The EX Files
I think I've had more than my fair share of ex-boyfriends. Here's a page dedicated to the crackheads who improved my life somehow- just because they were ASSHOLES.
(This was the best I could do!)

: Brandon (Brando the Commando)
How we met
: He hit on me at Arby's
: May 1996
Reason for breakup
: He went back to the ex
There's really no story to Brandon. I think he only wanted me for sex because his "ex" was pregnant with his kid and he hadn't gotten any in a long time. Luckily I found Brian before it was too late.
Name: Brian Petroski
: A few days in June 1996
How we met
: He came through my line at KMart
Reason for breakup
: he lives in Chicago and we weren't really together anyway
Brian is one of the sweetest guys I know. I hung out with him for a few days while he was in town, then he went back to Chicago. To this day, we still keep in touch- and we wonder when we'll meet again.
Name: Damen McDaniel
: Sept. '96- May '97
How we met
: through a mutual friend
Reason for breakup
: I was seeing somebody better (so I thought!)
Damen was quite a character. He was great at first, but after a few months, he started hanging out with the wrong crowd- doing drugs and ditching school. I feel that in a sense he used me, but I don't think he meant it. He could be a great guy if he wasn't so messed up.
Name: Steve Ireland
: Feb '97- July '97
How we met
: He hit on me at Just a Bargain
Reason for breakup
: he joined the navy.
Steve was unexplainable- and he still is. He said he loved me- yeah, I could tell. He let me go out with his best friend, he never told me he cared, and Lord knows he never did anything for me except call me at 6am and tell me not to go to school. I wasted many days on him- for 5 minutes of "pleasure" or lack thereof.
Name: John McClure
: July '97- Aug '97
How we met
: He hit on me at Wet N Wild
Reason for Breakup
: he was seeing someone else.
John is quite the little felon! We had a good relationship, then when we decided to call it official, I think he freaked out. For months he couldn't tell me why he broke it off, but now he tells me he was seeing someone else. 'Tis okay- I'm getting the last laugh.
Name: Todd Wadding
: Aug. '97- Oct. '97
How we met
: he asked for my number at the mall
Reason for breakup
: He said he wanted to see another girl and he was using me
Todd was an idiot- and I don't know what I was thinking. Actually, I do. I was mad that John dumped me, so I went for Todd. He treated me all right, but he let his brothers call me names and fuck with my emotions. I was a schmuck for going out with him, but I did all right after it was it was over.
Name: Jeremiah Martinez
: Nov. '97- April '98
How we met
: We were in many classes together
Reason for breakup
: I was seeing someone else and he was seeing my best friend
I should put a picture of a leech here. He was around 24/7 and he kissed ass to my family. I told him I needed space in February and then he kissed my best friend. We got back together (I was using him for the $$$) and then in March I started seeing someone else so I was spending less time with him. So he took refuge with my best friend- and after that it's history. Now he's telling people he was only dating me because he felt sorry for me. Want to see the letters to prove otherwise?
If you see him, kick his ass!
Name: Bryan Farmer
: March '98- June '98
How we met
: In a Yahoo! chat room
Reason for breakup
: He said he wasn't ready for a commitment or relationship
Bryan looked like Chad Allen and I thought he was adorable. He started getting weird at one point and said he didn't love me anymore. Then I started seeing Tom because Bry had no time for me. He broke up with me over the internet- and said when I got back from Seattle we could try to work things out again. It never happened.
Name: Thomas Kelly
: May '98- Aug. '98
How we met
: he answered my ad on the net
Reason for breakup
: he got back with his ex.
Tom was a nice guy. He was a definite improvement over all the other guys- we had good times together and he was incredibly nice. But I guess I wasn't good enough, because a weekend with a distraught ex brought back feelings to the both of them, and that's the end of that. The ex is jealous as hell of me though (can you blame her?)
Name: Chris Wilson
: Sept. '98- March '99; Oct. '99- forever
How we met
: he answered my ad on the net
Reason for breakup
: physical and emotional distance
Chris was probably the nicest guy I've dated. He was practically everything I could have wanted- cute, funny, nice, sweet, gentle, etc, etc. The only thing that wasn't smooth was that he's 2300 miles away. I loved him dearly, but the distance took it's toll.
6 months later he was coming back home and we went out. We've been together ever since.
We got married on October 14, 2000. Happily ever after....
Name: Kevin Hoyes
Dates: May '99- Sept. '99
How we met: he answered my ad on the net
Reason for breakup: Lying, fighting, and everything else
Kevin was all right at first. Then he started lying to me and denying it when I caught him. We fought over everything. I gave him the world and he just continued to take it for granted and give me nothing in return. He even told some girl that he was going to break up with me to be with her and that he loved her. So I said "Fuck that..." Lying prick.
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