Cab Ride, Part 9:
By Amanda

Date Posted: May 12, 2001

Amanda's Note: Ok…two more chapters after this one. I really hope you like it. You can send me comments at [email protected].

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"Come on, Josie! It was a simple question!" Anita urged, pulling up the straps to her dress and walking into the kitchen where Josie was cleaning up after her.

"Anita, you are so messy," Josie said, ignoring Anita's comment for what was probably somewhere around the fifth time.

"All right. So, you obviously don't want to tell me. I can take a hint."

"No you can't!" Josie giggled quietly.

"What was that, Miss Geller? Or, should I say, Mrs. Coulson!?"

Josie looked toward Anita and smiled, "You look great!"

Modeling her dress and then touching her hair with a grin she replied, "Do you think Gus'll like it?" Her dress was small and purple without much of a back at all.

Josie put her hands on her hips, "I don't know, he's pretty particular about clothes…and how much of them you wear."

"That's in the office, Josie!" Anita explained.

"Well, what I want to know is what his memos on intraoffice dating are going to read now!"

Anita laughed along with Josie and when things simmered a bit looked at Josie's dress. With the short black dress held up with tiny spaghetti straps and bearing beaded trim, Josie looked amazing. "You look great, too, Jos! Yup, Sam and Gus are two lucky guys."

Josie smiled softly, focusing again on the love of her life, "I just hope he thinks so."

Anita broke a few seconds of content silence when she looked at the clock on Josie's microwave and read, "5:05!"

"Oh my God," Josie mumbled, grabbing her bag, "It takes at least twenty minutes to get to La Fontana from here!"

* * *

Sam sat in his car, waiting for the light to change, more than aware of who was sitting next to him. He wouldn't look in her direction, however, because every time he did he felt suddenly sick.

There were two very uncomfortable thoughts that entered his mind. The first was that he felt as if he was cheating on Josie. He shuddered at the thought and tightened his jaw. What he wouldn't have done to be anywhere but in that car at that moment with this woman…

The second was that something horrible was about to happen.

'I shouldn't have lied to her,' he scolded himself silently. 'Ok…so maybe I didn't really lie to her, but I wasn't honest and that's more than enough reason for her to hate my guts.' Remembering the feeling in his gut as he ran up to Josie on the baseball field only a few days ago made him smile despite himself.

He'd been nervous and happy, embarrassed and excited, confused and worried, all at the same time. He grinned. Sam had wanted to touch or kiss Josie for two months and felt dirty because of it. He'd spent many nights awake contemplating the consequences. Whether the risk would be worth it, whether he'd been right about her feelings for him, what would happen later, what if someone saw, what if he lost her and his job? And so when he'd read her article, there formed a million butterflies in his stomach, and he realized with an even bigger smile that those butterflies had not left. He couldn't wait to see her again and he wished he were sitting next to her instead of Lara.

"As soon as she's out of the way," he murmured aloud accidentally, referring to Lara.

"Did you…say something, Sam?" Lara had heard what he'd said, but she couldn't believe it. How he'd changed! She gazed at him, for the first time in years actually noticing everything about him. She took in the rhythm of his breath; his pale cheeks and his eyes focused firmly on the streetlight in front of the car as she shook his head in reply to her question.

He was gorgeous (despite the fact that he was obviously not happy about being where he was), she thought with bittersweet observation. In fact, she was suddenly finding it rather difficult to find much that wasn't gorgeous about her ex-boyfriend.

Ex-boyfriend…what a horrible situation this was for her. And the worst part was that he seemed happy about it. She felt like Commodore Perry on his mission to open Japan—only instead of opening Japan to trade, she had to open Sam to her.

She sighed and looked out the window to her right. Everything looked like she felt: gloomy. She fanned herself, realizing it was hot in the car. Looking up at Sam, she knew she would do anything not to lose him again. It wasn't so much that she loved him…but that she needed him to feel good about herself. She mentally nodded and decided to carry out her plan. As for whether he would ever be happy with it (if it worked) she didn't consider.

* * *

Gus tapped his hand against the steering wheel of his beloved Lexus with frustration. He'd been stuck in traffic for twenty minutes and he was already ten minutes late to pick Sam up. And then it took another twenty to get to La Fontana where he was supposed to meet Josie and Anita. "How did I get stuck with picking him up, anyway?" he asked himself, before he remembered the reason.

Anita definitely meant trouble for Gus, but he couldn't resist her, as much as he hated to admit it. Her zany personality was so…sexy.

He'd told himself a countless number of times that office and romance don't mix, and now he was going against himself. His biggest fear (and most likely considering Anita) was that she would find someone else in what seemed like only a matter of time. She always had in the past, so why should this be any different? He wasn't even as attractive as the other men Anita usually dated.

Gus' thoughts were interrupted when he realized the traffic wasn't going anywhere. Looking to his right, Gus took the turn closest to him and decided he could figure out how to get to Sam's apartment by combining Josie's directions with his own ingenious mind. Who needed a map?

* * *

Sam was still daydreaming when he realized he wasn't going the right way. When Lara noticed him turning around she got anxious. "What are you doing!?"

"I'm turning around."

"I know that. Why? I want to go to La Fontana," she begged.

"Relax, I just missed the turn." Sam couldn't stand to look at her, but he knew the face she was making. She was mostly likely a vicious red. She always got upset for no reason, he remembered.

Turning back around, Sam couldn't help but wonder where Lara had gotten the idea to go to the La Fontana. La Fontana was a new little Italian restaurant that he'd gone with his parents to when they'd visited last winter. It wasn't as 'classy' as Lara was used to, or as expensive, and it had an extreme amount of character (especially for a new restaurant), which was exactly why Sam found it curious; neither Lara, her friends, or her colleagues had any of the above.

It was now 5:16 as Sam spotted the exit he was supposed to take the first time.

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Gus finally arrived at Sam's apartment at 5:20. However, he was expecting to find a ready Sam there. Sam was nowhere to be found, though, and so he continued on his way alone.

* * *

At 5:32 p.m., Josie and Anita arrived at La Fontana restaurant and were seated immediately at their reserved table. Josie smiled and allowed her eyes to roam over the decorations of the little restaurant. There was so much character, she decided.

About ten minutes later, Gus arrived. Gus, who had expected to find Sam already there and was prepared to lecture him on the pluses of communication, furrowed his brows and asked, "Where's Coulson?"

"Did you forget him?" Anita asked, shaking her head lightheartedly.

"Of course not…he wasn't at his apartment."

Now Josie was worried, "Was there a note on the door, a message…anything?"

"Nah…nice of him, too," he murmured sarcastically.

Josie jumped out of her chair. "What if he's hurt or…or trapped in a well somewhere?"

Anita laughed at her friend and tugged her arm gently. "Sit down Josie, he probably just forgot that Gus was supposed to pick him up."

"You think?" Josie asked, biting her bottom lip.

"I'm sure that's it."

* * *

Ten minutes later, Sam and Lara arrived at La Fontana. Sam was beginning to get nervous once again, seeing the place so full. So many people had been recognizing Josie and him lately that he was extremely worried that he might run into someone who knew him.

Lara, on the other hand, was expecting this. It had been her plan since she'd heard Josie's message on Sam's answering machine, and she was looking everywhere for Josie as soon as they walked in.

When Lara and Sam approached the podium at which the maitre 'd was, Lara demanded to be seated right away.

"You're going to have to wait a while, Ma'am, unless you have reservations."

Lara smiled insincerely, "I really need to be seated."

"The wait will be an hour, is that all right?"

"That's fine, thank you," Sam replied for her, embarrassed by Lara's behavior.

"No!" Lara snapped, "I really can't wait an hour."

The maitre 'd tried to remain patient. "I'm sorry, I'd love to seat you but the tables are full."

Lara looked past her shoulder and spotted two empty tables. "What about those," she said, pointing to them.

"They're held by reservation and are expected very soon."

Lara, becoming impatient, replied, "I can eat quickly."

The maitre 'd glanced uncomfortably at Sam, "I'm very sorry, but there are a lot of people waiting to be seated."

Sam tugged Lara's arm (the most he was willing to touch her) and said as politely as he thought possible, "Yeah, Lara, come on. We can go somewhere else."

Seeing her plan about to be destroyed, Lara was beginning to become even more frustrated and furious. "Please," she said, handing the maitre 'd a one hundred- dollar bill.

"I'm sorry, I can't accept this," she replied, "I can't seat you at this time. If you could just take a—"

"It can't be impossible for you to give us a table. That's all I want. And I'm not leaving until I get it."

Sam rubbed his forehead in attempt to hide his embarrassment and stood silent, unwilling to make more of a scene than was already developing. Everyone was looking at them, which wasn't surprising. Lara was almost yelling her replies by now.

Josie, Anita, and Gus, who were seated near the front of the restaurant, were starting to notice the argument.

"Some people can't even make reservations and get upset because others made them," Anita said referring to Lara's outbreak.

Josie, though, had a sinking feeling in her stomach, and she was beginning to recognize the sharp, sarcastic tone of the woman's voice. It wasn't until the next voice, however, that she knew for certain who was there.

"Let's leave, Lara," Sam urged louder, he was uncomfortable and willing to leave as soon as possible.

Josie stood up from her chair and ran into the lobby of the restaurant, gasping when she saw before her Sam and Lara.

Lara, hearing the gasp, looked over the hostess' shoulder to find Josie, whom she had expected to find, with Anita and Gus standing behind her with wide eyes and open mouths.

Quickly turning back to Sam, who had yet to notice Josie's entrance, Lara threw her arms around his neck and kissed him with more passion than she probably ever had. She was excited and motivated. There wasn't anything in the world that could possibly have been better at that moment than that kiss in front of Josie Geller.

Sam, completely shocked, just stood there for a couple seconds before he realized what was happening. Pushing her off with disgust, he gasped, "Lara! I can't believe you!"

Tears were streaming freely over Josie's cheeks now, and Anita and Gus just stared in panic and surprise at the scene playing out before them.

Lara wiped some excess lipstick from the side of her lips with a finger and glanced once more at Josie before she looked at Sam and wrapped her arm around him. The La Fontana staff was now pushing Lara and Sam out of the restaurant, and as Sam tried to explain and apologize while pushing Lara from him, his eyes caught Josie's and his jaw dropped. "Josie," he gasped, but she just looked away, more hurt than he had ever seen her.

* * *

After staring at nothing for five minutes, Anita's shock began to wear off and she laid a reassuring hand on Josie's shoulder. But Josie didn't move.

"Josie," Anita said softly.

Josie turned around but didn't look at her friend. She was pale and her cheeks were wet from tears that she had shed, but what Anita noticed most were her eyes, shining from unshed sobs and so sad…so lonely.

"Josie, please say something," Anita begged, tears forming at the brims of her eyes.

"I knew no one could ever love me," she said ethereally.

Gus stood behind them in silence. He couldn't decide whether Sam had looked like he was pushing that woman away because he didn't want to be seen kissing in public (which made sense considering Josie), or because he didn't want to kiss her at all.

Josie stood, staring at the floor, her thoughts on what she had just seen and what she didn't want to think about. Sam Coulson, the man who had told her so many times than he loved her and had seemed so sincere had just been caught kissing his ex-girlfriend. She wondered if he had ever even broken up with Lara, and while her heart told her there had to be an explanation, her mind told her that either way he couldn't possibly feel for her what she had felt for him if he had even been seen with Lara so secretly.

Then she pondered his coming to this restaurant…at the same time they were supposed to meet, but with Lara. Had he been trying to tell her something? He must have known she'd be there. Why hadn't he even called to give an excuse? But he hadn't, and while she wondered if he hadn't heard the message she'd left on his machine, it seemed all too unlikely that even if he hadn't he would show up at the right time in the right place like he had…by accident.

The whole situation seemed eerily familiar to her. It was as though it wasn't Sam who had walked through those doors, but Billy Prince. Instead of kissing Lara, he had thrown eggs at her. And suddenly her black dress looked metallic and pink.

* * *

As soon as Sam got outside, he tried to open the door again. Some of the restaurant staff blocked his entrance. "Please, I just need to tell her something…I need to see her for one minute!"

The men pushed Sam, "Hey, Buddy, the only one you're gonna see if you don't leave now is the police."

"Please!" Sam begged, trying to look through the crack in the door the men had left open.

"You better just leave," one said.

"Can you just tell Josie Geller I need to see her? Please?"

"This is your last chance," one man warned.

Sam pushed away from their grip and walked into the direction of his car.

There, Lara stood by the driver's side door, smiling.

"I cannot believe you," he said simply, disgusted and upset.

"Oh come on, Sam. I'm sorry…it just sort of happened. I've been wanting to do that since I saw you this afternoon."

Sam grimaced, "Shut up! I'm more than fed up with you and I suggest you get a cab back to your hotel. I don't want to see you again."

Lara sighed, "Sam…I said I was sorry! Do you think she even cares about you? Do you think she's really never kissed a guy? Are you that stupid? She's never going to stop lying to you, Sam. This is the way it should be: you and me."

Sam stared the droplets of moisture on one of the windows of his car. "Good- bye, Lara."

"Wait!" she said, seeing Sam pushing by her and opening his car door. "How am I supposed to get home? There aren't any cabs! I don't even see a phone booth."

Sam looked back and forth and contemplated whether he should really give a crap. "If I give you a ride to your hotel will you promise never to call me again, or show up or bother me?" he asked, his voice cold.

"Yes," she lied, happy with the way things were headed exactly how she had expected them to. "Please!"

Sam simply got in his car, and Lara ran around and jumped in the other side. "Thank you, Sam."

"What hotel are you staying at?" he asked, his mind not once leaving Josie and how stupid he'd been. How he'd set himself up for this to happen and he knew it.

Lara sighed, "I don't have one."

Sam looked at her in complete disbelief, "Then pick one."

She smiled, "I hate hotels, Sam."

"Well you should have thought about that before, shouldn't you?"

"But we didn't' even get a chance to discuss anything!" she argued.

"There's nothing to discuss. After I drop you off I don't want to see you again for the rest of my lifetime."

"But you promised! Please…I'm sorry about what I did, honey. I won't be any trouble if you could just let me stay with—"

"Don't even think about it!" he interrupted, incredulous that anyone could be so conniving. "And if you don't pick a hotel in the next thirty seconds, I'll pick one for you."

Lara sat back in her seat and pouted. "All right but can't we even talk…you promised me, Sam."

"No way." His head was reeling and his anger for Lara building every second. He knew if she didn't get out of his car soon, he would be tempted to throw her out. "You never wanted to "talk," Lara. You wanted to sabotage my happiness. I don't know for what, but you're still trying to. I've tried to be patient, and I've tried to be nice, but I'm not willing to put up with your shit anymore, Lara. I don't have it in me. I don't want you in my life, and I don't want to ever see you again as long as I live. I just can't stand looking at you anymore, and I don't have a reason to."

Lara sat in silence, open-mouthed at Sam's statement.

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To Be Continued…

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