A New Beginning, Part 13
By Cheryl

Date Posted: April 12, 2001

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It was a cool, clear night so they drove home with the top down. "Would you be up for a little detour?" Sam asked softly.

"What did you have in mind?"

"I know a place…sort of quiet…secluded…where we can watch the moon rise over the lake…"

"Sounds lovely."

Sam stopped his jeep at a grassy spot overlooking Lake Michigan. Although they were still within the city limits, it felt as if they were all alone. Sam pulled an old blanket from the back seat and spread it on the grass.

"Always prepared," teased Josie as she lay down in the cocoon of Sam's arms.

"I was a Boy Scout," he teased back.

They watched in companionable silence as the full moon rose over the lake, basking them in its shimmery silver light.

"It's breathtaking," sighed Josie.

"Yes, it is," breathed Sam, looking at Josie bathed in the soft silver moonglow. He bent to kiss her, pulling her tightly into his arms. "I love you more each moment that I'm with you," he murmured as he kissed her again.

"Oh, Sam…" Josie murmured, "I love you so much." She slipped her hands beneath his shirt, thrilling as she felt him shudder with pleasure. She pulled back slightly to meet Sam's passion-filled green eyes. "Make love to me," she whispered shyly, "here…in the moonlight."

Sam searched her eyes for confirmation. "Are you sure? We could be caught…"

Josie silenced him with a kiss. Sam needed no further encouragement as he began to unbutton Josie's blouse. Her hands lifted his shirt drawing it over his head. As he bent his lips to her breast, a bright light blinded him.

Sam sat up, shielding Josie as she frantically buttoned her blouse.

"Well, I'll be…" said the police officer holding the flashlight, "if it's not Chicago's favorite couple."

Sam and Josie both blushed at being caught. The officer shone the light in his own face.

"Officer Flaherty?" said Sam.

"Guess I don't need to ask how you're doin', son," he joked.

"Thanks to you, sir, we're doing just fine. Josie, my love, this is Officer Joe Flaherty, who delivered me to the stadium that fateful night."

Josie, now composed and fully buttoned, tossed Sam his shirt and grinned at the officer. "Officer Flaherty, how can I ever thank you?"

"Young lady, believe it or not…I was young and in love once myself. Just glad I could be of service to you two lovebirds. Now…on a serious note…the park closes at dusk…so you'll have to move along…"

"Thank you, sir," said Sam politely. "Hey…do you have plans for August 14th? If not we'd love it if you'd come to our wedding."

"After all," said Josie, "you did get Sam to the stadium…almost on time!"

Sam was quiet as they drove home.

"What's wrong, sweetie," Josie asked.

"What if I didn't make it? If I never saw your story until it was too late?" he asked quietly. "Could you have forgiven me?"

Josie thought for a moment. "I'd have been devastated," she answered truthfully, "as heartsick as you were when you learned the truth. If you'd shown up on my doorstep the next day, honestly, I'm not sure. I believe I would have forgiven you, given you a chance to explain."

"What I wasn't willing to do for you?" he asked, hating himself a little.

"Sam…I don't blame you for being angry with me. As far as you knew, everything I had ever said to you was a complete lie. God…how I hated every fabrication! I desperately wanted to tell you the truth…but I didn't. I chose to keep up the disguise. I think it's sort of pointless to worry about what might have been. We're together now. I believe in my heart that somehow, we still would have ended up together."

"I was very close to calling you," he said softly, "letting you explain, begging you to forgive me for being a pig-headed ass."

"But you're my pig-headed ass," she teased. "Now…on a more serious subject…do you have any idea where we could continue what we started tonight without getting arrested?"

Sam laughed. "You've become such a hedonist, my love."

Josie giggled in agreement. "I know. It felt so naughty! I never imagined getting caught in flagrante delicto could be so exhilarating. But I really like the outdoorsy part!"

"The outdoor part…I could probably accommodate. Making love in a public place…that'd have to be spontaneous or it would be too weird. I'll remember to always be prepared," he teased.

It rained on moving day.

Josie wandered around her apartment, her eyes moist with unshed tears. She ran a hand along the mantel.

"Josie," Sam called. His voice echoed in the now-empty room. "Hey…you okay?"

"It's silly," she said. "We're moving to this great house…but…I'm just a little sad. This place was the first thing I ever did completely on my own after college. I didn't think it would be this difficult to leave it."

Sam folded her into his arms. "I have an idea of what it means to you. Something tangible to show the world that you were succeeding…that you weren't Josie Grossie anymore."

"Something like that." Josie brushed the tears from her lashes and smiled up at Sam. "Let's go home."

Sam took her hand and led her out the door.

Sam backed the U-Haul into the driveway. Car doors slammed as their friends and families arrived to help with the unloading and unpacking.

Josie's head was spinning as she attempted to answer questions on where to put things. She was relieved when the truck was finally empty and she could get organized. As she was trying to figure out where to start, Aldys tapped her on the shoulder.

"We need you in the living room."

"I guess that's as good a place to start as any," she said, following Aldys.

Everyone seemed to have assembled there. She walked to where Sam stood, leaning on the stone mantle. "What's going on?"

He shook his head. "I have no idea. Guy told me I was needed here…"

Guy Perkins approached them carrying a large, flat box. "Guys…this is from your friends in South Glen South's class of '99." He handed the package to Sam. "We thought you should have this…"

Sam ripped the box open, revealing the neon 'Meant for Each Other' sign from the prom. Sam grinned at Josie.

She smiled back, a single tear slipping down her cheek. "Wow…that is so sweet!"

Hours later, they sat on the floor in the living room, alone, unpacking boxes. It was one of the few rooms in the house that didn't need work.

Sam watched in amusement as Josie dug into the boxes containing his things. "Looking for something special?" he asked.

"Nope. I'm just so curious to know what sort of things you surround yourself with. I mean…you've been living with all of my stuff for a couple of weeks now, but I haven't even seen most of yours." She slit the packing tape on the box with a knife and pulled it open. She pulled out several of the objects, encased in paper, and unwrapped them to reveal a collection of elephants. She looked at Sam questioningly.

"I'm not quite sure how that collection got started," he said. "They're supposed to be good luck if you face their trunks toward the door."

"Hmmm…elephants. Definitely not something I'd have expected. What's in here?" She indicated a box marked fragile.

Sam looked at the box. "I'm not sure. It's been so long since I packed them, I don't remember. I, uh…wasn't exactly in the best frame of mind when I was doing it." He took the knife from her and opened up the box. It contained framed photographs, mostly in black-and-white, of Paris.

"Did you take these?" Josie asked. "They're very good."

Sam nodded. "I can't wait to show you Paris. I still can't believe Rigfort's springing for that. It's an amazing gift."

"Well…he is getting something out of it. I do have to write an article for the travel section when we get back."

"I guess that means that we'll have to leave the hotel at some point, huh?" Sam asked wickedly.

Josie blushed. "You did promise to show me the sights…including the Eiffel Tower."

"Just don't expect me to get too close to the edge, okay? I haven't completely conquered my fear."

Josie stroked his face with her hand. "If you don't want to go up…it's okay…really…"

"For you…I'll attempt it." Sam snaked an arm around her waist and pulled her close. "I love you," he said as his mouth descended on hers.

She moaned softly as he lowered her to the carpet, loving the weight of his body on hers. "Sam…" she murmured. Josie feathered soft kisses along his stubbled jawline to the sensitive spot behind his ear. He groaned as she gently nipped his earlobe.

Sam's lips found hers again as his hands skimmed over her body, sliding beneath the loose t-shirt she wore. She sat up slightly, allowing Sam to pull the shirt from her body. He balled it up and tossed it to the floor, followed quickly by his own, and branded kisses down her neck.

The doorbell chimed.

"Damn," Sam muttered softly. "Don't they know how late it is?" He glanced at his watch; it was only 8:30. Reluctantly, he handed Josie her t-shirt and pulled his own over his head. "Looks like we've got company."

He stood and held out a hand to Josie to help her up. His eyes met Josie's. "You know…I still find it hard to believe that even the simplest touch from you can make be so crazy." He placed her hand over his erratically beating heart.

"I know what you mean," she whispered. "Sometimes…all you have to do is look at me and I just…melt."

The doorbell chimed again.

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