The Book Report
By Santoori

Date posted: September 26, 2000

Disclaimer: I do not own these characters and receive no money for my writing.

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Sam reached over to pick up the last book report, from his senior class, which needed to be graded before heading home. He was sitting at his desk in his classroom at South Glen South. It was such a lovely afternoon, that quite often he would find himself staring out the window looking at the flowers on trees or the cloud formations racing across a heavenly blue sky. Summer certainly was definitely in full swing!

He returned his attention to this last book report, written by Aldys Wells.

Aldys had chosen the novel, Never Been Kissed by Josie Geller, for her report.

Sam could not believe his eyes. He blinked and read the title page again. No. His eyes were not playing tricks on him. How on earth did Aldys manage to get a copy of the novel, which would only be in stores next month!

Sam had been a fan of the novelist Josie Geller for the past 2 years. He had read all of her four novels at least three times. Her latest book, 'Never Been Kissed', was sold out before the copies even reached the shelves, as fans had reserved copies in advance.

Even Sam had pre-ordered a copy from

Josie Geller had a profound effect on Sam's life. She had opened Sam's eyes to the promise of true love and gave him kinship through her writing even before they actually met. Sam had even ended his relationship with Lara when he realized that he was no longer in love with her. He had Josie to thank for his awakening. Her words moved him so deeply that when South Glen South hosted the annual English Workshop, he made every attempt to ensure she would be the main speaker�

Sam had sat in awe, listening to the petite woman, dressed in soft pink summer dress, speak with such passion about literature. A passion, that Sam had long believed only he had for the English language. Her talk was followed by a presentation by someone else but Sam could not concentrate on it. He had to meet Josie! He knew he was falling in love with a woman who didn't even know that he existed.

He watched Josie slip out through a side-door from the auditorium. His body followed where his legs carried him. And that was straight to Josie!

Outside, he found her sitting on a low wall relaxing and enjoying a gentle breeze. Her eyes were closed and she was humming. Sam felt his heart thud in his chest. Just then, the breeze carried a lone blonde wisp of hair off her cheek, and Josie smiled. Sam had never seen anything so beautiful in all his life. But he knew that what he was doing now was in effect spying on her. So he audibly cleared his throat and said, 'Excuse me.'

Josie opened her eyes and gave Sam a warm smile. She said, 'Hello...' And then peaking at his name tag continued, 'Sam.'

Sam felt so nervous that he wanted to escape. 'Hi, Miss Geller. I hope I am not disturbing you."

Josie replied, 'Not at all, Sam. I needed some fresh air after the talk that's all. Would you like to sit down? And please call me Josie.'

Sam sat down on the wall, next to Josie and smiled. Sam was close enough now to appreciate a faint trace of perfume. She smelt like� Jasmine� Sam gathered his courage to finally speak to Josie. 'Thank you, Josie. I am the English teacher here at South Glen South. I wanted to thank you for coming and for writing your wonderful novels. Many of my students have discovered a love for literature by reading your work."

Josie blushed at his compliment, and looked at the grass on the lawn. She said softly, 'Thank you.'

Sam could not believe that the change in her demeanor. When she spoke of literature she was confident and self-assured but now to accept a compliment she became shy and sweet. This could only mean that her success had not gone to her head. And that she was as down to earth and as lovable as the characters in her novels.

When she looked up again, they made eye contact. Sam could feel himself get lost in those big blue eyes. At that moment, Sam realized that she was truly beautiful inside and out.

He had to spend more time with her. This might be the only opportunity he would get to be with her and Sam was not about to waste it. 'Would you like something to drink, Josie?'

She nodded and smiled�

� And that was beginning of the year old friendship he had thus far shared with Josie. Almost two novels later and Josie Geller was a household name across America.

Sam was head over heels in love with Josie, but he did not have the courage to tell her. What could an underpaid High School English teacher offer to a famous novelist? Sam felt that Josie could have any man she wanted. Why would she then pick Sam Coulson?

Josie was always on book tours; doing interviews, book signings, workshops and being generally loved wherever she went. They had met often during the year but kept daily contact through email and occasional calls. They had grown pretty close over the year and Sam felt that they had really opened up to each other.

Sam felt so touched and thankful for the friendship that he shared with Josie that he did not want to risk ruining it and losing her totally by declaring his unrequited love. He did not want to abuse their friendship either by demanding to know what her next novel was about. He would wait and find out along with the rest of America. Eager and impatiently he had waited and now it seems that Aldys had read it already!

Like a man possessed, he absorbed every single word that Aldys had to say about the novel.

Never Been Kissed is by far the best novel ever written by Josie Geller. The reader is able to identify with the universal need to be loved and accepted while all the while experiencing rejection and feeling like an outsider. The female protagonist, in this case is Jane Green, a copy editor for the Chicago Sun Times, who has to go undercover at East Glen East as a High School student. Jane's first High School experience had been a miserable one. The popular in-crowd would taunt her with the horrid nickname of Meanie Greenie! Her adolescent years had been spent in the company of books to escape the harsh reality of a lonely life. With a show of remarkable courage, Jane returns to East Glen East to re-live her High School experience. But unfortunately, Jane is still very much 'a geek to the core' as she later labels herself. Her attempt to infiltrate the in crowd of the 90's to get her story is unsuccessful. Jane initially finds company with fellow geeks but even that is compromised in the search for the 'exclusive story' that her job depends on.

Her only companion throughout her metamorphosis is her English teacher Sam Coulburn.

Sam nearly fell out of his chair.

Sam Coulburn? An English Teacher at a Chicago school?

He had to read more�

Sam Coulburn and Jane Green initially share a common love for literature but as they spend more time together they discover a deep love for each other. But alas! They cannot confess their true feelings. Sam feels guilt for falling in love with his student while Jane cannot reveal her identity or risk losing her job. It could be argued that Never Been Kissed brings a sensitive issue to light �that of teacher-student relationships. But as the reader will discover as the story progresses that true soulmates always find their way to each other. And that deep down Sam knew that all along Jane was his soulmate.

Sam couldn't read any more.

He was overcome with emotion. His hands were shaking. What did this mean? Was Josie somehow trying to convey a message to him? Maybe Aldys had misunderstood the message of the novel. But that was highly unlikely. Aldys was his best English student.

Sam knew that he had to get his hands on a copy of Never Been Kissed as soon as possible. He had to read it for himself to make sure that what he was thinking was in fact true. That Josie loved him too!

Sam pulled out a copy of the class list and looked up Aldys's number. He had to know where she got her copy. He copied it down hurriedly on a piece of paper and sprinted out of his class to the teacher's lounge. Luckily, there was no one around to see him. Everyone had gone home already as it was after 4.30. His fingers were trembling so much that the first number he dialed was a wrong number.

Sam told himself to calm down. After a few calming breaths. He dialed again. This time Aldys answered. Sam had been in such a hurry that he did not even think of a way to explain to Aldys why he needed the book. "Err. Aldys. This is Mr. Coulson. I am sorry to bother you at home like this."

"Not to worry, Sir. How can I help?"

"Well� I would like to know how you completed your book report on Never Been Kissed? It's only available in stores next month!"

Aldys smiled even though Sam couldn't see her. She knew he liked Josie Geller, [he would always get a faraway look when he spoke about her writing in class] and that he would question her on how she got the book, but she did not expect a phone call on a Friday afternoon.

"My Dad works for Josie's publishing house. Senior staff members are allowed to read the novels before anyone else. I read his copy."

Sam was dying to ask Aldys if he could borrow the book but he didn't know how. What would he say? How would he explain himself? So all he said was � 'Oh!'

Aldys knew that Mr. Coulson wanted to ask for it, but felt shy, so she volunteered. "Would you like to borrow it, Sir?"

Sam perked up immediately. He said gratefully, "Yes!! If you don't mind that is."

Aldys said, 'No problem, Sir. I will bring it school on Monday morning."

Monday morning! How on earth would he last that long not knowing what else the book contained? "I hope I am not pushing my luck here, Aldys, but could I somehow get it before then? I was hoping to use my time this weekend to read it�"

Aldys was surprised by his eagerness. She had no idea that he liked Josie Geller that much! 'Okay. Let me think� hmm. How about tomorrow afternoon? Do you know Nana's? It's near the school."

Sam had eaten there before. "Yes, I do."

Aldys said, "Alright, I will bring it to Nana's around 4. How does that sound?"

Sam knew that he would scare Aldys if he asked to pick the book up from her home right now! So he agreed. "Thank you so much, Aldys. See you then."

"Goodnight, Sir."

"Goodnight, Aldys."

Sam sank into an armchair in the teacher's lounge, held his head in his hands and tried to think. What will he do in the next 24 hours? His stomach was filled with butterflies. He stood on the precipice of bliss but was afraid to step off and enjoy the full feeling and sensations. If Aldys had been wrong. If he had misunderstood any of it� It Jane Green was not Josie Geller. If Sam Coulburn was not Sam Coulson. Sam thought he would die from the disappointment.

He decided to check his email before heading home.

'You've got mail!' chimed the computer happily!

One new message from Josie.

His heart began to thud loudly again.

It was a short note letting him know that she would be in Chicago this weekend, arriving tomorrow afternoon and that she would give him a call after she got in.

Sam didn't know if his heart could handle anymore. All he did know was that the next 24 hours would be longest of his life.

He clicked on favorites and visited a web page dedicated to Josie Geller. It had a collection of photos. He spent more than an hour just looking at her photos and reading her online published poetry before the janitor interrupted him.

'Sorry, Mr. Coulson. But I do have to lock up now."

Sam apologized for keeping the man waiting and logged off and shut down the computer.

* * *

That night Sam could neither sleep, nor eat, nor do anything much else. He paced his sitting room, did sit-ups and press-ups. Tried watching TV. Nothing worked. He even tried to con himself into sleeping by promising that the sooner he fell asleep, the sooner tomorrow would come! Exhausted by his frustration and impatience to read the book, he finally fell asleep after 4 am.

But Sam's love for Josie followed him into his dream world. He soon found himself dreaming that they were walking hand in hand in an open meadow. He could smell the wild flowers and feel the warmth of Josie's hand in his. Suddenly, a thunderstorm broke and the two sought shelter in a barn. But that was not before Josie's white summer dress had been soaked through and through. Sam held his breath as he took in the vision before him. Josie's hair was also drenched wet and the long tendrils hung about her face in a very seductive way. Apparently, she had not noticed her own appearance, as her shyness would have induced her to cover up. Instead, Josie was studying the way that Sam's wet shirt clung to his chest, revealing his athletic built in a very flattering manner.

Sam knew that the gentlemanly thing to would be to look away or at least tell Josie that he could see through her clothes. But, instead, his uncooperative mouth remained closed, his brain switched off and his heart took over.

He pulled Josie into his arms, and she came willingly. Two pairs of lips met in an explosive kiss. The electric charge that Sam experienced was like that of a lightening strike! It wasn't enough though. Sam wanted more. Needed more. His hands took on a will of their own as they explored Josie's body. Finally reaching the zipper that held the dress in place and slowly pulled it lower and lower, till the zipper ultimately reached the bottom of its track.

Sam rested his hands on the sides of Josie's waist and gazed lovingly into her trusting beautiful eyes. Her eye's shone with love and hope and Sam thought his heart would explode in sheer happiness.

Josie, now feeling braver, then began the process of unbuttoning Sam's shirt. Sam reveled in the sensation of Josie's fingers gliding across his chest. He let out an audible gasp�

Before his dream woman could lead him any further, Sam was viciously yanked back into the real world by the sound of his phone ringing. He tried to ignore it, valiantly fighting to recapture the last moments of the dream. But it was gone. In defeat, Sam answered the phone, to find out it was a wrong number! Sam hugged his pillow and let out a desperate sigh. How on earth will I ever survive if Josie doesn't love me?

* * * To be continued� * * *

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