Known terrorist reports: Events that occured today
THe U.S. attack sites in terrorist camps of Taliban area
By now, it's already too obvious why Osama bin Laden's Al Qaeda Network did it. And why they also did it without any means of mercy. Mayor Guiliani's already doing his best to help clean up the remnants of what remains in the World Trade Center(if there are any remains). That's important, but what's more important is how the U.S. retaliates--launching their bomb supply on Taliban terrorist areas like Kabul, Kandahar, and Jalalabad. Another blame on the network is anthrax. Already two post office two crew members have died because of this, and now people are worried if more are going to be sent--even to their own houses. Tom Brokaw was sent one, but it wasn't him who got it--his assistant was the one to open up the letter. My pity to those people who got the anthrax. If you find any suspicious white powder, get as far away as you can from it, and call the number to do something about it. THe anthrax vaccine should also help, too, but of course, we oughta talk more about the attacks now. THe U.S. hit a streak of about two or three weeks in attacking the terrorist areas right now, and they seem to be planning more of it until the Taliban surrenders. But the latest updates right now as I can tell you is that a few U.S. air force soldiers died in the attacks, one probably crashed while it was trying to make a landing. Well, that's the top of my updates for now, any questions, I'll be glad to answer them. Just sign my guestbook down below. Also cruise the earlier sites I have right here. They're the events that we as people have known before we found the recent discoveries we uncovered of the Al Qaeda Network today.
The earlier events known of the terrorist attacks
Earlier events known of the terrorist attacks(sponsored by CNN)
The CNN attacks today
Updated in 10/27/01
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