For Love Alone, Part Two
By Michelle

Date Posted: February 17, 2000

Disclaimer: I don't own any of these characters I am only using them for entertainment purposes. I am also not making a dime out of them.

** Guys here is part two, sorry you had to wait. **

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The way home was peaceful since Josie could see Sam was bothered by something but she couldn't be sure what and if it made Sam unhappy she certainly wouldn't be the one to bring it up again since Sam promised to tell her if it had something to do with her.

Arriving home Sam took the picnic basket in and unpacked the plates and glasses." Sam do you think its going to be cold tonight"? Josie asked while opening the door to feel the air. "Yes I think so Josie, why" Sam wanted to know." Well if its cold you're going to need some extra blankets silly," Josie joked. "Josie if it's alright with you I would like to spend the night at my place, I need some time to think" Sam said not looking at Josie hoping she wouldn't question his decision. "Why what's wrong, Sam" Josie asked while walking over to Sam to provide her support.

"Nothings wrong Josie, I just need some time to think" came the reply from Sam while his voice was obviously lying to Josie. "Sam you promised to tell me if there was something involving me" Josie said while raising her voice slightly to make her point. "But there is nothing involving you, Josie, this is all me and I am not going to involve the women I love in my problems" Sam said not once raising his voice to Josie.

"But Sam you are involving me and I know there is something wrong ever since you answered the phone in the park you have had a broke look on your face, ever since now please tell me what's wrong" Josie demanded. "Josie please, I don't want to talk about this now, maybe some other time" Sam said while walking towards Josie, Josie was standing still looking worried and trying to get Sam to tell her what had happened. Sam took Josie's hand and placed a kiss on it, before walking towards the door and shutting it as he left.

Josie felt depressed and sad, not quite sure how she would manage to be with the thought of Sam being so sad and broken, knowing that he wouldn't be seen till he was ready to face whatever had happened. Josie felt tired all of a sudden, and decided to take a little nap hoping against hope that Sam would be all right.

While Sam was driving home all he could think about was Josie, but he knew that if he went to Josie he would feel quality overflowing her with his one problem, more a fear to be precise, he didn't want to go and face it, knowing that he would have to face something he wanted to forget about since he and Josie hooked up.

But how, how could he go he had to tell Josie sooner or later. Due to all the thinking, Sam eventually dosed off.

Sam woke up that Sunday at about 8 o'clock and felt extremely quality, because he had spent all his Sundays with Josie so far, and now because he was angry and sad he was going to spent it alone while he truly wanted to be with Josie, the love of his life.

That settles it he thought, while jumping up, in the shower and out and putting on some comfortable clothes. On his way over to Josie he stopped to buy some doughnuts and croissants he didn't even bother buying jam since, Josie always had.

Funny enough Josie woke up about 6 o'clock and was watching some movie she wasn't even sure what it was about. All she could think about was Sam, and how she wanted to be near him to hear his voice, and to see him smile. To her amazement she heard a car stop out side, she wasn't sure who it could be on a Sunday at 9 o'clock in the morning, and to make matters worse she was still in her pajamas.

She grabbed a bathrobe and walked towards the door hoping it wasn't somebody important, she didn't want anybody to see her so badly, or not even, dressed. Her heart started pounding, could it be, oh yes, it was, it was Sam coming up the stairs with a bag reading Donald's fantastic foods.

As she opened the door she was trying to give him her angry a disappointed look, but she couldn't. "Josie please don't be mad, I'm really sorry about last night" Sam said hoping Josie would accept his apology, but Josie answered in a calm loving voice" I am mad Sam�I'm mad about you" Josie said while rapping her arms around Sam and giving him a kiss that made her feel free, and for a moment Sam lost memory of his trouble he was trying to hide from.

As Sam entered the room he had one question on his mind "should I tell her or, shouldn't I". "So, Sam, what did you bring from Donald's" Josie asked walking towards the TV and turning it off.

"Oh, I brought some doughnuts and croissants, I hope you're hungry" Sam answered while taking a plate to place the food on. "Oh yes, now that you're here I am hungry, Josie answered while taking one of the chocolate filled croissants and placing it on her plate.

While they were eating Sam could see Josie was going to question his behavior and he was trying to think of a good lie that wouldn't be so bad.

And he was right; Josie looked up, put down her cup of coffee, and looked Sam straight in the eye. And Josie asked the question he was dreading" Sam what is wrong? Why did you act so distressed yesterday? And who was on the telephone at the park? And don't you dare lie to me.

Sam put down his doughnut and didn't look Josie in the eyes while saying," Josie I would love to tell you, but all I can say for now is that I have to go away for a few days next week, due to unforeseen circumstances"

Josie's eyes got a silver glow and a tear escaped her eye and she stood up solemnly, and looked Sam straight in the eyes, before retreating to her bedroom and shutting the door behind her.

Sam got up and walked towards Josie's door. He could hear her rocking chair and a few sobs coming from inside. He felt like garbage, making Josie cry, because he was too much of a coward to tell her the truth.

That was it, he thought, and got on his knees and opened the door. He moved in one knee at a time, and moved towards the back of the chair where Josie was sitting. When Josie saw a movement behind her chair she turned around surprised because she didn't hear anyone come in.

If she weren't so sad she would have burst out laughing, because Sam looked so funny on his knees. She turned her face away from Sam, forcing him to feel worse. "Josie please don't be mad at me, I am really very sorry I hurt you, but by telling you what's wrong I fear the pain might be worse" Sam said begging for forgiveness. Josie turned to Sam showing no emotions and said something that Sam was actually expecting "Sam why don't you let me decide what will cause me pain".

Sam got up pulling Josie towards him and gave her a hug and said "Josie even if you can decide what causes you pain, I don't want to be the one to give you a reason to feel it". Josie pulled away and for the first time she saw a tear make its way down Sam's cheek.

Josie took Sam's hand and lead him to the bed, where she sat him down while walking to the door and locking it. She moved towards the bed and sat down next to Sam, taking his hand with hers.

"Sam I don't care if we die here, you are going to tell me what's wrong" Josie said while never breaking eye contact. "Josie please, I really don't want to talk about it right now" Sam answered looking down at the hand Josie took.

"Samuel! We are not leaving here till you tell me" and with that Josie went quite. Sam knew that when Josie called him Samuel, that she was serious.

"Alright Josie, you win, there is something wrong, something big, and I don't know what to do about it, but now I know that I cant hide it from you and I never wanted to, but I was convinced that it was the wises thing to do, but now I know better" Sam confessed.

Sam started telling the story from the beginning hoping that would help Josie understand. "So the guy from North Ridge called me at the park to tell me about the interview I have in a few days" Sam continued.

Sam what are you talking about, what is going on?" Josie questioned. "Who is the guy from North Ridge? For a moment, Sam did want to answer, but he gave in eventually.

"You don't know this story yet but I think I will have to tell you. North Ridge is a school up north and I have been given a chance to go teach there. The pay is much better, and I will also be living near Abby" Sam said turning away from Josie.

"A chance to teach? Does that mean your going to move?" Josie asked sounding distressed. "Well taking the job would mean moving there," Sam answered.

"And what about the classes you're teaching now, what will happen to those students?" Josie continued, "you can't abandon them, you just cant.

"I am only going to be gone for a few days, I have some sorting out to do, I will be living with Abby while I'm there please understand" Sam begged

"Even if I don't take the job I still have to go, I won't be gone so long," Sam said while taking Josie's hand close to his heart.

"All right Sam, if you have to go, then go, but please make the right decision" and with saying that Josie got up and walked towards the door.

For the last few days that Sam was still around, they acted as if nothing was wrong, as if they're lives were perfect, but they both knew something was different, Josie was trying to spend as much time as possible with Sam, and that gave him a sense of happiness.

The day before Sam left, he got a call from Abby, telling him what do pack and what was essential. And Abby could here there was something keeping Sam back, something making him want to miss his flight.

On the way over to the airport Sam stopped at Josie, to say goodbye, but Josie wasn't home, so he made his way to the airport knowing he was going to miss the sound of her voice even if it would only be for two days.

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