By Amanda

Date Posted: September 6, 2000

Disclaimer: I don't own these characters, I'm only writing about them.

Note: Here's the second installment in my new little series here. And yes, I made up Will and Meredith because I need them for later. Oh! and thank you to everyone who gave me feedback and comments on my last story (Cab Ride), it's very much appreciated! I'd really enjoy hearing from you guys, either at [email protected] or the message board. Thanks!

Click here to hear "Downtown" by Petula Clark

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Josie thought it somehow surreal that Sam had feelings as strong as he claimed for her, even if she did see it in his eyes. Was she kidding herself? Sure, she had gained confidence lately, but deep inside her heart was still sore from Billy Prince. But she hadn't felt love for Billy... maybe admiration, but not love.

Just then, cool air spread around her and she looked up to meet Sam's loving eyes. Those eyes looked at her with real love and happiness, feelings she had not felt before Sam Coulson entered her life.

She grabbed onto his awaiting hand and realized she still felt that little burst of electricity from the slightest touch of Sam.

Smiling externally and signing blissfully inwards, she let Sam guide her out of the cab. She glanced up at her home and blushed at the thought of having him inside it, then over at Sam who was paying the cab driver. She would have protested, but she had no money on her. She sighed and slipped her arm around his and pulled him close, 'Perfect fit,' she thought.

Sam grinned when he felt Josie's arm connect with his, 'Perfect fit,' he thought. He knew he was either dreaming or hallucinating. He had dreamt so many times of being with Josie that one more was the only explanation he had for such events. How many times had he hoped and prayed that Josie could just not be 17? Too many, he was sure of that. Yes, this had to be a dream. But it didn't feel like a dream. And something inside of him told him it wasn't a dream. The feeling in his stomach, perhaps.

They made their way up Josie's front porch and, once Josie found an extra key she had hidden, inside.

Sam grinned to himself as he looked around Josie's apartment. It was exactly as he had imagined it would be. It was clean, organized, friendly, and oddly enough: it smelled amazing. It smelled like Josie.

He was facing a hallway that led to a couple of rooms. To his left was an area that looked like it led to a bathroom and a closet. Next to that area was an open kitchen region with a counter separating it from the living room. As he turned his head to look to his right, he saw an ordinary living room with something about it that stamped it 'Josie'. The walls were a green/blue and everything else was a very fresh white. There was a fireplace surrounded on both sides with bookshelves. The bookshelves accommodated movies, momentous, and, of course, lots of books. The other side of the living room had a table that was covered with pictures and had a lab top on it.

Josie was instantly very nervous. As she watched Sam look around her apartment, the events of the last hour presented themselves. Only 40 minutes ago she had been a single woman. 'Not anymore,' she thought. She had a boyfriend.

'Don't screw it up now, Josie,' came a small, cold voice inside her head. She recognized this voice. It was a rude, snickering voice that had saved her from potentially embarrassing events in the past. She thought she had been ridden of it. 'Just don't screw this one up,' it repeated.

"Shut up!" she whispered back to the cold voice, her heart thumping loudly in her chest. But the damage was already done, and she was now paranoid that something was about to go very wrong. It always had gone wrong in the past. This was already too good to be true.

"Did you say something, Josie?" inquired Sam.

"No. So... so should I should you around?" responded Josie in the most casual voice she could come up with. She wondered what they would do for the evening. She hadn't had many people at her apartment, and didn't know exactly what would happen. It scared her a little. What if he changed his mind after he realized what she was like?

"Yes, please. I'd like the deluxe tour," Sam said in a fake professional voice. He wasn't very good at even pretending to be professional around Josie. He had certainly proved that already.

Josie giggled, "Well, then keep your arms and legs inside the vehicle at all times, and make sure to hold onto any loose items you may have in your possession," she joked, she was feeling better already. Josie held out her arm in front of her, signaling Sam to enter a small hallway that was to the left of the kitchen.

* * *

Josie was concluding the tour with her bedroom. She hadn't meant to, but that's the way it was happening. She was beginning to feel that nervousness come back to her. She didn't want too much to happen in this bedroom, not yet anyway.

"This is my bedroom," she said softly, as they entered the place she slept every night; the place where she had once dreamt and fantasized about Sam.

The lights were off and the room was mostly dark. She looked at Sam who was looking at her with desire... lots of desire. He seemed both gentle and masculine at the same time. His impassioned gaze was making her feel fiery.

The minimal light that entered the room through the doorway was adding a moony appearance to it. They were both glowing and they both felt the other was the most beautiful person alive.

Josie started to walk towards the light switch when Sam grabbed her arm delicately and pulled her up against him. He couldn't help himself. He thought of the time that they had painted the sunset backdrop for prom. He thought of all the times he had dreamed about her. He thought of the moment he had first met her. He thought about how she kissed him. He thought about how she radiated a room and how she radiated him. He thought about how she said she loved him and how she made him feel. He wanted to make her feel just as good, both mentally and physically.

He looked deep into her eyes and encircled his arms about her waist. Their kiss started slow and virtuously, but before long their tongues were intertwined and they were breathing heavily (and not just because they were short of breath).

They simultaneously broke up their burst of passion. Sam was a little ashamed at his lack of self-control and Josie was simply hoping he'd do it again, knowing he shouldn't. They both realized they had to get out of there fast, before anything more happened.

Deciding the living room was far enough from the bedroom, they paused and looked at each other, completely astonished at how strong the desire and lust was between them.

After a few minutes of staring, Josie's stomach turned and she remembered she hadn't eaten anything since 5:00 a.m. She had been too anxious. She had plenty of food in the kitchen, but decided they both needed a little air.

"Mind if we go down town and get something to eat? I'm starving!"

Sam eagerly agreed, feeling a need to be away from walls and anything comfortable enough to sleep on.

* * *

Sam and Josie had been walking around down town Chicago for about an hour, totally lost in each other's company. It was so easy for them to talk to each other, yet also so easy to talk without speaking.

As they walked, quite a few people turned their heads to catch a glimpse of Josie, wondering whom she was with and if it really was her. It had been all over the news since the Sun-Times gave permission to the press.

But Sam and Josie hadn't noticed. As they talked, everyone around them disappeared; the shops disappeared, and the buildings disappeared. What were left, were the stars, two people, and their growing attraction for one another. It was not even attraction, really. Their feelings were beyond attraction, almost beyond words.

Josie looked away from Sam for what was probably the first time she had in the hour they had been walking. They were passing an out of place little cafe that was getting ready to close and as someone opened the door she smelled everything inside and knew they had to stop.

"Uh... Sam?" Josie interrupted their conversation about one of Sam's best friends, Will.

Sam was so deep into his story that he didn't hear Josie calling him.

"Sam?" Josie asked, putting her hand around his arm and tugging softly.

Sam simply nodded, dazed. Once Josie had explained to him that she wanted to stop and get something from the Cafe, they entered and both desided to get deserts. Josie knew exactly what she wanted: cheesecake, and Sam sided with a piece of chocolate mousse pie.

They departed the cafe and decided to eat as they walked. They both ate silently, occasionally taking a taste of the other's pastry.

When they finished, Josie remembered how she had interrupted him. "What were you saying, Sam?"

Sam put his arm around Josie and hugged her close, "You know...I don't remember."

* * *

When they got back to Josie's car, they had lost all track of time. When they got into it, and Josie turned the key in the ignition, they both laughed.

It read: 11 p.m.

"Time sure flies when you're having fun!" Josie said.

"Time sure flies when you're with someone as wonderful as you are, Josie," Sam corrected. His eyes twinkled with the feeling he no longer had to hide.

Josie looked down at her lap and blushed. This was too good to be true. He w as too good to be true.

Sam knew he had to tell Josie about his plans to leave New York. He looked at the smile spread across Josie's blushing face. He didn't know how he had ever survived without seeing that smile. He didn't want it to go away, and he knew if he told her it would. He didn't want her to think anything was her fault. 'Here I go...' he thought. He took Josie's hand in his and tried to look her in the eye but found he couldn't.

"I have to tell you something, Josie."

"Yeah?" Josie was afraid of the sudden sadness in his voice.

"Well, you remember how I was late today, and then I didn't have my car?" Josie nodded. "Well, I was late because I was packing," Sam paused to study Josie's response. He found himself focusing on the seatbelt behind Josie's head. "I was packing because I was leaving Chicago and going to New York to find Lara. I was wrapping my hockey trophies with the newspaper when I saw you're picture and forced myself to read it your article. It was 20 minutes until the game when I I hopped in a cab because my car is at Will's."

Josie opened her mouth to say something but "Oh" was all that came out. She felt tears come to her eyes and decided to stay strong.

Sam felt horrible. Why had he ever even considered going back to Lara? She had never truly made him happy, even in the better days. They had never clicked like Josie and him, and he found it hard to believe that he had thought of Lara as a possibility. He knew that hurt Josie, and he had wanted to leave that part out, but he didn't want to lie to her. If he had lied, she would have found out somehow anyway, and then where would he be? He couldn't have taken the chance, he had to tell her the truth.

"Are...are you still leaving?" she forced out in a shaky voice.

"No! Of course not! I just...didn't think I could stay here and when I thought of places I could go New York sort of popped in my head. I didn't even really want to go, Josie," Sam's eyes filled with water, all he wanted was for her to forgive him.

Sam's watery, wide eyes resembled those of a puppy who had just peed on the rug. She moved closer to Sam and hugged him, whispering, "It's ok Sam... It's ok."

It took them a few minutes of hugging before they were back to normal again. Something Sam said registered and she asked, "Why is your car at Will's, again?"

"'Cause I was going to drive it to New York and Will was going to fix something on it for I'm staying at his house tonight, because my apartment is packed up," he said, wiping his eyes. He felt stupid crying in front of her, but she meant so much to him that he couldn't control himself, much like he hadn't been able to in her room earlier. He had to work on that.

"Oh, so should I drop you off there?" Josie proposed.

"Actually...if you could, that would be great!"

Josie smiled and Sam began to direct her to Will's house.

* * *

Sam and Josie pulled up at Will's house at 11:30p.m. Josie was a little disappointed that the evening was over already. She didn't want to intrude and was prepared to say her good-byes in the car.

"So, I guess this is-" was all she got out before Sam stopped her.

"Oh no, why don't you come in?" Sam asked, hoping he wouldn't have to say good-bye just yet. He wanted to spend more time with Josie, and he was interested in what Will and his wife, Meredith, thought of her.

"I don't know, Sam. I don't want to intrude," Josie really wasn't sure if she could handle this. She loved Sam and was sure she would love his friends, but would they love her?

"You're not!" Sam was set on her coming inside. He got out of the car and went around to help Josie out.

He opened her door, pulled her out, and started leading her to the door while Josie protested, "I don't think I should, Sam."

"You'll love them!" he said while knocking on the door.

"I'm not worried about that...wait...them?"

"Yeah, my friend Will and his wife, Meredith."

Then the door unlocked. Josie stiffened. She wasn't exactly sure why she was so afraid. 'What if they don't like me and they convince Sam to not like me?' she thought, even though she knew that wouldn't happen.

'Run, Josie, before it's too late!' came that cold voice in her head again.

'Not this time,' she replied back to it.

The door opened a little and then stopped. Josie was sure Will and Meredith had seen her and ran away. Sam pushed the door open and went inside, leaving Josie stiff on the porch.

Sam hadn't noticed Josie still standing there. His friends weren't trying to be rude, they had just unlatched the door for Sam and went on about their business; they didn't know Sam had company with him.

Josie slowly trailed behind Sam, unsure of what to do.

"Hi Sammy, Will's busy watching a hockey game in the living room," said a female voice that Josie expected came from Meredith. Sam winced when she called him 'Sammy', obviously embarrassed. The voice paused and a woman walked up to Sam. She was a beautiful, thin, dark-haired woman wearing a kind of white summer dress. The woman hugged Sam, not noticing Josie slowly walking up to them, then tilted her head to her right and stared at him, saying, "Well, you certainly look happy, where've you been? We've been waiting for a couple hours."

Sam turned and looked at Josie. The woman's eyes fallowed Sam's gaze and landed upon Josie. She smiled joyfully, and looked back at Sam, "Well...I can guess why you've been late and why you look so happy... but I can't guess her name on my own, Sam!"

She walked up to Josie and hugged her, "Hi, I'm Meredith." Josie was delighted. Meredith was sweet and sincere, and Josie already liked her.

"Sorry Mer, this is Josie Geller," Sam paused for a minute, "my girlfriend."

Meredith was shocked. Not only was Sam happier than she had ever seen him, but he was not with Lara. And she could tell already that Josie was the opposite of Lara. She was going to like Josie Geller.

"Josie Geller...I think I've heard that name somewhere before."

"Josie is a writer for the Sun-Times. Her article today was a big hit," Sam underestimated, deliberately not telling Meredith how he knew Josie, just to tease her a little.

Then it struck her: Josie Geller... Never Been Kissed! Meredith had read the article this morning, but had forgot about it all day. Was Sam the teacher from the article? No! It couldn't be!

"What aren't you telling me Samuel Benjamin Coulson?"

"Oh, nothing..." Sam lied.

Josie just smiled as Sam led her through the kitchen and into a large living room. Sitting on the couch was a very attractive man. Will? Probably. He had dark, well-trimmed hair that was highlighted with blonde streaks and in a messy, gelled style on his head. He was wearing a navy blue golf shirt and khaki shorts.

"Damn it!" Will yelled at the TV screen. "Losers! We could take 'em, Sam!" He stood up to great Sam when he noticed Josie holding onto his arm. He grinned and nodded his head in agreement. "Josie Geller," he elucidated.

"Hi...Will?" Josie said coyly.

"That's me. So, I saw you guys on the news a few minutes ago. I was just about to tell Mer when I saw the end of the game... You have some explaining to do!" said Will. 'That's just like Will,' Sam thought.

"We were on the news? I'm sorry Sam, I didn't know we'd be...such a hit," Josie was surprised. She didn't think it was that big of a deal. Well, to everyone else anyway.

"It's no big deal, Josie, isn't that a good thing anyway?" Sam reassured her, "Well, I'd introduce everyone but I guess you all know each other!"

"Yep, and since we know each other...don't I get a hug, Josie?" Will said teasingly, and walked over to give her a big, long hug. Josie liked him. She liked them. She glanced at Sam who was looking a little worried.

"Hey, watch it, man," Sam said, half joking, half purely jealous. Josie bit her lip in attempt to suppress a giggle. Sam saw this and pulled her into his arms so that they both faced the same direction and rested his chin on the top of her head.

"Let's sit down and talk. That is, if Will can turn off the game for a few minutes," Meredith teased.

* * *

They had been talking a few hours about everything from Lara to Sam's teenage years. They all wanted to know everything about Josie, but Josie tried not to give enough away for them to think she was an inexperienced loser. They seemed to understand her and Josie wondered where people like them had been her whole life. They clicked and Josie felt like she had grown up with them. She had never been this comfortable with anyone other than Rob and Anita. And even with Anita she felt like she was holding something back. She knew Anita didn't mean to, but sometimes she made her feel inadequate in ways.

Josie had learned a lot about Sam from Will and Meredith. It made her feel closer to him, and she was falling deeper and deeper in love with him by the second. She knew this was dangerous, and she was already dreading having to leave his company.

At 2:00 a.m. they all decided that they better call it a night and Will and Meredith went upstairs.

Josie and Sam headed for the door and walked out to Josie's car. "Well, I had a great evening with you, Josie," said Sam, feeling unsure of himself. 'Come on. Can you think of anything dumber to say, Sam?' he told himself.

"Me too," Josie said quietly, lost in his magnetic green eyes, "Will and Meredith are great."

"Yeah...but I have to confess that I wasn't paying too much attention to them."

Josie would have blushed under normal circumstances, but the way he said it made her sparkle, and she felt like she was on fire for the second time that day. She felt luminously beautiful for the first time in her life when she saw his face at that moment. When he looked at her he was looking at the gorgeous, sexy woman that she had always dreamt of becoming. At that moment, she realized her life-long dream was reality. She prayed that she wouldn't wake up.

Sam felt a little funny, and wasn't sure if he should have admitted what he had until he saw her face. It had a star-like quality the way it sparkled. She was beaming, and he realized his life-long dream was reality. He had never felt so alive, so important, so loved. He had always wanted someone to love him the way he was, the way he wanted to be. He studied Josie. She was gorgeous. She was an angel. Her smile seriously lit up a room, and her eyes had the ability to manipulate and buoy anyone. He understood how lucky he was to be with her and promised himself he would never forget.

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To Be Continued

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