Cab Ride, Part 7:
A Chicago Sunset
By Amanda, featuring Santoori

Date Posted: February 9, 2001

Amanda's Note: Thanks for the continued support! I kind of pretended no one was at the wheel on a Tuesday evening…I'm sure SOMEONE would be there but it's Santy's and my story, right?
Thanks so much for writing this with me, Santy! It was worth the wait! You never disappoint me and you don't know how great of a writer you are. Thanks for putting up with me and always encouraging me! You're always inspirational and when I don't talk to you I kind of run out of ideas…(had to talk to Cheryl when you were gone…no wonder she ended up in LPH!).
Oh…and this one you won't be able to tell who wrote what…but since we always help each other it doesn't matter I guess.

Santy's Note: I would like to thank my dear friend Mandy for allowing me the opportunity to write for her fabulous series. Needless to say I am honored and more than touched by her vivacity and charm that has become part of my daily life. Thank you for being a wonderful friend. I hope I do not disappoint you!

*~*As always, any comments would be extremely welcome at either [email protected], [email protected], or Santoori at [email protected] *~*

Click here to hear "This Magic Moment" by The Drifters
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Josie smiled softly to herself and began to hum as she added a little mousse to a stray curl. It was a warm Tuesday and as she prepared to spend the day with the man she loved, her mind drifted back to Sam, as it always seemed to. She turned to look in the mirror and was pleased by the reflection gazing back. She had chosen to wear a blue sundress. It was a little revealing, Josie thought, but once she had it on she was glad she'd taken the risk. And as she thought about it, she decided that compared to her old wardrobe, everything was a little revealing. It didn't look tacky at all, and she just hoped Sam would like it. She sighed, letting go of her fears. Life was good…and she was about to see Sam. 'Sam…' Josie thought dreamily.

* * *

Sam rubbed his face with both hands in an attempt to wipe the dejected look from it as he walked to his car. He was about to see Josie. His love and what had become his life over the past few months. And that, he decided, was the reason he had nothing to worry about with Lara. His feelings for Lara were long gone…if they had ever been there in the first place. There wasn't anything she could do to change it, Sam was a man…he was tough.

"I'm a man!" Sam reminded himself aloud as he unlocked his car. "I'm a strong…tough man!" He smiled proudly, "That's good."

* * *

Josie was roused from her daydream about Sam by the doorbell. Glancing at her watch, she realized it was 15 till 11 a.m. She ran as fast as she could to the door, knowing who would answer it. She was out of breath as she unlatched the door and swung it open. "Sam," she gasped. He was wearing jeans and a black T- shirt and she wondered how he managed to look so gorgeous.

He grinned crookedly at her. There was just something about the way she said his name…the way her lips moved when she said 'Sam' that sent shivers down his spine. His lips parted a bit at the sight of Josie. She was breathtaking. He sucked in a painful breath. Her hair was in tight ringlets framing her beautiful face and everything about her was perfect. Josie bit her lip and laid her hand on Sam's arm, "Sam!"

He smiled crookedly and stepped inside. Was it him, or did she look more beautiful every time he saw her? Making the best of the truth he explained, "Sorry I'm late…I wasn't keeping track of the time."

Josie grinned, "Late? I didn't notice."

"You look gorgeous!" Sam exclaimed.

* * *

Josie stared appreciatively at Sam as he drove. She was so lucky to be with him, and with every moment she spent in his company, her love grew. She'd always been a believer in true love, but she never thought it could feel like this. Reveling in this new feeling of being loved as much as she loved, she barely noticed Sam turn to look at her. "Don't you want to know where we're going, Josie?"

"It doesn't matter."

Sam smiled contently. She was the total opposite of Lara. He reminded himself again not to bring Lara up. She seemed so happy, and he knew he was only happy when he was with her. He couldn't afford to risk that.

"Well all right then, but I hope you don't mind stopping by Will and Mer's for lunch. We promised on Sunday, remember?"

"Of course I don't mind!" Josie responded happily, as if the idea of her not wanting to have lunch with them was impossible.

Sam chuckled, remembering Lara's comment about his friends. "Just checking," he clarified, peeking at Josie. Their smiles met momentarily and Sam reluctantly brought his eyes back to the road.

When they pulled up at Will and Mer's house, Josie reached to open the door when Sam laid a hand on her arm, "I'll get it."

Josie blushed as Sam ran around the car as quickly as he could and when he opened the door he gazed deeply into her eyes, extended an arm, and said softly, "Miss Geller?" Josie giggled and put her hand around his arm, stepping out of the car.

"Oh, I almost forgot, Sam. I promised Anita we'd have lunch with her sometime. I think she wanted to do it on Wednesday. I hope that's ok. She called and I…" Josie trailed off.

"Sounds great," Sam replied, looking her in the eyes.

They made their way from Sam's car to the front door in thoughtful silence. While Sam brought his arm up to reach for the doorbell, Josie gazed at Sam and noticed a stray piece of hair. Unable to stop herself, she raised her hand to his head and combed the hair down with her fingers. Sam stopped before pressing the doorbell. Chills launched from where Josie had touched him and shot through his body. His neck stiffened a bit as he turned to make eye contact with Josie.

Sam couldn't hold out any longer. He took her in his arms and kissed her gently yet passionately. When they finally pulled apart, Sam smiled, "Finally. I've been wanting to do that since I first saw you in that dress."

"I've been wanting to do that since the moment I met you," Josie confessed.

Sam grinned lopsidedly, "I love you, Josie Geller. I love everything about you."

Josie blushed and her eyes became watery. "You do?"

Sam nodded slowly, caressing her cheek with his right thumb, "Everything. The way you twist your hands together when you're nervous, how your not afraid of your opinions," Sam paused and added with a laugh, "The way you look at me when you don't think I'm going to notice." Josie blushed profusely and Sam added, "The way you blush."

Josie let go of air she hadn't know she was holding and said slowly, "I can't believe I finally found you."

Sam shook his head slowly and smiled, "But we did…find each other. Because everything that's meant to be happens…eventually."

"It couldn't have happened soon enough for me," Josie replied.

"Same here, Jos," Sam agreed. He leaned in for another kiss when the door swung open.

"Oops, I'm not interrupting anything, am I?" Will asked, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively.

Meredith appeared behind Will and wrapped her arms around his waist, "You have such bad timing. They were just about to kiss!"

Will grinned, "Well don't let us stop you."

Josie turned a deeper shade of pink, "Let's go inside."

* * *

Sam nibbled on Josie's right ear while they walked to their car. They had stayed at Will and Mer's longer than Sam had expected, and Sam knew it would take out of their plans. "I love you," he whispered in her ear.

Josie giggled contently, "You've said that twice in the past minute."

"I meant it twice. Oh wait, three times. I love you."

Josie sighed. "And I," she paused, "love you, Samuel Benjamin Coulson."

Sam blushed as he opened the car door for Josie. "Sam is fine. I'm going to have to have a little chat with Meredith. It looks as if she's rubbing off on you, and I don't want you to change. You're perfect as you are."

Josie blushed at the compliment. When Sam had made his way around the car and climbed in, Josie said, "Thank you, but people change, you know. What about when we're old and I'm 80 with dentures and wrinkly skin? Will you love me then?" Josie added quickly, "I mean if we're still together."

Sam paused for a moment to think, "We will be together, Josie. And I only hope that when we're 80 that I'm capable of kissing you and making love to you every day. Because I'm quite sure I won't be needing any Viagra." Sam laughed and Josie bit her lip with embarrassment when Sam wiggled his eyebrows.

After a few minutes Josie saw the clock on Sam's radio and mumbled, "Wow, it's almost 3 o'clock."

"Yeah, I know," Sam mumbled disappointedly.

"So, where are we going?" Josie finally asked.

Sam grinned lopsidedly, "I guess you'll have to wait and see."

Josie hit Sam playfully while he started the car. "Ouch! What was that for?" he asked.

"I don't know exactly," Josie giggled. "But you deserved it!"

"I think I should teach you something I have to teach my students every year, Josie," Sam said, instantly professional.

"Well you are an excellent teacher. By all means, teach away, Mr. Coulson."

"Violence, is not the answer," he said slowly, pointing his finger at her for emphasis, and Josie burst into laughter.

* * *

Josie had realized Sam had something on his mind about what they were going to be doing that afternoon, so she decided not to bring it up. She loved surprises. It was almost 4 o'clock when they drove past Grant Park. At first Josie thought they'd be spending the day there, since it happened to be an unusually sunny day, but when Sam drove right past it and they began to cross the river, Josie's curiosity peaked.

When they got out of the car and began to walk, Josie realized where they were. Was Sam taking her to Navy Pier? She smiled, recollecting their evening at Senior Night and what Sam had said. She had barely believed it at the time. She glanced up at him fondly and sighed. "How did I get so lucky?" she asked him, grinning widely.

Sam thought for a moment, "I don't know." He ducked, expecting the whack on his arm that he knew he would get. However, Josie stopped her hand in midair and her face fell, "You're right."

Sam stopped and turned towards her. "Don't ever say that about yourself…about us. I'm the lucky one, and no matter what you do you can't get rid of me." Josie's face lit up and she giggled happily, to which Sam replied, "I'm serious!" but it was no use. As they began to walk again, Josie clung to Sam's arm and buried her happy face in his shirt. "I'm serious, Josie," Sam insisted, hoping to get the point across to her.

Josie tried to control her laughter. She didn't know why, but she was finding it difficult. "Yes, Mr. Coulson, sir."

Sam smiled in return, "That's better."

* * *

After about about a half an hour of just walking around, they came back to the area where the Ferris wheel was. Josie pretended not to notice that's where she'd turned. Stopping at the carousel, she pointed animatedly to it and looked up at Sam. "The Carousel, Sam!"

He chuckled as he glanced at the children riding the carousel. "Oh no, Josie."

She pouted at him, "And why not?"

Sam huffed, "Because no one on it is older than seven…."

Josie's eyes widened, "Honestly. We need to teach you how to have fun. Lara's rubbed off on you, Samuel!" Sam pretended to ignore the last comment but it was impossible.

Following Josie to the ticket booth he paid their $4 admission and climbed on, searching for an animal to ride. Josie climbed onto a horse and he almost had to look away at the sight of her straddled across its back.

Turning, he noticed the only animal near Josie's was a playful frog. Grinning sarcastically at Josie he murmured, "When do they start to move?"

Josie laughed at the image of Sam on top of a frog. "This reminds me of Mary Poppins…" she giggled.

"So where are the penguins?" he asked and mentally realized they themselves were.

* * *

They were both laughing when they got off the ride. Sam wrapped his arms around Josie and kissed her cheek as they walked. Suddenly he stopped when he realized where they were walking. The Ferris wheel. And not the one they'd ridden at Senior Nite…but the real one at Navy Pier. The 150-foot one, to be exact.

"Sam…" Josie said sweetly.

Sam took a deep breath. He had known Josie would want to ride the Ferris Wheel they had gone on during Senior Nite. He had also known it would not be there this evening, but he hadn't been prepared for her to ask of him what she was about to.

"Sam," she paused and stuck out her lower lip for effect, "since the other one isn't here…and it's really sort of important to me that we go on some Ferris Wheel…do you think you could go on this one with me?"

Sam sucked in a harsh breath of the windy evening air. "I don't know, Josie. It's," he gulped, "a lot bigger than the other one."

Josie frowned, "You're right, I'm sorry. That was selfish of me to ask. Where to, then?"

Sam rubbed his hands together. Josie was worth more than a dumb Ferris Wheel, he decided. "Will you hold my hand?" he asked. At first Josie thought he was only trying to be cute, but studying him, she realized he was in fact very serious.

"Of course I'll hold your hand," she said comfortingly.

"Pr…umm," he mumbled, looking up at the huge wheel in front of him. Glancing back and forth between the wheel and Josie, Sam took in a shaky breath and decided he could do this. Anyone could do this, he thought, glancing at a little girl who was smiling as she came off the ride. "Ok, Josie. But, but if I die, it's your fault."

Josie's face lit up, "Really? Thank you, Sam! Thank you!"

Sam felt as though he had weights attached to his feet as he made his way to the ticket booth for the Ferris Wheel. The last and only previous time that Sam had ridden on a Ferris wheel was with Josie. Back then he hadn't had time to think, he could only act on his instinct to protect Josie. The situation was somewhat different now. There was no Tommy to taunt her. In fact there was no one on the Ferris Wheel or in the queue to get on it! It was late in the afternoon, and the rush would probably only begin much later. When all the couples were out romancing...

Sam stood in front of the ticket booth and hesitantly purchased two tickets from the attendant, a boy of 17 or 18 years of age. The thought at the back of his mind was that he hoped he didn't live to regret his choice. He would simply melt into a pool of embarrassed liquid at Josie's feet if he freaked out in front of her. Josie was waiting on the ramp, eager to board the stationary bucket. The same attendant tore the stubs, safely secured the door on the gondola and engaged the cyclic-contraption. The sound of the metal grating did little to relieve Sam's already tattered nerves as the gears slowly but surely put the giant hulk of steel into motion.

'Breathe, Sam… Just breathe…' became Sam's mantra as he closed his eyes, trying his best to steady himself. Josie smiled compassionately and tenderly placed her hand over his forearm rubbing it gently to and fro. She knew the magnitude of Sam's kind gesture to ride with her in face of his fears. She realized that he would do this, do so much, just to please her. The knowledge gave Josie mixed emotions. One was of her selfishness for making him go through this again but the other was far more pleasant. It made Josie feel incredibly and truly loved. That warm feeling soon spread through out her entire being. She grew determined to share this wonderful feeling with Sam. Locking her arm around Sam's she rested her head against his shoulder and whispered, "I love you."

Sam felt the world turn all hazy and the only other being in focus was his Josie. Yes, after what seem liked a lifetime of longing and the pain of self-doubt and self–recrimination for feeling this overwhelming attraction to his then under-age student, she was finally his to cherish for the rest of his life. The uncertainty was still there though, nagging away at his consciousness but something else had taken the poison out of the pain. Something had changed. The uncertainty of the future was no longer something to face alone. He could rely on the knowledge, that she was here and now and his. And he could draw strength from it.

He released his vice like grip on the side of the gondola and gently caressed Josie's hand. She had the ability to channel all his energy that had been feeding his fear into all the tenderness and affection that their present situation would allow. Sam allowed himself to forget where he was momentarily and enjoy the company of his Josie.

'It's so beautiful up here Sam.' Said Josie as she gazed up to him through her lashes.

'You're beautiful,' he replied in a hushed voice. 'And I'm glad that I was the first.'

Josie smiled, knowing that it was in reference to the first compliment Sam had given her, not as a student but as a woman.

She blushed and rubbed her cheek against his upper arm.

Sam grinned and asked, 'Aren't you going to ask me first what?'

Josie replied mysteriously, "I remember." And then kissed Sam's arm and replaced her head on his shoulder. It was a very comfortable spot to be in after all!

"You do! What did you think of me when I said it?" he asked shyly.

"I was thrilled! I was shocked! And maybe a little disappointed as well. I knew the truth instead Sam. I was already around that age you predicted when men were supposed to be lined up around the block for me. And there were none in sight!"

"Aww Josie…" Sam pulled Josie even closer. "I know I am being selfish but I am still glad. Because that makes you all the more mine and only mine."

Before Josie could respond Sam placed a long lingering kiss on Josie's lips.

By now, Sam had completely forgotten that he was slowly escalating to the 150- foot peek of the Ferris wheel. The only thing he could feel was Josie's mouth on his and her body pressed tightly against his own.

* * *

Mike grinned to himself as he glanced down at the watch on his wrist. It was 5:30 already, and he couldn't be happier. He was about to graduate high school and his parents had made him get the job at Navy Pier as the ticket salesman for the Ferris wheel, of all things. It was fine during the weekends when he could meet new people…especially girls. But Tuesday evenings were always empty and he would have to come back at 5:50 again, after his break had ended.

Grabbing his stuff he opened the door to the booth as he saw someone approaching. He nodded a greeting at the guy, recognizing him as the salesman about to relieve him of his boring task.

The guy nodded back, "See ya in an hour and a half, man. You better be here."

Mike pretended not to hear. How rude! Of course he'd be back.

The guy turned his head as Mike continued to walk away, "Anyone on there? Because we're supposed to shut off the ride when no one's on it…?"

However, Mike tuned out the demanding voice of the man and continued toward the exit of the Pier.

Mike's replacement shrugged his shoulders and looked up at the huge wheel in front of him. It was illuminated with thousands of lights and it's constant motion formed figures on the ground with the light.

Unfortunately, with the huge 6-person gondolas on the Ferris wheel, he could not see into them. "Oh well…" he sighed and hit the lever that stopped the wheel.

* * *

Sam moaned softly against Josie's lips, when suddenly the gondola jerked out of motion and he jumped nervously. "Jos…Josie did you feel that?"

Josie opened her eyes and grinned sheepishly, "I…I might have touched it…is that bad?"

Sam blushed deeply, "Um…no…I meant the gondola, Josie."

She bit her lip to suppress her giggle. Sam was so cute when he blushed and she was feeling incredibly embarrassed. "I don't think so."

Sam's breathing was quick and shaky. Glancing to his right, he suddenly felt nauseated and dizzy as he looked over the Chicago skyline and realized he was more than a hundred feet in the air.

Josie laughed joyfully as she leaned out the side of the gondola. Without turning to look at Sam she said, "Sam! We're at the top! It's so beautiful! The sunset's amazing! Come look!"

Sam gulped as he saw Josie hanging out the side of the gondola. "Josie…co…come back over here. Where it's safe," he stammered.

Josie turned too look at him and smiled compassionately, "I'm so sorry Sam." She paused, realizing there was no motion on the wheel, "One minute, I think we've stopped."

Sam's jaw flew open. "Stopped!? This Ferris wheel isn't supposed to stop, Josie! It's constant…and it only stops when they shut down the pier!" The reality of his words hit him hard and he gripped tightly onto the edge of the gondola, his fingers on the outside. He jumped back when he saw his hand next to the edge as if he would fall out if any part of him was over the edge.

Josie leaned back and put her arm around Sam. "I'm sure they don't close the pier at," she glanced at her watch, "5:32, Sam."

He sucked in a painful breath, "Looks like they do for us. Josie, I think we're going to die up here."

Josie put a hand over her mouth to feign concentration, but it was really to stifle her smile. She knew it wasn't nice to laugh at him but he was just so adorable. "Sam, we won't…Sam, look at me!" she said, taking his face in her hands and turning it so that she could look deeply into his eyes. "We will not die up here. I've been on this Ferris wheel before…and I've yet to die. We'll just have to wait. I'm sure it'll start again soon."

Josie laid her head back on Sam's shoulder and allowed her hand to caress his chest through his shirt. After a few minutes of just sitting there, holding each other tightly, Josie decided to break the silence, "Besides…I'm sure we can find some way to pass the time."

Sam and Josie both looked up at each other simultaneously. Josie studied Sam's face for a moment—he had raised an eyebrow and was grinning crookedly at her. She returned the smile and mentally reminded herself how she had brought his mind from his fear of heights, deciding it might become useful in the future.

Sam let the feeling of having Josie pressed tightly against him on this cool June evening to seep into every nerve of his body before replying, "I love you, Josie Geller."

She sucked in a short breath and released it against Sam's cheek, sending shivers through him. This was how it was supposed to be, she realized. This was the moment she'd been waiting for her entire life. She could see Sam's eyes shinning in a combination of the golden light from the Chicago sunset and the lights that were illuminating the Ferris wheel and she knew this was the man she loved— the man she was going to spend the rest of her life with. "I love you too, Sam Coulson."

Sam closed his eyes and leaned in for a lingering kiss. When they parted Josie threw her arms around his neck and kissed him passionately—all those years of being alone…dreaming of a moment like this one and the love she felt for Sam building up inside of her.

Sam's eyes were closed tightly, as he decided that if he opened them he wouldn't be able to revel in this feeling as well. He leaned into Josie, causing her to press up against the side of the gondola. He didn't' want any space between them— didn't think he could stand it. There had been too much space between them since he'd met her and he no longer felt he wanted to stop or was able to unless Josie wanted it.

He slid his hands up from her back and down her sides to where he held himself to her hips as his lips and tongue rubbed against hers in rhythmic motion.

Josie could only moan in response when she felt Sam's mouth move from her lips and down her neck; his hands caressing her smoothly through her thin dress. "Oh Sam," she gasped as his tongue drew hot circles on the skin right above her breast. Looking down to make sure she didn't miss anything, she realized her dress had ridden up her thighs from Sam's caresses. Panic took over and she reached down to pull down her dress but Sam took her hands in his and looking up at her he said soothingly, "No, Josie. You're beautiful. Do you want to stop?"

Without hesitation Josie shook her head. A grin lit up Sam's face and he leaned up to kiss her slowly, his lips lingering on hers. Reluctantly lifting his lips from hers he searched her eyes for emotion and said, "You have no idea how much I love you. How much I will always love you."

She smiled softly, tears forming at the brims of her eyes and kissed his forehead. Sniffing back sobs of joy she kissed his nose and then both cheeks, "Thank you, Sam. Thank you."

Sam was curious. "What for?"

She rubbed his shoulder seductively. "For loving me."

"Don't thank me." He groaned as Josie's mouth kissed his neck softly. Her tongue slowly drew trails along the side of it and when she stopped he groaned again, "Please don't stop! You're driving me crazy!"

She kissed him softly on the mouth and adopted Sam's method of planting kisses down his neck to where she reached the side of his neck she was aiming for. Nibbling softly, she could feel Sam's hot breath steam across her cheek and ear as he whispered hoarsely, "I wish we could do this all night."

She sucked softly on his earlobe. "Why not?"

Sam smiled: this was too good to be true. He glanced down at her once more, mentally memorizing how she looked. The golden sunset lit up her skin delicately and her curls captured the light in the most beautiful way. And as the sun disappeared behind the city skyline, he could faintly see himself in her eyes and he knew he wanted to see that every day of his life.

* * *

Mike sighed as he arrived back at the booth.

"I'm back," he told the guy who'd been rude before. He was obviously listening to something on his headphones so it took Mike a few moments to get him to realize he was standing there.

The guy at the booth smiled, "Hey…Bob said to leave the wheel off when no one's on or likely to come on…so I turned it off."

Suddenly Mike remembered that couple he'd let ride the wheel before his break. Almost half an hour ago. "Shit!" he cursed and hit the lever.

* * *

"It's not like I have anywhere to—" Sam was interrupted by the Ferris wheel jerking to a start again. Both startled and incredibly disappointed, he sat up and allowed Josie to straighten her dress.

Upon reaching the bottom of the wheel, the boy who'd let them on the ride greeted them with an apologizing smile, "Oh man! Sorry about that…at least you got your money's worth, right?"

Sam and Josie looked at each other and back at the boy, "Right."

* * *

To Be Continued…

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