From This Moment
The Engagement
Chris and I had a one of a kind engagement. To me, it was probably one of the funniest, most unromantic things that has ever happened. To try to make a long story short, Chris and I had dated before (see The Ex Files). He went back to Vegas about 7 months after we broke up and we started hanging out again (like every day). I wanted to get back together with him really bad, and we did. But this time around, I was taking things slow and wasn't getting my hopes up. He went on Pac for 3 months and when he got home, he was talking all funny. Stuff about us being together for a long time (subtle stuff like "My wife is going with me," "We're gonna do this...") and I just thought he was smoking crack, and didn't think nothing else of it. Next thing you know, I told him that I wanted to move to San Diego. He said "A couple things have to happen first" and that was it. I knew one was a job, and I knew what the other was, but he didn't say it. The next day I read the newspaper, and my horoscope couldn't be any better (see it off to the left). That night I brought up moving again. He said, again, "A few things have to happen first." I said "Like what?" That's when he said "Well, first you need a job." Well, duh!!! "And???" This part kills me, he said, "And a new name." LOL - what was wrong with Kwiatkowski?? So anyway, I told him that he never brought it up and nest thing you know, within two conversations after that, we had the date set. There was no official proposal until 2 months after the horoscope thing, but I already had everything in full swing. So many details I want to share, but so many pictures to go up. So I'll skip the small talk and let you see how it all turned up.
October 14, 2000
Of course I'm the bride. Starting to the left, going clockwise, is my mom, my grandma, my cousin Jean, and my cousin Kari.
My mother and me.
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