N'grogga's War 1878-?

   An accounting of a fictional campaign against the Zulu.  Fought using ESCI's 20mm plastic soldiers and warriors and some conversions I have made with them, the rules used are the 3rd edition of "The Sword and the Flame"(which I bought before I heard that they are the almost universally reviled edition).


   The campaign, it was not originally supposed to be a campaign, they were just a series of games I played to get a feel for the rules, the troops involved in each succeeding battle increased as number of painted miniatures I had increased. But they all just seemed to building up to something, so I added a story and it wrote them as a campaign. 

All games were played solitaire using the 3rd edition of 'The Sword and the Flame".

deBeers Farm

The Lost Patrol

Ngrogga's Krall

Ngrogga's Victory

Hebler's Demise

After my first game with some actual players some suggestions were made, here is what they turned out to be.

Modifications for "The Sword and the Flame"

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