keys 4 men' Some ADVICE ABOUT
*GIFTS AND THOUGHFUL GESTURES*                                                     MAXENE.P.A
most women dont appreciate having gifts associated
with sex. Even if the sex was stunning, try to make sure your gifts are presented as tokens of your
appreciation for her giving nature, or your growing love for her, or a wonderful weekend together. Tied in with a sincere compliment about something non-sexual, if possible. Gifts tied to sex can make a woman feel cheap and used; while a gift for the same weekend presented because youre always so fun to be with carries a far more positive connotation.

One of the most thoughtful gifts you
can give a woman is your time and
your attention. Listen to her, what
she likes and dislikes. Ask her to tell
you about her day, and then listen.
Dont interrupt or tune her out, and
dont try to fix her problems for her
(unless she asks you to intervene).
Just listening to her and offering
sympathy and caring, laughter and
sharing, will tell her that shes
important to you. Take an afternoon
off and go have a picnic in the park
together. Get a babysitter and go
out for a romantic dinner, or ask her
for a list of five things she wants to
do and try to hit two or three of
them. The most important thing is not
how much money you spend, its the
time you spend with her and the fact
that you are making her your priority
for that time.

Maxene Fouchard                                                      
Most women would love to have more time, attention and interest from their husbands and boyfriends. Although there are obviously exceptions,the fact is that the romance fades from most relationships as time and outside demands wear on the couple. I hope that these tips have given you some ideas on how you can put a little of the romance back into your relationship!

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