Desk Activities…
By Amanda

Date Posted: October 20, 2000

Note: Here ya go… part 4. If you want to send me feedback (which I'd love to receive), email me at [email protected] or tell me on the message board. Thanks!

Click here to hear "The Way You Make Me Feel" by Michael Jackson

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Josie hopped out of bed. She was excited beyond belief. She still had two hours before she had to pick Sam up. What would she do? Then she remembered Sam was going to look at her. She had to look perfect. "That's not going to be easy…" she mumbled aloud. "And now I'm talking to myself."

Glancing over at her answering machine, she sighed, remembering her many messages. She reluctantly picked up the phone, only imagining the questions Anita would ask.

The phone rang only once before Anita picked up. "Hello?"

"Hi Anita."

"Oh… Josie."

"Don't be too surprised to talk to me!" Josie laughed, wondering why her friend sounded so disappointed all of a sudden.

"Sorry, Jos. I guess I'm just tired. Okay, so tell me everything that happened!"

* * *

Sam was ready way before the time Josie said she would arrive. He had forced himself to watch TV until she came, but he found his mind drifting back to Josie. With a sigh, he gave into his thoughts. It was not unusual lately for him to think of Josie and how much he missed her, but until last night he had always pushed the thoughts out of his mind, deciding they were immoral and perverted.

He didn't know how he was going to be expected to work again. He couldn't concentrate on anything. Being in love with Josie was almost unpleasant. Every time he wasn't with her, he missed her.

Sam jumped at the sound of a car in the driveway. "Josie!" he said a bit too excitedly. He jumped to his feet and ran to the front door, straightening his hair as best as he could. He unlocked the door, but decided he would seem too eager if he opened it before she reached the porch.

Josie slowly made her way to the door. Her heart thumped so violently she was sure he would be able to notice. Reaching up with one hand to check her hair, she took a deep breath and rang the doorbell.

Although he was expecting it, he jumped at the sound of the doorbell. He quickly opened the door, eager to see Josie again.

Sam's heart was throbbing wildly in his chest at the sight of Josie before him. She was gorgeous, as always, Sam thought. Her hair was straight and brushed perfectly. She was wearing a dark gray suit. The skirt was about three or four inches shorter than her knees, which gave Sam a great view of her legs. Looking at her, he realized that one look at Josie made up for all the times he missed her. He only loved her more every time he saw her.

He was studying her so intently that he almost forgot to greet her. A momentary feeling of uncertainty flashed over him; he'd forgotten what to say. He turned his eyes back to Josie's and that feeling was gone.

"Josie!" he motioned for her to step inside.

Josie's breath caught in surprise at how complimentary he had said her name. It was like he had said a hundred words all at once. She smiled instinctively and stepped closer to him. "Ready to go?" she said sweetly, suddenly calm and relaxed.

Sam grabbed his jacket and followed Josie to her car, closing the door behind them.

* * *

When they arrived at the Sun-Times building, not surprisingly, heads turned. Quite a few heads in fact, but Josie didn't seem to notice, Sam noted to himself.

He noticed. He wasn't used to being the center of this kind of attention.

On the elevator, both Josie and Sam realized there wasn't a single person not looking at them. Josie giggled awkwardly and met Sam's eyes. He lifted his eyebrows and smiled suggestively, only making Josie laugh more.

On impulse, Josie put her arms around Sam's neck and kissed him. She had never done anything so improper before, let alone in a crowded elevator. When the kiss ended, they looked around at the shocked faces surrounding them. Sam smiled widely at an especially surprised woman. When she bit her lip and smiled back, Josie and Sam couldn't help but burst into uncontrolled laughter.

The elevator finally reached their destination. Josie placed her hand in his, leading him out of the elevator. They were still giggling a little and were feeling spontaneous as they walked through the bullpen.

People turned and stood, staring at them. They all knew who these two people were. Josie was now a Sun-Times legend. Someone whistled as they passed and all of a sudden people were clapping their approval.

"Do you get this kind of response every time you come to work?" Sam teased, still laughing.

Josie shook her head professionally. "I think they're clapping for you, Sam."

With a cheeky grin, Sam raised his hand and waved saying, "Well, in that case…."

They made their way to Josie's office, and Josie paused in front of a desk where a thin, young man sat, talking on his headset. When he saw Josie approaching, he quickly removed his headset and gave her a cheesy smile.

"That's a first," mumbled Josie.

"Good morning, Miss Geller!" he greeted enthusiastically.

"Do I have any messages, Merkin?"

"You betcha!" he grabbed a pile of cards and handed them to Josie. "Oh, and Mr. Rigfort stopped by your office a few minutes ago. He said he wants you to see him when you get in. Now that's power, baby!" he winked at Josie and studied Sam.

"Thanks…" Josie mumbled while walking into her office, glancing quickly at her messages. She easily had 50, and knowing Merkin, he probably hadn't written most of them down.

Sam pulled up a chair and they sat down inside her office and after a minute of discussing their encounters in the elevator and bullpen, Anita burst through the door.

"Where is-" she abruptly stopped, noticing Sam seated in a chair in front of Josie's desk.

"Anita, I believe you've met Sam Coulson," Josie gestured to Sam.

"Oh my God…" Sam muttered, recognizing her as Pam Kitterman.

"Well hello…" she said flirtatiously, taking Sam's surprise for compliment.

"Anita showed up to talk to me that day in class and you figured she was Pam Kitterman," Josie intervened.

Sam was incredibly shocked at first, but soon started chuckling, remembering the incident. "Well, you did a great job nevertheless!" he smiled.

"Well, she definitely knows a lot on the subject!"

"Better to be experienced than inexperienced, Josie," said Anita defensively.

"Anita!" Josie squealed, crimsoning. She got up and pushed her friend out of her office, completely mortified. Josie turned back to Sam, her right hand on her forehead, trying to conceal her embarrassment. "I, um…" Josie tried to explain, while walking past Sam to sit in her desk.

Sam grabbed her upper arm, pulling her towards him, and kissed her tenderly. Josie returned the embrace, gliding her hand through Sam's hair. They stepped back a little and Sam tugged at his shirt collar, suddenly feeling overheated.

Josie was tracing his collarbone with her fingers when she remembered she was supposed to meet Rigfort as soon as she got in. "Rigfort!" she squealed, running out of the room.

Sam sat down in one of the chairs and waited for her to return. He had worn a black suit and a white dress shirt, and was now thankful he hadn't worn a tie. He took off his jacket and unbuttoned the first few buttons on his shirt. He rubbed the back of his neck, feeling a slight tension growing there.

* * *

Josie ran to Rigfort's office. She knew he hated tardiness, and she prayed he wouldn't notice.

He noticed. She stumbled awkwardly into his office, trying her best to smile. "Fabulous Geller!" he screamed sarcastically, "My best reporter, and she's late all the time!"

"I… I'm sorry sir, I was… umm… interviewing someone for my follow-up," Said Josie shyly, wondering if she really was his best reporter.

"Enough Geller," he said while banging his stick on his desk to quiet her. "That's not why you're here. You have to move into your new office today, so tell Pete and Sean where you want everything," said Rigfort harshly. Josie glanced at two huge men standing outside his office.

"A new office?" she asked, stunned.

"That's right! Corner office, Geller! Gus insisted. Soon as Andrews clears out, it's all yours!"

"Thank you, Mr. Rigfort!" she blushed. She new how rare it was for a reporter to receive a corner office, much less a first-time reporter.

"Damn it, Geller! Get moving! I don't have all day!" Josie took the hint and left.

* * *

When Josie got back to her office, she found Rhoda, Cynthia, and two of her other co-workers all hovered around Sam. An instantaneous twinge of jealousy filled her up and she tried to control her resentment. Would Sam like them better than her? Maybe he only liked her because she was different than Lara. Maybe he didn't really love her at all.

"You were really good at teaching all those kids Shakespeare!" Rhoda gushed.

"Yeah, Sam! Can I call you Sam?" asked one of them.

"Uh, yes, thanks Rhoda," he replied. Then he glanced up to see Josie standing in the doorway, frowning. With more than a little relief, he called, "Josie!"

"Oh, I guess I'll go now," said another. She heard Rhoda whisper, "Why does she get someone like him?" as they left the office.

Josie walked right past Sam, sat down coldly at her desk, and started shuffling papers. Sam wondered what was bothering her. "Can I help you with something, Josie?" he asked kindly.

Josie looked up at him as if he were her worst enemy. 'He's never going to really love me,' she found herself thinking. "No, you can go talk to them, if you want," Josie answered testily.

'Whoa… Is she mad at me?' he thought. "No, I'd much rather talk to you… if that's okay."

Josie tried to read his emotions. He seemed sincere.

When a few moments had passed and Josie didn't reply, Sam walked over to her and sat on the corner of the desk. He ran his hands though her hair. She closed her eyes for a moment in both pain and pleasure. "What's wrong, Jos?" Another moment passed without a word and Sam muttered softly, unintentionally, "Gosh, you're so beautiful…."

Josie raised her eyes in disbelief, "You don't have to say that. I know I'm not gorgeous, Sam! I'm not Lara, and if you don't love me, tell me. I've lived my whole life without you, I think I could force myself to do it for the rest." As soon as she'd said it, she regretted it. It wasn't true, and she felt horrible. Tears filled up her eyes.

Sam's eyes widened in incredulity. Was she serious!? This was what was bothering her? "Josie…" he lifted her chin with his hand, but she pulled away. "I know I don't have to say that, I wanted to. Of course you're gorgeous! You're the most gorgeous woman I've ever seen! And I know you're not Lara, Josie. I don't want Lara. Why do you think we broke up?" he paused. "I have no doubt you can live without me… but I can't live without you. Please don't make me, Josie. I've waited my whole life to be with you… you're my penguin. I love you, and I can't lose you." His voice was soft, tender, and sexy.

Josie looked at Sam. His eyes told her he was telling the truth. He was afraid. She suddenly felt embarrassed for doubting him. "Are, are you… serious?" she looked at him hopefully.

Sam smiled awkwardly and nodded. "How could you ever think that? Do you really think I don't love you?"

Josie swallowed hard, "I don't know. I saw Rhoda and them… and I just felt like someone like you could never love someone like me. You're the kind of man someone like me is doomed to fall in love with but never have a chance with. You're so… beautiful."

Sam flushed at the comment. Him… beautiful? "I think you've got it the other way around, Josie. Besides, I bet you I've been in love with you much longer than you've… loved me." He still thought that sounded strange to him. She loved him.

"No… I think I've loved you since the first moment I saw you walk into class… you were wearing a blue shirt… and when you smiled at me," she took a deep breath and slowly released it. She couldn't help but imagine that moment when she'd first seen him. She remembered how she'd looked forward to English so that she could just look at him.

"I don't believe you," he said honestly. "No, I loved you the first time I saw you… and in that white boa shirt, too!" he laughed, remembering. Josie knew he had to be lying. Was this a dream? This time it felt like a dream. They were staring deep into each other's eyes. The connection was so strong that neither one could look away. 'I should be working,' thought Josie, but the thought passed right through her, unnoticed. It didn't matter at that moment. Josie somehow found herself sitting next to Sam on top of her desk. They were still staring into each other's eyes, slowly closing in on each other. It was as if a magnet was pulling them together.

Their lips met and sparks ignited them both with energy. Josie parted her lips, allowing Sam's tongue access to her mouth.

Their tongues darted passionately into each other's mouths. Josie found she was suddenly way too hot and peeled off her jacket, tossing it haphazardly into her chair. Sam's hands soon found their way under the tail of her blouse and halfway up Josie's back.

Sam lowered his mouth to Josie's throat. He was insane with longing for this incredible woman in his arms.

At the touch of Sam's lips to her throat, Josie moaned, and when he teased that same spot with his tongue, she collapsed backward onto the top of the desk, knocking her pencil cup over in the process. Pencils rolled everywhere and dropped off the edges of the desk around them. Josie didn't notice. She could only feel the incredible sensations Sam was creating in her. She just couldn't hold up her own weight anymore…her bones felt like jelly.

He leaned over her and nibbled at her earlobe. His tongue then traveled down to the vee of her blouse to the hint of cleavage showing there.

"Oh…" Josie groaned and unknowingly placed her hands on Sam's head, telling him without words not to stop. Chills shot through her body at the sensation of Sam's mouth on the tops of her breasts. She arched her back and dug her fingers into Sam's wonderful unruly hair. She wondered how it was possible that she suddenly felt so hot and out of control. She had definitely never felt anything like this before. It seemed to her as if a volcano was about to erupt inside her body.

Sam brought his mouth back up to Josie's. She tilted her head to the right and stuck her tongue daringly deep into his mouth. Their tongues rubbed together, and the sensation gave them both chills.

Desire made Josie more bold, and when their lips parts, Josie gave Sam a push so that he was lying next to her on the desk. She leaned over him and started licking and kissing his throat. Sam groaned in pleasure and opened his eyes to look at her. Her skirt had rode up to show most of her thighs, and he had a great view down her blouse while she was leaning over him. Pleasure shot through him at the erotic sight. He thrust back his head in sure enjoyment.

Then he had a clear thought. It was too soon. It was too soon for all of this to be happening. He didn't want to ruin what they had together. And even if he did think it was time, her office was definitely not the place to do it. He placed his hands on the sides of her head and reluctantly lifted her mouth from his neck to make eye contact with her.

Josie looked at him, confused and a bit dazed from her own desire.

Sam grinned sheepishly and and pointed out, "Um…Josie, we're in your office! On your desk, even…"

Josie's eyes widened as she realized that Sam was right. And Lord only knew when those gorilla mover guys would show up. She groaned in disappointment and collapsed back on her desk with a big sigh.

Sam studied her. She had never looked so radiant and for a moment he deeply regretted stopping her. It had felt so good, and he wanted nothing more than to be with her. But it wasn't the right time, and Josie wasn't ready, even if she thought she was.

"You're right," she almost whispered. "This isn't the place. You're right, Sam." Josie turned her head and smiled at him. For a moment she wondered again if he wanted her, but she told herself to stop doubting herself. "I don't think I'm ever going to get any work done today!" She said with a laugh, sitting up, straightening her skirt.

"If I'm that much of a distraction," Sam teased, "I can go if you want." Sam stood up.

"No! I don't want you to! Plus, I still have to interview you for the article." Sam smiled gratefully at Josie. "Oh! I forgot to tell you about Pete and Sean…."

"Who are Pete and Sean? You're not planning any desk activities with them, are you?" he teased.

Josie punched Sam playfully in the arm and blushed. "No…They're going to move my things. I get a corner office!"

"That's great, Josie!" Sam wondered if Josie was disappointed that he was a teacher, like Lara had been. Then it occurred to him that that wasn't possible.

"I have to go tell them where to put everything… come on!" she grabbed Sam by the arm and walked out of her office.

* * *

They walked toward an office that had the name "Jeffery Andrews" mounted on the door. Two large men were standing in front of it and Sam noticed they gave Josie some appreciative glances as she walked up to them. She didn't seem to notice, which was just as well to Sam.

Josie pretended not to notice the two men's suggestive glances at her. She'd seen them before. Rigfort hired them whenever there was an office-switch, which was often. She knew their looks meant nothing, especially to her. Hell, they had both slept with Anita! She knew that wasn't fair. Besides, Anita was one of her closest friends. She looked at Sam, who was still standing outside the office. She gestured for him to come in, and he looked surprised. 'He's so adorable…' she thought as the men stepped out of the office.

'There's more room in here for…' Sam shook the thought from his mind. But she had wanted to, after all… As he considered the possibilities, he shuddered and sat down quickly, hoping to conceal his physical reaction to his thoughts.

Josie looked curiously at Sam's blushing face. She opened her mouth to speak when Gus opened the door and entered the room.

"Gus!" said Josie, and ran over to hug him.

"Like it? Think of it as my gift for all those times I said you couldn't handle being a reporter! You really came through; in spades!"

"Yes, thank you, Gus!" Josie squealed.

Gus shook her from him, "You're so mushy-gushy."


"Whatever," he noticed Sam and smiled. Then, realizing he was smiling, stopped. "Mr. Strauss," he said, putting out his hand to Sam.

"Gus," Josie corrected.

"Mr. Strauss to you," he eyed Sam. Josie rolled her eyes at Gus' attempt at being harsh.

"Nice to meet you, I'm-" Sam started.

"I know who you are," interrupted Gus. "Well, I'll let you be mushy together; I've seen you two and I know you can do it."

When he'd left, Sam looked at Josie and asked curiously, "Were we that 'mushy' on the field?"

"I think he was talking about- oh no…."

"What? What's wrong?"

'Here we go again,' Josie thought, glancing at her watch. "Umm…Let's talk about it over lunch, okay? It's 11 and that's when I get my lunch break."

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To be continued…

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