
The Cayman Islands

Cozumel, Mexico

Roatan, Honduras


Port of Entry

Discovering Ancient Mayan Ruins

October of 2004 after a week of diving, I took a day to uncover the hidden secrets on the island of Cozumel.  After renting a jeep it was off into the jungle to find ancient Mayan ruins. 

First stop was the untamed area of Punta Sur where crocidiles run loose in the dense jungle and traveling on foot is not advised.  Here at Punta Sur is the first ancient oddity I encountered, the Ancient Mayan "Weather Station" where wind blowing through conch shells on the top warned the ancient Mayans of approaching hurricanes.

After driving the primitive road around the island, I discover the spot that the ruins were reported to be.  There would be a long journey now on foot through the dense mosquito infested jungle.  Finally, after trekking for what seemed like miles, it became apparent that the rock formations were not natural, but were ancient ruins dating back to the island's mysterious past. 

Ancient Mayan Weather Station at Punta Sur.

Hidden by dense jungle are the Mayan Ruins.

Ancient pyramid Temple where humans may have been sacrificed.

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