Cab Ride
By Amanda

Date Posted: August 3, 2000

I hope you like my first attempt at NBK FanFic. If you do...or even if you don't, I'd appreciate your opinion. Email me at [email protected]. Thanks!

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Josie's eyes filled with tears of joy when Sam stepped back from their deep embrace and she came crashing into reality. 'He really does love me!' Josie was ecstatic.

"Looks like they're going to start the game any second and I don't think we should be on the field�" Sam took his eyes off Josie long enough to look around the field at the screaming crowd and the questioning TV crews. Then with a chuckle he added, "On second thought, maybe we shouldn't be near the game at all. What do you think, Josie?"

"Huh? Oh, right�right. Let's go then, I guess," Josie suggested nervously, still mildly stunned at Sam's entry and their breathtaking display in front of all of Chicago ( not to mention who ever else might see or hear about it ). She had been all out of hope when the clock counted down to zero. Her heart had ripped even more than it already was. She had been trying to maintain her composure for the audience and not think about how miserable her life was going to be without Sam Coulson. But then she had seen him running towards her. And now, her heart started to dance in her chest as she thought about them being a couple.

They tried to make as quick an exit as possible. Everyone there wanted to see, meet, and talk to Josie Geller and her mystery man. Once they'd made their way to the parking lot, they looked around and Sam asked, "How did you get here?"

"My brother Rob drove me."

"We'll have to take a cab then. I'll tell you about my car later... I'd rather not bring it up now," Sam managed rather sheepishly while signaling to a cab he saw driving down the street.

Deciding to let the subject go for now, Josie climbed into the cab and Sam followed. Once in the cab, Sam and Josie let out simultaneous sighs. Josie couldn't help being nervous; she didn't want to ruin anything. All she could think about was how lucky she was.

Sam noticed the cabbie was staring at them and he realized they had yet to direct him. He turned to Josie and asked, "Where to, Josie?"

"Maybe it would be best if we make it one of our places... so we can talk I mean," Josie proposed hastily, blushing.

"Mind if we make it yours then?" Sam inquired a little too quickly, hoping Josie didn't notice, because he really didn't want to bring up his old plans to leave leave her.

Josie noticed that he was obviously very worried about going to his place, but didn't want to get into something that Sam obviously didn't want to bring up. So instead, she nodded to Sam and gave the cabbie. Sam reached over to Josie, grabbing her hand while smiling.

Josie turned her attention from the cabby to Sam. "Well, Mr. Coulson, now that you have me, what are you going to do with me?" she teased.

"God, Josie," Sam leaned toward Josie and kissed her passionately. When he leaned back, Josie went in for another. She loved kissing Sam, and now that she could, she was going to do it all the time.

Sam suddenly realized the cabbie was looking at them intently, so he broke up the kiss to whisper in Josie's ear, "I think the cabbie is watching us."

Sam's hot breath on her sensitive neck sent shivers down Josie's spine.

When she looked up at the cab driver, a pleasant looking, rotund black man, he smiled widely at her.

"You're dat reporter. Josie Geller, right?" asked the cabbie with a Jamaican-type accent. Josie was surprised he recognized her.

"Yes, I am... How did you know?" Josie asked curiously.

"Seems everybody knows you today," he began, while lifting up the article she had written for her to see. "I don't tink anyone I drove ta day didn't mention your article! Ma'am, I thought it was great. Did that teacher fella' show? ...Oh my Lord, don't chu tell me that's him!" he asked excitedly, pointing Josie's article in Sam's direction.

Sam and Josie smiled at each other shyly, "Yes, that's him." Josie blushed and Sam squeezed her hand tightly in response.

"I mean, I read a lot of articles, but this here one is special, and romantic, too." After a long pause he continued, "I called my wife during my lunch break, like always...but today all she talked about was this article! She went on and on how I never do anythin' romantic for her. You're both very lucky."

"I know I am," Sam's face lit up with a huge, sexy grin. Josie and Sam stared at each other for several minutes before they realized where they were again. The cabbie had turned the radio louder and Josie and Sam stared at the radio, amused.

"And that was Christina Aguilera's 'Love Will Find A Way.' I figured I'd play it today because right here in Chicago, love did find a way. For undercover reporter Josie Geller and her still unidentified mystery man from this morning's Chicago Sun Times' article 'Never Been Kissed,' that is. The article included reporter Josie Geller's promise to be standing on the pitchers mound the five minutes prior to the state championship baseball game waiting for her mystery teacher to come and give her her first real kiss," said the voice from the radio. "And if I understand this correctly, Cindy is there live...where the scene took place 20 minutes ago... Cindy?"

"Yes, Jimmy. Only 20 minutes ago the most romantic scene I have ever witnessed live took place. The clock had just wound down to zero and out of nowhere comes this hot hunk of a man who runs down onto the field and planted one on her like you've never seen," Cindy announced. Sam gave an embarrassed smile and Josie turned white when the woman on the radio continued. "Oh Jimmy, if I was that Josie Geller, mmm mmm, I'd be one happy woman." Josie glared at the radio, imagining an adult version of a Kristen or a Gibby behind that voice. And Josie definitely didn't like any other woman talking about Sam that way.

"Well you're not. And I am!" Josie announced, not realizing she had said it aloud.

"You tell 'er Josie!" Sam laughed, both surprised and amused at Josie's bold claim.

Josie looked down at her lap, embarrassed, not sure of what to say. She didn't want Sam to know she was jealous. She didn't mean to be, but it was clear that she was. 'Who did she think she was? Talking about Sam that way!' Josie thought. But she realized Sam was an attractive man. A very attractive man, in fact, so she was going to have to become comfortable with people looking at him. But if she had it her way, no one but she would be able to look at Sam Coulson.

Sam didn't notice Josie's silence, he was too deep in thought. He was still angry with himself for believing that Josie could have intentionally hurt him. Looking back, he realized they were meant for each other, and thinking back to their kiss on the game field...they were meant to kiss only each other for the rest of their lives. They were each other's penguins. The electricity that he felt with only one touch of Josie's hand didn't compare with anything he had ever felt before. Not with Lara, or anyone else he had ever met. He suddenly understood what his sister, Abby always said about love: "You don't know how miserable your life was without it until you have it and that's all that matters."

He remembered when he had read Josie's article only a little while ago. When he had reached the part where Josie proclaimed her love for him, he must have been happier than he had ever been in his entire life.

The truth was that he had been relieved to discover Josie wasn't 17. But she hadn't told him, and so he was sure that she didn't feel the same way he felt about her. And when he heard that man ask Josie if she "got something on Coulson", he decided that that was why she hadn't told him and that she was trying to fool him into having feelings for one of his 'students'. But now he knew her intention was just the opposite.

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Meanwhile, in New York, Lara was desperately trying to contact Sam. She had just walked through the door of her apartment after being out all night and most of the day with one of her "clients". She had walked over to her answering machine as always when she first came home.

She was extremely surprised to find a message from Sam. Well, maybe not extremely surprised. They had broken up last week after a long conversation. But she knew something caused it. She didn't think that Sam had it in him to just break things off the way he had.

The message was brief.

"Hey Lara, look...I've tried to call you everywhere, I'm going to take a plane to New York in a couple days. Maybe we can work this out. Bye." Lara was pleased. She thought she could really make something of Sam. He just needed a little work.

She had picked up the phone and called his apartment 10 times. At first she thought he might have changed his mind and already be on his way to New York. But that was unlikely, and if so, why didn't he call and at least leave a message?

She decided to let it go for now. She was tired. 'I'll call him tomorrow�' she thought.

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Josie was having similar thoughts as Sam. She was replaying the past two months in her mind. When she realized that both of them were suddenly very quiet, and an uncomfortable feeling was in the air, she decided to change it.


"Yes, Josie?" Sam awoke from his thoughts and looked at Josie, who had a radiant smile spread across her face.

"I just wanted to tell you how glad I am that you came. I mean, I knew I had hurt you badly, and I had serious doubts that you would come. I was going to tell you about me not being 17 earlier but I was sure that once I told you, you would tell me that I misunderstood and that you had no feelings for me, and I don't think I could have lived with that. Then, I decided to tell you at prom but I saw what they were doing to Aldys and I couldn't let that happen. But I'm so sorry, Sam!" Josie's eyes filled with water, hoping Sam would understand.

Sam wished he had let Josie explain at prom because it would have spared them both a lot of hurt. His heart ached at the thought of the pain she went through having to choose between her job and him. He scooted over, closer to where Josie was sitting. He cupped her face in his hands and used his thumbs to wipe away her tears, and then kissed where the tears had been and looked deep into her eyes.

"Josie, I understand, don't worry about it. I love you. I love you so much that I don't want to ever be away from you again," Sam took Josie in his arms and rested his head on hers.

Josie realized that she had never heard him say those three words to her before, and she suddenly felt light-headed. She didn't think that anyone would say them to her after her first prom. She blushed and fidgeted with her hands before saying, "I love you too, Sam."

Sam and Josie stared deep into each other's eyes for a small lifetime before they both realized the cab was still and they had arrived at Josie's home.

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To Be Continued

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