Close To Me
By Santoori

Date Posted: April 20, 2001

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Disclaimer: I do not own these characters nor do I receive any money for my writing.

Welcome to part 3 and the follow up to 'Summer Thunderstorm'. Hope you like it!

Thank you for your time and interest in my writing. All comments and suggestions are welcome at [email protected] or the message board whichever you find more convenient.


Click here to hear "Close to Me" by The Cure

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Josie and Sam sat silently in each other's company. It was a short drive from Josie's apartment to Sam's. They hardly said a word to each other though. Both were lost in their own thoughts. Josie felt overwhelmed by the situation she now found herself in. Being here with Sam and having just experienced a fraction of the passion the man felt for her had left her speechless. How could she even begin to communicate how fortunate she felt that Sam chose to return her feelings? She could only lean against the headrest of the passenger seat and stare in wonderment at Sam while he drove. It sounds clich� but the more time she spent with him, the stronger her love grew. Josie felt engulfed by the emotions swimming through her. Sam lit a flame inside her soul. Josie felt for the first time in her life that she was shining from within and she knew that it was Sam who had turned on that light inside of her.

She told herself, 'Remember this moment, Josie. This is the first time you ever experienced pure bliss.'

Sam had to concentrate on driving but yet still managed to hold Josie's hand while he wasn't changing gears. He felt reluctant to let go each time, the lost of contact being almost painful! It was pouring buckets and visibility was extremely poor. However, Sam would sneak in a glance at Josie whenever he could and was rewarded with a soft smile each time that would make his heart race. Apart from the windshield wipers swooshing the rain away from the window and the sound of millions of raindrops hammering the metal roof, there was no sound to be heard within the car but only that which the occupants could hear� that of two hearts pounding with intense love.

While waiting at a red traffic light, Sam raised Josie's hand to his lips and kissed it softly. He smiled as he looked at her and said, 'I love you, Josie Geller.' Tears were streaming down her face. This was the first time Josie had heard him say it and it gave her the most amazing feeling. 'I love you too, Sam.' Josie wished that she could show Sam and make him feel the full meaning of her words. However, Josie knew that she would not have to rush things. They had the rest of their lives to shower each other with love.

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After what seemed like only a few moments, Sam pulled into his usual parking spot in front of his apartment building. This was not the first time Josie would be visiting his apartment though, [she had been over for lunch a couple times and once when Sam threw a party for his hockey team when they won the divisional title]. This time would be different though. This time Josie would be staying over.

The rain had let up, giving the couple an opportunity to get out of the car relatively unhurried. Sam got out of the car first and opened the passenger door for Josie, helping her out. Josie always felt a sense of exquisite satisfaction and gratitude whenever she received the smallest courtesy from Sam. It made her feel extremely special.

After Sam locked his car door, the couple made their way up a flight of stairs and stood on a landing in front of Sam's apartment door.

Sam opened the door and stepped aside for Josie to walk through first. He switched on the living room light and locked the door behind them. Josie stood in the center of his living room, looking shy and vulnerable wrapped in a blanket. Josie never failed to bring to the surface all of Sam's protective instincts as well as making him feel a better man just by being around her. He wanted to smother her in love and affection. To take her in his arms and kiss her senseless.

'Remember your promise,' Sam warned himself, trying to make himself immune to the rising passion inside him.

They watched each other for a while, wondering whether they were dreaming of this moment or if in fact the other was really there.

Sam cleared his throat and spoke first, 'You can take a hot shower if you like. It will warm you up.' Smiling he then added, 'I don't want you to catch a cold.'

Josie looked around the room nervously then her gaze settled on the floor. 'Err. I don't mean to be nuisance, Sam but I need something to change into.' She was now blushing profusely.

Sam let out a small chuckle then said, 'I am such a goofball! Of course you do. Come!' taking Josie by the hand, 'I am sure we can find you something that fits.' Sam then led her into his bedroom.

He opened his closet door and started looking for something suitable.

While Sam was going through almost every shirt he had trying to decide what would be suitable for his girlfriend, Josie noticed a large black hockey jersey hanging on the railing. She tapped Sam on his shoulder and asked, 'What's that?'

Sam smiled and said proudly as he took it off the coat hanger, 'This is my hockey jersey from two seasons ago. After we got a sponsor, our uniform changed but I still practice in this one.'

Sam then held it up against his chest for Josie's appraisal. COULSON and the number 8 were written in large white letters.

Josie was grinning from ear to ear remembering how sexy Sam looked on the ice. She had always made time to be at Sam's important games. Watching him on the ice was always an exhilarating experience.

Sam raised his eyebrows and asked tentatively, 'Would you like to wear it?'

Josie nodded eagerly. "Yes! I have wanted to wear your jersey for quite some time!" Then blushed, totally embarrassed by her admission to Sam. Sam laughed and took out a pair of his shorts and a fresh towel from the closet for Josie. Giving her a soft kiss on the forehead, Sam then pointed out the bathroom.

When he finally heard the click of the bathroom door closing, Sam let out a long sigh. This was going to be a long night and he hoped that he would be able to keep his promise. Everything that Josie did and said made him love her even more.

Sam thereafter, connected the hair dryer and left it on the bed for Josie to dry her hair when she came out of the bathroom.

Sam then gathered his things for his turn in the shower. He chose a white T-shirt and a pair of gray sweatpants. He took his towel and removed all the excess water from his hair. Leaving his things on the bed, he then headed for the kitchen and decided to make something warm to drink. Sam was glad that it was still summer or else he would have frozen his butt off by now!

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Josie could not believe that she was standing in Sam's shower. It seemed all too surreal. She held his bar of soap in her hand and let her mind wander in quite a few dangerous directions thinking about where that soap had been!

The hot water felt great! But, then she felt guilty knowing that Sam was still in his wet clothing and closed the tap and changed quickly.

A little while later, Josie entered the living room wearing Sam's hockey jersey which came down to her knees, his shorts and her hair wrapped in his towel turban style. She smiled as she watched him stirring a saucepan intently. His hair was still wet but it was all disorderly pointing in every direction. He had been towel drying his hair.

Josie smiled as she stood by the door and said softly, 'Shower's free.'

Sam had to smile when he saw Josie standing in the doorway leaning against the doorframe. She had this unmistakable charm of being innocently sexy and alluring and it drove him crazy. Unintentionally, Sam spoke his thoughts aloud, 'You are the kind of woman who inspires great poetry, Josie. You are timeless. Great volumes should be dedicated to you!'

Josie beamed on reception of this incomparable complement that Sam had just paid her.

Sam had stopped stirring the saucepan filled with milk when Josie entered and it was now boiling furiously with little bubbles popping on the surface. Sam paid no heed to it though and was consumed by Josie. He studied her intently, wanting to memorize this moment forever.

Josie took a couple of steps towards Sam, turned off the cooker, so that the milk would not spill over and after sharing some intense eye contact with Sam said simply, 'And you are the god of my idolatry.' Upon hearing Josie's quotation from the balcony scene in Romeo and Juliet, Sam could only act out what words failed to express. He gathered Josie in his arms and kissed her passionately with all the love and affection in his soul.

Stopping only when they were desperate for air, Josie and Sam shared a warm embrace with Josie resting her head against Sam's chest. This moment was perfect. Nothing external mattered. Not the place, not their attire, nothing! Only that they were together. And that they had finally found each other, being in each other's arms made every thing else fade into insignificance.

Josie looked up to Sam and said, ' Milk?'

Sam grinned and then pointed to a small pile of grated chocolate on the kitchen counter. 'Yeah! I was planning to make some hot chocolate for us? I know you love chocolate. It would warm us up on the inside, too! What do you think?' Somehow Sam felt that was not really necessary, though. If the proceedings in the kitchen thus far had been any yardstick to judge the night by, things were already piping hot!

Josie felt more tears fall as she said, 'Oh! Sam!' Josie could not help but feel so undeserving of such a thoughtful and kind man.

They then shared another romantic kiss.

After which their lips slowly parted company, Sam let out a chuckle and then said, 'Wow! All that for a cup of hot chocolate? I wonder what would be in store for me if I told you I could bake a chocolate cake?'

His eyes twinkled again, giving away his saucy intentions.

Josie felt thrilled by Sam's flirtation. However, she was going to give as good as Sam was dishing out!

She teased, 'Well, since you know my weakness for chocolate, I would say all bets are off, Mr. Coulson.' Her look conveyed the full meaning of her words while Sam's eyes widened in expectation. Images of making passionate love with Josie flashed before his eyes. Sensations of sharing intimate caresses gave his skin goose bumps and made the hair on his hands and neck stand up. Coupled with the warmth of her body leaning against his, Sam felt the need for a cold, cold shower. Self-consciously he cleared his throat and released Josie from his embrace. His face had turned red in reaction to the exertions his mind envisaged.

With a cracking voice, Sam suggested, 'Should� ahem� Shouldn't you dry your hair, Josie?'

Her physical proximity and intense awareness he experienced just being near her made it extremely difficult for Sam to exercise any restraint.

Sensing Sam's predicament and feeling just as strongly about him, Josie chose to break away while she still could. Josie knew that Sam was the one she had been waiting for he whole life and she felt ready for next step but would tonight be the night? She wasn't sure and while the uncertainty existed, she would wait.

She smiled and gave Sam a soft kiss on his cheek and returned to the bedroom.

When Sam heard Josie turn the hair dryer on, which emitted a most un-romantic whirring noise, he let out a breath that he didn't even know he had been holding.

After taking a few deep breaths, Sam realized he needed help to get over his reaction. He found himself wondering if he had any condoms!! 'Cold shower! Definitely cold shower!' he said aloud.

Leaving everything in the kitchen as it was, he made his way to the bedroom.

Sam stood dumbstruck in the doorway. He did not expect to find Josie bending forward, running her fingers through her hair, which was also tossed forward. She looked amazingly sexy!

Josie caught sight of Sam's reflection in the mirror and so switched off the hair dryer and turned around to watch Sam. Her hair had a care free wildness to it that turned Sam on like never before! Josie thought that maybe she should feel embarrassed at letting Sam see her this way but surprisingly she was not. She smiled and said softly, 'Hi!'

Sam on the other hand felt panicked. Josie's wild hair-do reminded him of a few erotic dreams he had of her. And now she was here, in the flesh in blood, standing in his bedroom wearing his hockey jersey.

This was more than he could handle or could hide! Not for the first time that night, Sam felt his mouth go dry.

' I�err� shower� err. Yeah! Shower!' then hastily retreated from the bedroom into the bathroom.

Josie looked at the black hairdryer in her hand and then at her reflection in the mirror, trying to figure what had freaked out Sam like that!

Instead of seeing herself dressed in Sam's jersey, Josie saw herself as a teenager with bad hair and braces.

She closed her eyes and shook her head, trying to get rid of the image that was still imprinted on her mind even after closing her eyes.

'I'm not Josie Grossie anymore!' she repeated softly.

Tentatively she opened her eyes, to inspect herself in the mirror afraid that the image was still there waiting to taunt her. This time however she saw herself as she is now. She asked herself, 'Why would Sam want me?'

She couldn't think of an answer. Her shoulders slumped forward and she rubbed her forehead. She felt a sharp pain in her heart and wondered what she was doing in Sam's apartment.

She wandered out of his bedroom and sat on his armchair, trying to think clearly but failing miserably. How can a person be rational when confronted with the promise of perfect love? Josie had grown so accustomed to rejection in love throughout high school, that it had been the source of much misery and heartache instead of joy and fulfillment. She then realized that she was waiting for the other shoe to drop.

This time, nothing would survive and she would never recover. How could there be life after Sam Coulson?

* * *

Sam opened the bathroom door and was confronted by an eerie silence. [The kind that makes your stomach nervous.] It had stopped raining.

Josie was no longer drying her hair and her towel was lying on the bed. She was not to be seen though. The rest of the apartment was in darkness so where was she?

Sam called out gently, 'Josie?'

No response came.

Again he called, but this time a little louder, 'Josie? Where are you?'

He wandered into the living room and caught sight of Josie sitting in his armchair. The skies had cleared and the full moon cast its silvery rays into his living room. Both her legs were draped over one armrest and her head was leaning against backrest.

Sam wondered if she had fallen asleep.

He stood for a while watching her then decided that she would take the bed and he would sleep out here. By no means would he share a bed with her without her permission.

As he walked up to Josie's supposed sleeping form, she turned her head and looked up at Sam and then looked away. This puzzled Sam extremely! If she wasn't sleeping, why didn't she answer him then? Was she angry with him? Did he say something wrong?

Crouching in front of her, he took her hand in his and asked, 'Josie. Is something wrong?'

Was she afraid of him? That he might want sex from her when she wasn't ready?

Sam's agitation continued to grow. He hated to see Josie upset. Especially if he didn't know why, because then he might be able to do something about it. Being in love with Josie, meant Sam would try to change the world if he had to, so that it would not hurt her.

He noticed the two glittering trails that her tears had left running down her cheeks. Every inch of him demanded to know what caused this, but he knew he had to be gentle.

He softly wiped away her tears, his own heart aching after seeing her like this.

Josie closed her eyes and spoke finally, 'Sam. I can't think of a reason for you wanting me. Why would you love me? I can't believe this has happened to me. I can't believe that I am here. I can't believe that you love me, too. I am just waiting for the dream to end. So that I can wake up and be alone in my love again.'

Sam got out of his crouching position and sat on the edge of the front of the armchair. He leaned in closely and spoke from his heart, ' Josie Geller, I fell in love with you before I even met you and with each passing day I fall more and more in love with you. I cannot imagine a life without you in it. I had given up hope, thinking I could never win your love. I was grateful to be a part of your life in the smallest way. When you offered me your hand in friendship, I was over the moon. Here you were, this talented famous writer, interested in me, an English high school teacher, a virtual nobody. I could offer you nothing but my heart. But that you already owned after I read your first book. You touched me deep inside, a place I never even knew existed. You forced me to look at myself and at my ideas on love. You're amazing. I'm the lucky one, Josie. So lucky that you love me, too. I feel so unworthy. You said it best in your book when you said that you realize you have this amazing gift and you feel so lucky that you found it and so scared that you might lose it all at the same time. I love you so much it hurts Josie.'

Taking her hand in his and placing it over his heart, Sam continued. 'Can you feel that? That heart beats for you, Josie. Even if you decided tomorrow or the day after that you don't want me anymore. I will always love you. I will always be yours. Always.'

Sam had tears in his eyes after making his solemn vow. Being able to express his love finally after hiding it for so long felt incredible.

Josie had no words. She had been totally bowled over by Sam's vow. What could she say in response? She felt choked by her emotions. She had never received such a declaration before and it had left her senses addled. She caressed his face, while shedding tears of profound joy.

'Sam. I will love you always. We are so lucky that we found each other.'

Then taking his hand and placing it over her own heart, Josie smiled through her tears and then said, 'Can you feel this heart beating?'

Sam nodded.

'This heart� this heart� is yours. It beats for you, Sam. You are the one that healed it and made it whole again. Life has no meaning without you. I only knew what love really meant after you came into my life. And now that I know you love me to nothing else matters.'

Looking deeply into each other's eyes, they acknowledged the vows of eternal love that they had just pledged. Sam leaned in closer. It started off as a gentle kiss to seal their vows but it grew into a deeper, more heated, fervent one. Sam's lips traveled along Josie's jaw line to her ears and then began their descent to her neck and then the hollow above her collarbone. Josie gasped in delight when she felt Sam's tongue touch on her skin. The new sensations making her feel all hot and tingly. They grew frustrated by their lack of maneuvering space. The two were eager to explore and touch each other. Sam pulled back. He wanted more but wasn't sure if Josie was ready. He had made his promise to behave like a gentleman and would do his best to keep it. If anything happened tonight which would bring Josie an ounce of regret, Sam knew he could never forgive himself.

All doubts in Josie's mind had been vanquished. She knew now that nothing else mattered. After sharing such a profound and incredible moment with Sam, she was certain. Sam loved and wanted her. She had waited long enough. The time was right� and she was ready.

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To be continued�

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