CAn you say terrorist? Sure, you may dink it's a 9 word letter, but when I think of it itz the mass killings part. Just on Sept 11 these ten thousands of people got sunk, buried, and whatever into rubble. Today, on Sept. 14, Bush wants war to occur.
These terrorists did a lot to plan to bomb dese wonderful buildingz, the Pentagon, World Trade Center, Twin Towers, and two were aiming for the U.S. military base andc the White House butz failed. However, everyone died in daz airplane and the terrorists did trillions , or billions worth of damage.
Dis causes widespread misery to dose who lost familY like i happen to know my molm's coworker's friend's daughter was on one of dem planes when it crashed into thje Pentagon. She called her mama, saying dem hijackers or shouald I say terrorists..had knives, and they just sliced two flight atttendant's throats, what a sadz story.
After four  days since da crash, many people cry and sorrow up, and the lead hijacker Benladin is arrested, found hiding in Afghanistan. Well, these bombings led to tragedy, caused death, collapsing, u nameit, it was done...
Anyways, i heard thast a reporter for CNN was also in dem planes when one crashed...terrible gore violence, but most likely all people in the asirplanes corpses either burned on fire or blew up, because of the impact when the airplane crashes or either when the airplane releases dem gas and starts a fire in the airplane.
Some people, like David and Lynn Angel, Lisa Frost, Dong Lee, Maclovio (Joe) Lopez, a 3 year old are already known dead at the top of dis hour. Come back for more updatez, sure,m my friend
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