'In the darkness of age, there exists the heart of a child'
July 10, 2001
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This is a new page I have started devoted to my favorite horror films of all time.� Go on and take a look around...if you're not too scared that is.
this page has been included as one of
This is my own little corner of the DEN.  Rather typical, i.e. stats and likes, so don't expect much.
This is the section devoted to my fiance.  Like mine, it has some info, but not enough to compromise privacy.
This is where you'll find pictures I have drawn over the years.
Self-explanatory, no?  Inside you'll find a list of my friends, past, local and on-line.
Everyone has an opinion on something or other, and I'm no different.
You go to concerts, plays, parks and events?  Well guess what...so do I.
Every now and then, someone says something or writes something that catches my eye.  Here's some of them.
Everyone goes somewhere online.  Here's some of the places I visit from time-to-time.
Got to laugh some time.  Well, here's your chance to laugh now. (updated regularly)
Stuff I couldn't figure out where to put, so I put it here.  Funny pics right now, but more will be added soon.
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