clear the plates. They were all up for the task of kitchen duty. Emma was off with her Uncle Sam, so who knows what they were up to.

"Josie, I knew Sam was going to propose to you," Abby happily confessed. "Let me see that ring!" The girls oohed and ahhed at Josie's engagement ring saying it was absolutely gorgeous!

"Oh you did, did you?" Josie not-so-curiously asked.

"Yes, Sam called the other day and told me what he had planned for you. Wow that was soooo romantic!" Abby swooned.

"It was. I was totally shocked. I had no clue that he was going to ask me to marry him, and in such a creative way," Josie confessed.

"How'd he propose? Please tell me," Camille begged.

Josie told Camille and Abby how Sam had proposed. They were both jittery with happiness by the time Josie finished telling them the story. By then, they had already cleaned the dinner table and kitchen, and they were just standing around the kitchen island, drinking a soothing cup of coffee.

It was already a bit past 9 p.m. by the time the girls had exited the kitchen area and had gone to the family room, where everyone was sitting. Rob and Casey were deep into conversation, as were Andy, Russ, Sam and Tim. Julia was playing the piano with Emma.

Josie, Camille, and Abby entered the family room. Once Josie got there, Sam stood up. "Josie, are you ready to go?" Sam asked.

"Already? What time is it?" Josie asked.

"It's 9:12. Traffic is going to be horrible going into Chicago," Sam commented.

Rob stood up from where he was, agreeing on Sam's statement, "Sam's got a point. I should get going as well."

"Abby, when is your flight taking off?" Josie asked.

"Tomorrow at 3 p.m."

"I'll call you before you leave, and I got your phone number already Camille, so you should be expecting a call from me soon," Josie said as she first hugged Abby goodbye, then turned to hug Camille. She knew she had formed a nice friendship between them both.

While Sam was saying goodbye from his mother and father, Josie said goodbye to both Casey and Andy. She knew she'd see a lot of them in the near future, especially since Rob and Casey seemed to already form a friendship.

Emma clung to Sam while he said goodbye to the remaining people. Josie and Sam both knew that there was really no need to say goodbye to Russ, since he frequently came into the city for hockey tournaments.

Emma first said goodbye to Josie. She hugged her and gave her a kiss on the cheek. Josie told her that she'd see her soon, but Emma had that sad look on her eyes because she knew she'd be saying goodbye to her Uncle Sam very soon.

Sam gave her a big hug and told her that he'd see her soon as well. He also told her to tell her dad he said hello. "I will," she responded.

Josie and Sam made their way to the porch. "Thank you all so much. We'll visit soon, after all, we're not that far away," Josie said.

"Yeah, thanks a lot! The food was delicious," Rob said.

They all made their way to their cars, respectively. Rob drove Josie's SUV, while Sam and Josie went in Sam's Jetta. They all waved back to Sam's family; they all yelled, "Congratulations!" loud enough for them to hear.

* * *

After about an hour and a half drive, Sam parked the car in front of Josie's apartment. Rob took Josie's car to his parent's house, promising that he'd return it the next morning.

Both Sam and Josie took the bags up to the apartment. Julia even packed up some leftovers for them, so Sam was more than happy to bring them along. Josie climbed up the stairs first into her apartment and had carried her duffel bag directly to her bedroom. Sam carried his bags and placed them in her living room, where he set them beside the sofa. Sam placed the leftovers in the refrigerator. When he shut the door to the refrigerator, he went directly over to Josie's stereo where he popped one of his CD's in, setting it to repeat one of his favorite songs, "Crash Into Me" by the Dave Matthews Band.

Josie was in her bedroom as she heard the music start. It too was one of her favorite songs. She exited her bedroom with a knowing look on her face as she saw Sam standing in the middle of the living room. She went to him, and placed her arms around his neck. He wrapped his arms around her waist, while she rested her head on his shoulder. He greatly enjoyed the sweet smell of her hair, lightly streaming his face. He rubbed his hands gently caressing her back, much like the little spectacle they'd done earlier, only that now they were in the luxury of a private setting. Josie responded with a light wisp of breath on his neck.

They were both very comfortable in each other's arms. The music began culminating to a faster beat, as were Josie and Sam. Their bodies were swaying to the soft, sensual beat of the music. Both of their pulses were racing, and the passion between them was growing. Sam moved his face so that it was right in front of Josie's. She brushed lightly brushed her lips against his, and he did the same to her. They looked deep into each other's eyes, and then both moved in to a deep, passionate kiss, as the music continued…

Touch your lips just so I know
In your eyes, love, it glows so
I'm bare boned and crazy for you
When you come crash into me.

The song ended, but since it was on repeat, and there was no way that Josie and Sam would stop what they were doing, or were about to do.

They both kept moving to the light rhythm of the music, and they began swaying their bodies into Josie's bedroom, it was as if they subconsciously knew where the bedroom was, even though they couldn't see anything, they just had to trust each other. On their way to the bedroom they each took off each other's clothes. Josie unbuttoned Sam's shirt little by little, while Sam worked with getting Josie's shirt off her, then worked on unzipping her skirt. Josie then continued unbuttoning Sam's pants and zipping them off of him—which was a challenge, but they managed to get them off safely. They both smiled at each other when they were left in only their underwear. The song continued…

Oh I watch you there
Through the window and I stare at you
You wear nothing but you wear it so well
Tied up and twisted the way I'd like to be
For you, for me,
Come crash into me.

… They continued as well, and looked very much forward to the loving future they were going to share together.

* * *

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