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Pictures of Part B of the procedure

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[ red cabbage | cranberries | blueberries | grapes ]

Red Cabbage
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Below: pH 6.18, Royal Purple

Below: pH 4.94, Pink
Below: pH 4.06, Magenta
Below: pH 8.40, Turquoise
Below: pH 10.15, Dark Blue-green
Below: pH 11.40, Dark Green

Above: pH 12.00, Green

Above: pH 12.23, Green-yellow

Above: pH 13.00 Yellow

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Below: pH 2.97, Original Color

Below: pH 4.81, Darker Red
Below: pH 5.40, Burgundy
Below: pH 7.30, Charcoal

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Below: pH 7.11, Olive Green (it really was olive green; I don't know what's wrong with the picture!)
Below: pH 9.82, Darker Olive

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Below: pH 10.40, Dark Amber; the original grape juice is in the container behind the beaker

Above: All the indicators; starting from the left: red cabbage, red chard, carrots, grapes, cranberries, blueberries.

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