Summer Thunderstorm
By Santoori

Date Posted: October 27, 2000

Click here to hear "I Feel The Earth Move" by Carole King

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Disclaimer: I do not own these characters and receive no money for my writing.

This is part 2 and the follow up to 'The Book Report'. It would definitely make good sense to read that first! If you like it, please let me know at [email protected] . Enjoy!

Oh and before I forget� this is most definitely a yellow ball story!

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It was around two in the afternoon and Sam sat in his armchair feeling more restless and anxious than he had ever felt before. Even more than he would feel before playing an important hockey game. The reason: in a few hours time, his future was to be decided. Sam was going to meet Aldys at Nana's, to receive a copy of a book that would change his life one way or the other.

The suspense would surely drive him insane if he didn't find something to do and soon. He has already cleaned his apartment from floor to ceiling, showered and shaved and was ready to leave. Sam wore his favorite pair of Nikes, blue jeans and a white golf shirt with a little logo on the chest.

In desperation, Sam turned to his life long companion, a book of Sonnets by William Shakespeare. However, that didn't help much today. Love poems were not the most appropriate distraction for the moment.

Sam snapped shut the book and replaced it on his desk. He felt the walls closing in on him and had to escape. He grabbed his car keys and headed out the front door.

* * *

Sam found himself driving around Chicago, heading in no particular direction, just trying to make the time pass quickly. Soon, however, all roads could only lead to one doorstep for Sam. He found himself parked in front of Josie's apartment building although he knew she wasn't home. Her plane would be landing much later than afternoon, but being close to her home gave Sam a respite from the edginess he had been experiencing all night and day. The solace he found, just by sitting outside her building brought back memories of evenings spent in her company. Times when he would almost admit to Josie how truly and deeply he felt for her, but his self-doubt and insecurities always held him back and kept his feelings secret.

Sam leaned back into his driver's seat, opened his window and just appreciated the scent of Josie's flowers wafting on the early June breeze. It was turning out to be another glorious summer day.

Finally, the hour for meeting Aldys was nearly upon him, so Sam headed towards Nana's. His pulse was racing and it took all his self-restraint not to drive like a lunatic. Sam pulled into the parking lot for Nana's moments before Aldys did. He got out of his car and walked over to a grinning Aldys sitting in her dad's car. Sam wondered if Aldys had an inkling of what he had gone through waiting for her.

Aldys smiled and greeted Sam. "Hi! Mr. Coulson!"

Sam waved and returned the greeting, " Hi Aldys! I'm sorry that I made you drive all this way."

Aldys smiled and said, " It's no trouble at all. I have to pick my little brother up from hockey practice in a few minutes so I hope you don't mind if I just give you the book and run out on you."

She then leaned over to the passenger's seat and retrieved her Dad's copy of Never Been Kissed Aldys then handed the book to Sam through her open window. She felt extremely pleased at the reaction it caused. Sam held the book in a very auspicious manner. As if it were made of a precious fine material that could crumble into dust if mishandled. The cogs in Aldys's mind began to turn again. Her suspicions after reading the novel were being confirmed.

Sam thanked Aldys. His look filled with gratitude. "Thank you! You have no idea how much this means to me."

Aldys gave a toothy grin and said, "You will enjoy it! I won't spoil the ending, 'Mr. Coulburn', but you will certainly enjoy it." Aldys had a wise all-knowing expression on her face.

Coulburn? Sam gave her a quizzical look, arching his eyebrow. "Err..?"

Aldys decided that it was time to make a quick get away and started the ignition. Before driving off she said, "Good luck, Sir. See you on Monday. Have a good weekend!"

Sam felt dazed. Aldys's comment had caught him off guard. He managed to wave goodbye and wandered slowly over to his car. He couldn't wait to get home to read it so he sat in his car and began reading his copy of Never Been Kissed

* * *

280 pages and a few hours later, Sam read the last line of the novel. There was no room left for doubt in his heart or mind. It was all filled with love for Josie. The novel had most definitely been about Josie and himself. There were too many references to conversations that he had shared with Josie, places they had been to like Delloser Hall. She had even included his anecdote about Gordie Howe! No wonder Aldys had figured it out that the teacher in the novel was him! He had used the same story to explain the concept of disguises in As You Like It Sam felt good that his sharpest pupil Aldys had always paid attention.

Josie had also included their 'date' at Navy Pier. Did she really think he was brave by coming along with her on the Ferris wheel when the carny nearly embarrassed her? Sam felt overjoyed. He wanted nothing more than to take Josie in his arms and kiss her senseless, much in the same way that she had described on the pitcher's mound scene.

It was now well after nine in the evening and very dark. A summer thunderstorm was brewing in skies above Chicago. Sam was now driving, heading home towards love. Towards Josie. This time nothing was going to stop him. His deepest most secret heart's desire will be soon fulfilled.

* * *

Josie was relaxing in her loveseat making notes in her writing journal, developing the story line for her next novel. Ever since she met Sam a year ago, all her heroes had taken on qualities and characteristics of his. Josie would close her eyes and images of Sam would swim into her mind. His face, his smile, his lips�

Josie let out a sigh� wondering what it would be like to kiss Sam Coulson. They had spent so much time together in recent months but every time she expected something to happen, Sam would always pull back. Josie had the love and admiration of the American reading public but that was meaningless without the love and companionship of Sam. Josie planned to give Sam a copy of NBK before it was officially released. However, her attempts to contact him since she got in had been unsuccessful. Thinking he was most probably out for the rest of the evening, she had given up, had changed into a little white T-shirt and boxer shorts, and was ready for bed.

* * *

Josie was daydreaming of Sam again, while she sat by her bay window sipping a cup of coffee, watching lightning light up the sky. It made her think of a story that Sam once told her a while back.

When he was really small, around four years of age, he used to be pretty scared of storms like other kids of a tender age generally are. On one particularly stormy night, Sam had run into his parent's bedroom and had jumped into their bed. His mum tried to comfort him by telling him a story. She told him that lightning and thunder were nothing to be afraid of. That it was God taking pictures of the world and that the lightning was just the flash of His camera going off.

Josie smiled, trying to imagine what Sam must have looked like as a little boy with unruly blonde hair and the sweetest most soulful green eyes imaginable.

She then tried to imagine what their son would look like. Would he have brown hair or blonde? Blue or green eyes? Josie was sure that Sam would make a wonderful father�

Josie was well aware of the risk she was taking by publishing NBK. If Sam said nothing to her about the book then she would know her answer. Josie felt that if Sam rejected her in the way, she would never survive. She had included everything in the book that she could think of, trying to convince Sam that he meant the world, no the universe to her. She had taken the gamble and now she would have to let the chips fall where they may.

Josie felt pure contentment in the dream world she would often slip into when thinking of Sam. She was convinced that her best writing had been inspired by him and the love that pounded in her heart for him.

The gentle pitter-patter of rain tapping at her window summoned Josie to the present. She caught sight of a movement on the walkway in front of her building. Looking carefully, feeling slightly afraid at the thought of someone possibly spying on her, she waited for lightning to show the face of the figure standing in the shadows.

* * *

The man standing and watching Josie was Sam! He had been making his way to her front door when he had caught sight of her sitting at her window. She had a far away look on her face and looked simply angelic. At that moment, a line from Romeo and Juliet popped into his mind, 'What light upon yonder window breaks, It is the east and Josie is the sun.'

Sam now knew exactly how Romeo should have felt when reciting those lines.

Sam had been so enraptured by the sight of Josie that he did not even notice that it had begun raining, and rather heavily too. Sam merely stood there, transfixed to his spot. A feeling of inadequacy washed over him. He thought, 'How could I even dare dream of claiming such a love?"

Like all great lovers often do, Sam placed the object of his love on a pedestal and worshipped her like a Goddess. Sam felt every bit the undeserving lover and Josie to him was the most precious jewel in an Emperor's treasure house.

His confidence having deserted him, Sam resigned to walking away, rather than being rejected by Josie. All his common sense took leave of him. He forgot about the message of love Josie had intended for him in the novel.

Sam knew that if he lost his friendship with Josie he would never survive. He loved her so much that he would be grateful for any little attention she would spare him.

He turned to walk away, his heart breaking a little more with each step that took him away from Josie.

* * *

Josie's spirits soared at the sight of her beloved Sam! However, as she lifted her hand to wave at him from her window, he turned around and started to leave.

Josie felt extremely confused. Why would he come all this way and leave like that? Maybe he thought I had seen him but had ignored him intentionally. Horrified at the prospect of Sam thinking a single negative though about her, Josie left her coffee cup on her coffee table and ran out the front door into the pouring rain.

She called out to him, "Sam! Sam!"

Sam stopped immediately at the sound of his name being called. He closed his eyes, savoring the sound of her voice. His heart ached with love.

Josie ventured a few steps closer to him and spoke again, "Sam. You were going to leave without even saying hello? I tried calling you all evening, but I..."

Josie stopped abruptly as she watched Sam turn around slowly, clutching a copy of NBK in his hand.

She opened her mouth to speak but no sound came out. A million thoughts raced through her mind. How did he get it? Has he read it? What did he think? Did he notice the dedication? [Which read � For S.B.C.-] Does he love me too? Why was he leaving?

For Sam, his thought process was somewhat hampered by a most spectacular vision. Standing on a walkway, during a thunderstorm, in the pouring rain, was his Goddess three feet away from him, clad in nothing but a flimsy little white T- shirt and boxer shorts. She was barefoot and soaking wet. Her blonde tendrils clung to her forehead and hung about her face framing it beautifully. Sam found himself praying, 'Dear God. If this is a dream, I never want to wake up.'

Inspite of all the rain, Sam felt his mouth go dry. He too was speechless and had a strong physical reaction to her.

Josie, however, unfortunately misinterpreted his silence and understood it to be rejection.

Even though her heart was breaking, she managed to find her voice. She gasped. "Did you read it?' and gestured to the book. Her eyes were filling with tears but Sam was unable to seem them on account of the rain.

He answered breathlessly. 'Yes!' he couldn't say any more. Words seemed insufficient. He took a step closer to Josie. The way her wet shirt clung to her breasts was driving him crazy.

Josie did not know what to make of his answer. She couldn't find the courage to look into his face. Because if she did, she would have seen the face of a man totally surrendered to love. Instead she concentrated on Sam's chest and the way his shirt clung to him revealing his darkened nipples through the material. A big lump formed in her throat. She whispered, 'And?" Her voice cracked. She finally looked into Sam's eyes. Her eyes gave him a beseeching look. Her gaze confirmed everything that Sam had hoped and dreamed of.

Lost in their intense gaze, Josie finally asked, "Do you love me, Sam?"

Sam felt an explosion like fireworks go off inside him.

Dropping the book onto the ground, Sam took one final step towards Josie, reached out and encircled her with his arms. Holding her tightly, their bodies pressed firmly against each other, their lips met in an awesome overpowering kiss. Josie's hands instinctively traveled up Sam's back and rested on his shoulders. Sam held Josie tightly, not wanting to let go of his dream woman. Afraid that she might disappear again.

Their lips parted and Sam rested his forehead against Josie's. Their eyes were still closed. Sam spoke softly. "Josie. Even if this is a dream, I could die a happy man right now."

Josie opened her eyes and kissed Sam gently on his nose and then on his eyelids. She smiled at the look of pure bliss on his face. Gently, she coaxed him; "You can open your eyes now."

Sam said seriously, "But what if you disappear again?"

Josie replied, "I won't," and then held both his hands and kissed both palms.

Sam hissed in pleasure then opened his eyes, his gaze settling on Josie's visible breasts. He hadn't meant to be so obvious and felt embarrassed.

Josie's eyes traveled downward focusing on what Sam was staring at. She shrieked, 'Oh My God!" and then turned crimson in embarrassment and tried covering up with her hands. She turned to run indoors but was stopped by Sam's hand on her shoulder. He gently spun her around and pulled her close for another deep kiss. This time it was even more passionate, their hands exploring each other fervently. Their kiss was ended abruptly by the sound of a car starting and screeching down the road. Sam instinctively pulled Josie into a protective embrace, shielding her body with his. As the car disappeared around the bend, the threat seemingly gone, the two relaxed.

Josie looked up into Sam's smiling face and said, "Maybe we should move our � ahem � book review indoors?"

Sam laughed and kissed her on her forehead. "Lead the way, Josie." Then added seriously, "I would follow you anywhere�"

This time, Josie did not feel self-conscious and led Sam by the hand to her front door but that was not before Sam picked up his soaking wet copy of NBK from the ground. She tried to open the door but it seemed stuck. She tried twisting the doorknob this way then the other but it was locked!

Embarrassed she turned to Sam and said, "I think I locked myself out."

Sam smiled as he tucked a stray lock of Josie's hair behind her ear. " Hmm. You don't have an open window anywhere, perhaps?" "No," said Josie sheepishly, at the same time thinking how incredibly sweet Sam is to want to climb through a window for her. "I closed them all when I thought it would rain."

Sam let out a small chuckle and said, " I guess there is no key under the mat either?"

Josie shook her head, indicating that there wasn't. "But my parents do have a spare set of keys, but it's at their house and I can't possibly go like this."

Sam gave Josie a quick look up and down and understood, squirming uncomfortably from his physical reaction to the erotic picture she made.

Josie blushed under Sam's appraisal. At the same time, she felt increasingly aroused by their romantic situation.

Sam bit his lip in apprehension of the thought that had crossed his mind. But before he could reconsider, his over zealous mouth spilt the beans. "You know Josie. You could stay with me tonight. I promise I'll be a perfect gentleman." God knows how I am supposed to keep that promise!

Josie wasn't sure if she wanted Sam to keep that promise either! Shocked by her thoughts, she smiled shyly and asked, "Are you sure I can stay?"

Sam answered by simply giving her another tender kiss.

She opened her eyes, thoroughly warmed all over by the love coursing through her veins.

Hand in hand, they ran over to Sam's car. They were laughing and giggling like little children. Sam helped Josie into the passenger side first, hopped over to his side, and got in. Before, he could start the ignition he turned to look at Josie, who was sitting shyly. He then realized that he had just shared the most romantic moment in his life with the woman and felt over come with emotion.

He reached behind his seat and pulled out the small blanket, which is always in his car, for Josie. Sam then opened it and wrapped it around her. Their faces were only a few inches apart. Sam thought of all the times that he had wanted to kiss Josie, to touch her and hold her but had always held back. This time, nothing was going to stop him. He pulled Josie closer to him and began with a soft kiss on the lips. He was amazed at how willingly Josie came to him. The revelation still disarmed him! This was not a time for thinking though.

Josie felt electricity and incredible popping sensations at the slightest touch from Sam. The way he looked at her and the way he touched her made her feel like a real woman for the first time in her life. She wondered if Sam realized that tonight was in fact the first time she had been kissed and that it had been worth every minute of the twenty-five year wait. She responded to Sam's gentle kisses with a passion that even she did not know she possessed. Her skin ached for more contact with his. Sam was now gently nibbling and kissing Josie on that sensitive spot on her neck and was driving her over the edge into an abyss of pure bliss. Josie could not help but wonder if just kissing Sam felt this good, what would making love with him do to her senses?

Sam's left hand was making steady progress up Josie's thigh, but then he stopped. Cool reason intervened. Kissing Josie softly on the forehead, Sam then pulled back away from her and sat in his seat. He held both her hands and kissed the tops of them, too.

He smiled and said, 'Let's go home."

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To be continued�

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