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Pictures Part C (results)

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[ baking soda | bleach | egg whites | grapefruit | lemon | orange juice | sprite | vinegar | windex ]

Baking Soda

Above: Baking Soda and water mixed together

Above: Baking Soda and red cabbage; gray-blue. (The picture looks purpler than it was)

Above: Baking Soda and blueberry; light olive-green

Above: Baking Soda and cranberry; charcoal color (Actually much darker than the picture)

Above: All four indicators with Baking Soda. Upper left is red cabbage; upper left is grape; lower left is cranberry; and lower right is blueberry.
     Above: Baking Soda with grape indicator; Darker tan.


Above: Bleach

Above: Bleach with all 4 indicators, going clockwise, starting at the upper left: red cabbage, grape, blueberry, cranberry.

Above: Bleach with red cabbage; pale yellow.

Above: Bleach with grapes; lemonade yellow.

Above: Bleach with cranberry; highlighter yellow.

Above: Bleach with blueberry; cream-soda colored.

Egg whites

Above: Egg whites

Above: Egg whites with red cabbage; green-blue (the picture turned out too purple).

Above: Egg whites with grape; amber.

Above: Egg whites with blueberry; olive green.

Above: Egg whites with cranberry; burgundy (the picture turned out lighter than it actually was).

Above: All 4 indicators with egg whites.


Above: Grapefruit

Above: Grapefruit with red cabbage; bubble-gum pink (the picture turned out too dark).


Above: Lemon juice

Above: Lemon juice with red cabbage; bubble-gum pink (the picture came out too dark).

Orange Juice

Above: Orange juice

Above: Orange juice with red cabbage; light magenta (the picture came out too dark again).


Above: Sprite
     Above: Sprite with red cabbage; light pink (the picture came out too
     dark yet again).


Above: White vinegar

Above: Vinegar with red cabbage; bubble-gum pink (all these pictures came out too dark!).


Above: Windex

Above: Windex with red cabbage; bright green (take my word for it;, it WAS bright green).

Above: Windex with grape; gray-green.

Above: Windex with cranberry; black (the picture is a little too red).

Above: Windex with blueberry; olive green.

Above: All 4 indicators with Windex.

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