Naughty But Needed



Message Board

Photos and Stuff


Club News

    Right, so we're officially a club now. That means that anyone who rides in the woods and wants to keep riding there needs to pay Steve or Will their membership and insurance fees. It all goes towards paying for our use of the land and insurance and back into the maintenance of the woods, so the more people that join and pay up the better. I'd also like to point out that I think Steve very nobly put up some of his own money for those people that didn't manage to get him the money, so is quite out of pocket, so all u people out there with a twinge of guilt...

    There was unfortunately a lot of doubt over the mammoth North shore Arnie was building so unfortunately it's had to be scrapped. It wasn't for any personal reasons, it's just that the general opinion seems to be that it's out kinda fledgling year, so the less we can do to p**s off the landowners the better, the mammoth constructions will just have to wait a while, so we'll just have to revel in the amazing dual track since then :-) 

    As some of you are also probably aware, people have continued to pull down our warning signs, so keep an eye out for that. Because of course them ripping down our signs will stop us having the right to ride there. Oh no, hang on...


Old News

Jan 2002

    Steve met up with the guy from the Forestry Commission today (Monday) and the news is good. It seems that we basically get the little bit of wood we've been riding (the triangle surrounded by the fire roads) to do what we want with. So wahey indeed! Apparently we can keep the doubles, the tracks and stuff like that, and it also seems that we can ride other parts of the forest, as long was we give way to people, ride considerately, common sense stuff really, but its nice to be told. Oh, and we're basically not supposed to ride it after dark either. but i can't really see a problem with this, unless everyone plans on heading out to get some Nightsuns or massive floodlights and generators..

   Every silver cloud has a slightly less shiny lining though, and the whole issue of whether or not we can keep the North Shore bits is kinda up in the air, basically so that some little kid doesn't come along and fall off it and splurge his guts out. but Steve is finding out more about this, and the forestry commission guy is too.

   Generally though, it all seems pretty good! Steve was told the guy's done a  bit of riding himself, and been to some of the Dragon Downhills in Wales, which is a pretty good start! we'll have to wait and find out what's gonna be going on though, if I find anything else out, ill try and put it up for the 2 people that see this site to look at.

 15th aug 2002

The messageboard is finally up and running, so feel free to post messages and stuff for ppl up there. It's not exactly pretty, and there are a few probs with it, but its in development at the mo, itll be better when I have some spare time to have a bash at it.


6th aug 2002

SHOCK NEWS!!!! Sean's bike has arrived! oh, and the messageboard is very near to completion... just sorting the login stuff... 


4th aug 2002  

Sorry nothings happened to this site in a week or so, but its been so sunny, which means i just ride when i get home from work, so not much time for computer stuff. However, crap weather this weekend means that the noticeboard im working on is getting close to completion, so that may (possibly, maybe) be up by kinda mid week. or later today if it carries on raining and i cant find anything better to do. or something.

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