For Love Alone, Part I
By Michelle

Date Posted: February 11, 2000

Disclaimer: I don't own any of these characters, etc. I am just using them for entertaining purposes. I am not making any money out of them.

**Guys this is my first try at writing a story and I would really appreciate it if you guys let me know what you think about it at: [email protected]**

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After having a little too much wine the night before, Josie woke up a little late for work. Dressing in a hurry, she called Anita to pick her up, since she felt guilty waking Sam up early on a Saturday. On her way out she stopped to take a look at the man she loved. God, he was amazing, he always seemed to amaze her in one way or another. As he slept, he always seemed to have that one strand of hair in his face that just begged to be touched and a peaceful expression on his face. Coming back to reality, Josie glanced at her watch and moved towards the door, kissing Sam on her way out trying not to wake him.

Anita was on time as usual. She asked with a chuckle, "So what happened last night with you and Sam?"

"Nothing happened�and for a while I intend to keep it that way," Josie said, looking very serious.

Anita quickly responded, "Josie, Josie, Josie, when are you going to learn? Things have to happen, and let me tell you, if I had that man to myself, things would have happened a long time ago."

Ignoring what Anita said, Josie walked to the car and got in. When Anita got in Josie gave her that famous disgusted look, but knowing Anita she didn't even notice.

Sam woke up about an hour after Josie had left. Sam felt funny, maybe a little ill, but he was distracted by something but he wasn't sure what it could be. He heard a sort of banging at the door, and to his surprise it was Rob, dressed in the most ridiculous outfit and wearing a Tiki Post hat. "Hi�Rob, isn't it? What are you doing here?" Sam asked, hoping Rob wouldn't think badly of Josie because he was there.

His fears were, of course, unfounded. "Josie sent me to come check up on you. I guess she doesn't want you burning the house down or anything," Rob answered with a chuckle. After a moment, Rob looked at Sam questioningly and asked, "What's up? You look a little distracted. Is something bothering you?"

Sam was shocked by Rob's questions. Oh God, if Rob of all people noticed, then did Josie notice too? Sam said in a soft, calm voice, "Nothing's wrong. I am just a little tired, that's all. I guess I was up too late last night."

Rob seemed to take that answer at face value. "Well then, get to bed a little earlier, and you should be fine," Rob said while making his way down the stairs of the house.

"Bye, Rob. Come back any time�" Sam trailed off awkwardly, but he was still loud enough for Rob to hear. Rob made a movement with his hand to indicate that he heard.

Closing the door, Sam moved to sit down in the very comfortable love seat. What is wrong with me? I have the woman I love by my side and I feel truly happy, but still�something's wrong and I can feel it. Sam sank deep into the love seat to absorb the comfort it provided.

Suddenly he heard the familiar melody his cell phone played, and with a quick move he grabbed it, and pushed the 'talk' button. "Sam Coulson speaking," he said in his sophisticated voice.

"Where have you been?" he heard Abby ask in a frustrated voice. "I have been trying to call you for days now!"

"Well, Abby," Sam said, "I have been over at Josie's the last few days."

"Sam, what's wrong?" Abby asked, distressed; she knew that tone in his voice meant there was something on his mind.

"Nothing's wrong," Sam reassured Abby, hoping she wouldn't notice he was lying.

But knowing Sam as well as she did, Abby answered back, "Sam, I am not stupid you know. I know something is wrong� Now tell me," Abby said, leaving silence on the line to let her brother speak.

"Abby, I'd like to tell you what's wrong, but the problem is I don't know," Sam finally admitted. "I have been feeling a little distracted when I am alone. Like I said, I don't know what's wrong with me. It doesn't make any sense�I should be happy, right?" Sam asked, mumbling most of the words.

There was silence between them for a few moments. Sam was sure that Abby was thinking his comments through. Then Abby broke the silence and said, "In all seriousness, Sam, think hard: What is the most important thing in this relationship to you?"

Sam got a smile on his face thinking about Josie: the way he always found her eyes hypnotizing and her glowing smile that was meant only for him. With happiness in his voice he said, "Abby, you know�the most important thing to me is�Josie."

Abby took a few seconds to respond and said, "Now, Sam, tell me what makes you feel happy and uncomfortable at the same time."

Sam didn't even have to think and answered Abby quite quickly. "Well Abby, every time Josie and I get close, I feel guilty putting Josie in a position she has never been in," and with that he let out a hopeless sigh.

"Sam, you have to remember that if Josie didn't want to be in that position she would have told you so. I presume all you guys have done so far is kiss� Besides, Josie called you out to the field to come and kiss her, don't forget," Abby reminded Sam confidently.

Sam felt better knowing that Abby was right, as usual. "Thanks Abby, I feel much better now. You're right; you always are," he said with a laughing voice.

"Sam, I have to go; I am supposed to be working," Abby said.

"Okay, bye," Sam said and hung up the phone, putting it down. He felt like a new man; reborn, ready to live his life again in the arms of the woman he loved. Sam got an idea that made him feel even better. He phoned Gus and arranged to pick Josie up in half an hour to take her for a romantic picnic. Luckily for him, the news office was quite slow today.

He got dressed in a comfortable T-shirt and his pair of black pants that he normally wore. Grabbing a picnic basket Josie owned, he put in a blanket to sit on, some nice glasses, two plates and a bottle of nice white wine that he had bought the night before. Now he was off to the shops to find something nice to eat.

At the market, he bought some grapes, and a plate of fruit salad that he knew Josie would love. He also got some crackers to snack on.

When he finished his shopping he went to pick up Josie. He had the perfect place picked out for them, and he knew that she would love it. Walking towards Josie's office he ran into Anita and of course she wanted to talk�or give him tips to be precise.

"So Sam, what's new?" Anita asked.

Sam barely recognized her voice, since she did not speak in her husky voice like the last time they spoke. "Well, I am going to take Josie for a little picnic, to be alone, and just to enjoy each other's company," Sam told Anita, trying to make a quick exit to Josie's office.

"Well, don't let me keep you from having fun� Lots of fun," she repeated.

When Sam came near Josie's office he peeked into the office to catch a glimpse of what Josie was doing. She was dressed in a comfortable spring dress that brought out her figure as she was standing at the file cabinet. God she was gorgeous; she was like an angel and she never failed to amaze him.

"Hey, beautiful," he said, walking in to give her a heart-to-heart hug.

"Sam? What are you doing here?" Josie asked, surprised, giving him that smile that he truly loved.

"Well, Josie I decided to take you on a nice picnic," Sam said while giving her a kiss on her forehead.

Josie looked surprised and said in a disappointed voice, "I would love to go Sam, but Gus would never let me go, you know good old Gus."

When Sam burst out laughing, Josie gave him an angry look and said, "And why, mister, are you laughing?"

"Well I talked to Gus and he said you could leave, because it wasn't so busy today," Sam said in a very proud voice.

"Well, mister, what makes you think I want to leave?" she said sarcastically, waiting a second before sending a smile his way. Josie moved towards the coat hanger and grabbed her handbag, which she always hanged there. "So where is this picnic place, Sam?" Josie asked, knowing he wasn't going to tell her.

He did not disappoint. "If I told you, it wouldn't be a surprise would it?" Sam said while taking her hand and leading her towards the car.

After driving for about twenty minutes Sam came to a beautiful garden that was only open on Saturdays, and because most people didn't know about the place, they had the huge place alone to themselves. Sam took out the blanket and placed it down neatly on the soft grass and started unpacking the food that he bought for them to enjoy.

While Sam was unpacking the food, Josie took the time to examine the park; it had lots of weeping willows that guarded a little stream that made a relaxing sound. There were a lot of different sounds coming from the trees; it was mostly the sound of birds that caught Josie's attention. This place was truly a heavenly place made with extra care by God, she thought.

When Sam finished his task he called Josie to come and sit down. Josie went down and rested her head in Sam's lap, and looking deep into his eyes, she said in a soft tone, "So how did you discover this place, did you come here with Laura?"

"No, I have never brought anyone here before; this place is special to me. I used to come here when I was feeling depressed, and this place always made me feel better. I'd come and read Shakespeare and the words would heal my heart just as the surroundings would."

Josie moved up and gave Sam a small kiss, just touching her lips with his, and said, "Thanks for bringing me to your special place, now I hold it dear to my heart as well."

Just then, Sam's cell phone rang and Josie said it was probably important so it would be a good idea to answer it.

As Sam listened to the voice on the other end of the line, he got a distressed look on his face, answering all the questions with a simple "Yes, I understand."

When he put down the phone Josie wanted to know what was wrong, but Sam assured her that everything was fine. However, deep down Josie knew he was lying but decided not to ask what was wrong because she knew he didn't want to talk about it.

In the car on the way home Josie could see Sam was hiding something, and she was now determined to find out what. "Sam what's wrong?" Josie asked, giving him her 'I'm serious' look.

"Well, I have to figure things out first, but I promise that if there is something involving you that you will be the first one to hear about it," Sam said.

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** Guys I will finish the story by the end of the week I promise. I just have some figuring out to do. I want it to be perfect for you guys. I should be finished by (probably before) the 12th of February.

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