Cab Ride, Part 8:
The Storm Begins
By Amanda

Date Posted: March 22, 2001

Note: I'll try to keep it short since I realize my last two "notes" have been extremely long. Thanks for the support as my little series begins its end! I'd love to hear what you think…I always appreciate the feedback. Thank you for tuning in and I hope you like it. It's sort of this idea I got and developed upon when I was reading Shelle's first series (The First Week) back in June but since then have been inspired by all the other wonderful writers…just to give some of the credit due.

Click here to hear "Cold As Ice" by Foreigner

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Sam walked into his bedroom and began to unbutton his pants. He had just returned from dropping Josie off at her apartment and knew that the sooner he got to sleep, the sooner he would wake up and see her again.

But as soon as he climbed into bed, an ugly reality hit him at warp speed. As if on queue, thunder roared and lightning flashed outside.



Shivering, he rolled onto his back and pushed the blankets down to his waist. Wiping his eyes as if he were dreaming and it would help wake him up from this nightmare; he stared numbly at the ceiling. His stomach felt queasy, his back stiff.

He'd just spent the most amazing evening with the woman of his dreams and knew he was about to see the woman of his nightmares. He had only hours to prepare. It wasn't that he didn't trust himself…for Sam had no feelings whatsoever for his ex-girlfriend despite rage and a bit of bitterness. But he knew Lara, and he knew she always found a way to get what she wanted—especially with him.

Lying awake in the dark room, Sam gazed out the window at the rain. He focused on a few drops that slid their way down the outside of the glass and he began to wonder what it was that Lara wanted.

He felt like the victim in a horror film, and couldn't help asking himself, "Why me? Why does this have to happen to me?"

As in the worst of nightmares, he realized he wasn't the just victim, but he had put himself in the hands of the villain. He was the one who had agreed to their meeting, after all. He should have known better, and least of all he should have told Josie! How could she ever trust him if she knew he hadn't been completely honest? He considered warning her, before a more idealistic solution came to mind: he would simply call it off.

Walking over to the phone in the dark, he picked it up and dialed Lara's number.

* * *

Lara sighed, hearing the phone ring. Her nerves were on end, and she was trying to get ready for her flight. Letting her answering machine pick up the call, she heard Sam's voice. "Lara, I think I made a mistake. Maybe it's not such a good idea that you come to Chicago. I…I'm with Josie now…and I love her more than anything. It won't change anything for you to come, and I know how you hate Chicago. I don't know if your flight is refundable…but I'll reimburse you if you want. Sorry for the misunderstanding."

Lara pretended not to notice that her heart was racing. She shrugged and said indifferently, "You don't know what you'd miss, Sam." She put down her magazine and grabbed the phone, calling Sam back.

"Hello?" he asked, his voice cracking a bit. He was praying it was Lara on the other end.

She took a deep breath and gushed before he could get anything out, "Hi, Sam. I didn't see your message but the caller ID says you called. I have to go, but I just wanted to tell you I'll be there at 4 and that the flight information I told you before still stands." When she heard him begin to interrupt, she added quickly, "Thank you, Sam," and hung up. Annoyed and frustrated, she picked up her magazine again. Sam called a few more times, but she knew not to pick the phone up.

He couldn't just…call something like this off! Did he think he was in charge of everything now? Was she the only sane person on the planet? She laughed and called the O'Hare airport to make sure she had the right information.

* * *

Sam collapsed back on his bed and rubbed his temple. He could already feel a headache beginning to form. His love for Josie and fear of Lara were causing it, and as they both strengthened, he wondered what he would do.

He examined his choices. He could simply not be home when Lara arrived, he could talk to Lara (but not for too long) and send her on her way without any trouble and keep it from Josie, or he could tell Josie about the meeting and not have to worry about her finding out on her own.

The first choice seemed to be the best (at first), but once he thought about it Sam realized he couldn't just run from his problems. And, knowing Lara, she wouldn't give up.

The second idea seemed easy enough, Sam thought. But he couldn't lie like that to Josie. How could she ever trust him if she knew? And even if she didn't somehow find out, he would always know. Know that he'd lied to her. If he could lie to her, how could he ever be upset if she lied to him? Loving Josie was the best thing that had and could ever happen to Sam, and he wasn't about to give something like that up.

He couldn't wait any longer—she had to know.

* * *

Josie laughed into the phone at Anita's request, "Anita, I can't ask him that!"

Anita smiled. "Come on, Jos! You have to find out somehow, and knowing you…you won't be finding out first hand!"

Josie squealed, "Anita! How would you know, anyway? I don't tell you everything!"

Anita laughed into the phone and after a pause said in a more serious tone, "So, are we still on for dinner with Sam and Gus tonight, Jos?"

"Dinner? Oh, right, right. Sure…but since when is Gus coming?"

"Since tonight!" Anita replied, trying to keep her excitement down to a minimum. "Did you even ask Sam yet?"

Josie smiled at Anita's obvious excitement, "Of course! He said it sounded perfect…or great…or something like that! So, back to Gus: details, details!"

"Well, I figured we could go shopping because I definitely need something to wear! And Gus promised to pick Sam up so we can just meet them there…at La Fontana, at 5:30. It's kind of early but it was the only time I could get reservations."

Josie giggled, knowing she had never heard her friend like this before. "I'll tell Sam later! But I meant, details on you and Gus!"

Anita smiled, "Well, I can't pinpoint right when it started…but it really started at the ball game, with you and Sam…and that kiss!"

Hearing her phone beep, Josie told Anita, "Hey, Anita, I have another call! You can tell me everything tomorrow."

"Maybe, maybe not!"

Switching to her other call Josie was still giggling at Anita when she greeted, "Hi!"

Sam smiled weakly, hearing Josie so happy. He would give or do anything to keep her that way, "Hi, Josie."

"Sam! Hi! Sorry about that, I was talking to Anita about her and Gus!"

"Anita and Gus?" he asked, delaying why he had called.

"Yep! I'll tell you about it when she tells me…if I'm allowed."

Sam found his courage, "Josie? I have to tell you something."

"Ye—es, Sam?" she sputtered, suddenly worried by the tone of his voice.

"I don't know how to…this might sound—"

"Sam? Sam, are you there?"

* * *

Sam took a deep breath. He'd just finished explaining everything, but Josie didn't say a word. After a few moments he realized she wasn't there. But she hadn't hung up, either, he decided: there was no dial tone. After hanging up, he realized the phone lines were dead. Wondering how much of what he'd said she had heard, he walked over to the light switch in the still dark room and discovered the electricity was out, as well.

He spent the next two hours pacing back and forth in the dark, checking the phone for a dial tone every ten minutes.

The time moved on slowly, and it was late, but Sam wasn't tired.

* * *

Lara sat by the window in her apartment and yawned, stretching an arm up over her head. She only had one thing left to do tonight. She picked up the phone and dialed the number to the airport. She was smart enough to realize she didn't need to wait any longer. The longer she waited, the more Sam changed his mind.

"Hello, do you have a flight going to Chicago at 8 a.m.? Yes…7:45's all right."

* * *

Sam had made it his obligation to unpack everything there was to unpack in his apartment that night, checking the dial tone on the phone every ten to fifteen minutes. It was light outside, and the electricity had gone back on an hour ago, but the phone lines intended on ruining him. He was still in his boxers, not yet showered, when he heard an unexpected knock on the door.

He stumbled sleepily to the door and opened it. His mouth dropped open when before him stood his ex-girlfriend glaring at him with amusement through her Versace sunglasses. He looked down at his watch and realized it was 9 a.m. She was seven hours early.

"Hi Sam," she said, pushing her way through the door and into his apartment. She stared at him and eventually broke the uncomfortable silence, "Aren't you going to ask me to sit down?"

Unable to speak, Sam motioned to the couch and, realizing he was half-naked, crossed his arms over his chest nervously. "Wha-what are you doing here?"

Lara smiled and sat down, "I was offered an earlier flight. I called…but no one picked up."

"So you just came anyway?"

"Is that a problem?"

Sam looked down at himself and back up at Lara, "Yeah, it's a problem!"

She laughed, "Sorry, you never seemed to care before."

He murmured under his breath, "I did, I just didn't say anything."

"What did you say?" she asked, as sweetly as she'd ever sounded.

"Nothing. I have to-to—" he motioned to his room and she nodded, but did little to restrain her smile.

As she waited for Sam to get dressed, Lara thought about what she was going to say to him. She wanted him back and would do almost anything it took. It was evident from the way he kept changing his mind that he was afraid of her. But he was still the same Sam Coulson, only more confident, and that meant he might still feel guilty if she could only convince him to. And if that didn't work…there had to be something that would. After all, she'd done it before.

She remembered how he had called her the night of the Josie's confession, how desperate he had sounded…and Lara knew that if she could just be there for Sam again, he would want her again. She knew he needed her, whether he admitted it or not. He had always needed her. She made him feel trouble-free, and Josie could never compete with that. Josie. Lara hated Josie.

When Sam came back into the room, he was wearing the same clothes that he'd worn the day before. He obviously hadn't shaved or showered, and Lara, as nicely as she knew possible, suggested he shower and possibly shave. He looked, in her opinion, grungy.

Sam, relieved to be away from her and too exhausted to argue, agreed.

When Lara was alone, she looked around his apartment and spotted his tuxedo on the kitchen counter. Walking over to it, she straightened the collar mindlessly as she had done so many times in the past. She remembered how she had made him buy that tuxedo and how he had complained every time he had to wear it.

Her eyes drifted to some papers on the counter and she spotted a plain notebook. Opening it, she realized it was Sam's diary. Intrigued, she flipped to the last page he had written. Josie's article was folded neatly next to it and Lara was angered as soon as she read the first paragraph.

I've cut out Josie's article and placed it next to this entry. It's amazing how Josie's words hypnotize and capture the emotions she's feeling. When I read this article, I feel so fortunate just to know her. And to think that I have the privilege to call myself her boyfriend…her romantic interest…it's more than any man could ask for.

She cringed, and her hatred for Josie Geller increased. Just then, the phone rang and she walked over to wear it was. She pondered picking it up, but decided against it.

When Sam's answering machine went on, she felt her back stiffen, hearing Josie's voice.

"Sam! It's Josie…obviously. I hope you're not sleeping. I have been trying to call you all night. I don't know what you wanted to tell me last night, but whatever it is I guess you can tell me tonight, at dinner. Remember how I ask you yesterday if you wanted to have dinner with Anita? And you said it sounded great, I think. I hope it's alright if Gus comes along…oh, and I'm supposed to help Anita get ready, so Gus promised to pick you up in his car and we'll meet you—"

Josie's message time ran out and Lara laughed when she called back again.

"Oops," Josie began, laughing a bit at herself. "As I was saying, we'll meet you there. We're going to La Fontana at 5:30 and I think Gus will pick you up at 5. No need to call back unless there's a problem. Sorry you don't have much say in this whole situation but Anita had already decided, so neither did I. I love you, Sam! Sorry for the long messages…it's just easy to talk to you." Josie giggled nervously and hung up, leaving Lara frowning by the phone. In rage, she hit the answering machine.

"Deleting Message," she heard the machine say. Her eyes widened.

"Message deleted," it confirmed.

"Shit!" Lara said. But it wasn't long before something occurred to her. "it's not like I meant to," she said aloud to herself. Realizing the possibilities that this presented made her smile.

From Josie's message, it was apparent that Sam hadn't told Josie of her visit. Was he afraid? Hearing Sam's shower stop running, she grabbed a pen from her bag and a piece of paper lying on his counter. She had to think about this…she had to go somewhere.

* * *

Sam dressed as quickly as possible after he had shaved. Leaving Lara alone in his apartment seemed dangerous to him for some reason. When he came back to where he had left her only ten minutes ago, however, she was gone. Swearing, he spotted a note she had left on his kitchen counter.

I'll be back at 5 p.m.
Have a meeting.
Love, Lara

Falling back onto his couch, Sam sighed. Deciding to try the phone once more, he picked it up and practically jumped off the couch, hearing a dial tone on the other end.

As if the line might go dead any second, he dialed Josie's number as fast as possible, but no one picked up.

He listened happily to the recorded message of Josie and grinned crookedly. When he heard the beep, he said, "Hi, Josie. I don't know where you are…or when you'll get this but I have to tell you something. You probably won't like it…but I think you should know. Bye, Josie."

Hanging up the phone, he looked calmly around his apartment and wondered what he would do until Lara got back. Leaning back and closing his eyes, it wasn't long before he drifted into a long, deep, sleep.

"Josie, who did Archie date? Betty or Veronica?" Sam could hear Kirsten and Gibby ask Josie.

He couldn't bring his eyes from her as she answered. "Both."

Gibby turned to Kirsten, "I told you so!"

Sam found himself approaching her and saying, "I always liked Betty better." He knew he was babbling, but he wanted to say something…to have her eyes on him for just a minute.

"Really?" she asked, and he knew his eyes were shining as much as hers. He would have done anything to touch her…just one touch.

"Yeah…she was so fun and spunky. I mean, Veronica had the great legs--" Sam was barely paying attention to what he was saying by now. He was caught in Josie gaze, her smile, the way her skin glowed.

They walked until they found two white benches to sit on, and it didn't even matter that neither was talking anymore. As they sat down, their lips neared and both closed their eyes expectantly.

Sam forgot about the students and teachers nearby. He forgot that she was 17 and that he was her teacher. It didn't seem wrong. On the contrary, kissing Josie seemed like the only right thing that had ever happened to him. His lips touched hers, and the electricity combined with the sweetness of her lips made it impossible to stop.

That was, until a familiar voice entered their ears. "Aww! Isn't that sweet! It's nice of you to pity her, Sam, but this is going a bit far."

Turning reluctantly, he saw Lara standing in front of them, grinning evilly.

Sam awoke with a start, and fluttered his eyes open to see Lara staring at him. He closed his eyes and opened them again, hoping that she wouldn't be there when he looked. But she was.

He groaned and rubbed his forehead. "What time is it?"

"It's 5:10, Sam."

He sat up. "I was having the best…no, worst dream."

"What was it about?" she asked curiously. "You were swearing in your sleep, Sam. I don't think I've ever heard you do that."

He smiled, but his smile soon vanished. Standing up, he walked over to his answering machine. He sighed, seeing that he had 0 messages. Turning back to Lara, he said, "So, can we talk now?" He didn't even bother to ask where she was; he just wanted her to leave.

Lara tried to suppress the evil grin she felt forming on her face, "I'm really hungry…do you mind if we talk over dinner?"

Sam took a deep breath. "I don't know, Lara. Can't we just talk now?"

She frowned, "Sam! I'm hungry!"

"Ok…where do you want to go?"

Lara smiled, "I heard about this place…called…La Fontana?"

Sam agreed reluctantly. When they headed out the door, he noticed that it was no longer raining. But although the storm was over, he had a feeling it had only just begun.

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To Be Continued…

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