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Instructions and F.A.Q.s
F.A.Q. (Frequently Answered Questions)

Q: How do you capture screenshots in NBA Live 2001?
A: After a great play, immediately go into the INSTANT REPLAY screen and choose the camera angle of your choice. Move and slew the camera into a position you think is best and click on the SCREENSHOT button.

Q: After I've click SCREENSHOT, where did the saved screenshot go?
A: Using Windows Explorer or My Computer, look for your main NBA Live 2001 folder and find a sub-folder named MEDIA. Within this MEDIA folder you'll notice the filenames of the screenshots you've captured. They are in the form of SCREENSHOT0001, SCREENSHOT0002, etc. Just use a Graphics Program to view it.

Q: Wow, my screenshot is over 1000kb. Is it normal?
A: Depending on your screen resolution, the screenshot's size will always be over 1000kb or 1MB. This is because NBA Live 2001 saved the picture in Windows Bitmap format (BMP). And this is not good. You can.. (Interrupted)

Q: You are not making sense at all. How do you actually solve this problem?
A: You didn't let me finish ! Well, you can use some Graphic Imaging Programs such as
Adobe Photoshop, Jasc's Paint Shop Pro or Microsoft Office's Photo Editor. Alternately you can even use the mini Paint program within your Windows Accessories to convert the BMP file into a smaller Compuserve Graphics Interchange file (GIF).

Q: How many screenshots can I send at one time?
A: THREE. Have mercy on me because I'm still using a 56k modem to access my mails. If you have more than 1 screenshot that you would like to send, please ZIP it up with
WinZip or a similar compressor program such as PkZip or WinAce.

Q: What email address should I send my screenshots to?

Please indicate your name / nickname and a brief explanation of the screenshot(s). Type in "Screenshot" as your subject line.

Q: How can I capture cool screenshots?
A: Use your creativity and clever camera positioning. Start by using the HIGHLIGHT camera and it'll be easier. If your screenshot make it to the Top 5 Screenshots of the Week then you'll know that you've captured a cool shot.

Q: I play my game in low detail, and the screenshots that I saved are crap. What is the way around this?
A: Before you go into the INSTANT REPLAY screen be sure to set your DETAILS to MAXIMUM. After you've saved the eye-candy screenshot, go back and set the details back to your original settings to avoid playing the game in jerky-land.

Q: I've noticed in some screenshots, the players have headbands, armbands, tatoos, shoes, new jerseys, new hairstyles etc. How can I put these in?
A: The NBA Live community has some of the best patchmakers who had done terrific artwork; jerseys, cyberfaces, bands, you name it. Aside from the NBA Live Series Center, these are some of the finest sites in the NBA Live community (I visit them every two days).

These links will be featured in the er, links page soon.

Q: Any additional tips?
A: Wash your hands before a meal. Seriously, to get good replays, play the game in the ROOKIE skill setting and you will always get an easy jam or alley-oop against the computer.

Q: I still can't beat the computer in the ROOKIE setting!
A: Consult a doctor. NOW.

Any additional questions please send them to [email protected]

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