Faerie Crossword Answers
Thursday, February 24
In case I forget to update the answers Click here
Tips for some games
Name: Sutek�s tomb
Nps: 20 nps per 100 points( 1000 nps is the max you can get per play)
Difficulty: easy
1) The red bombs give you time and points if you make them go down more than 2 rows. Do not pay much attention to them or you�ll waste time.
2) The black scrab is useful if it touches bottom. It will make disappear the bottom ine and give points.
3)The silver cross, as well as the scrab, will give you points if it touches bottom.This one will remove the bottom line as well as the colum where it is.
4) There is a strange head that will sometimes appear. This one will clear the whole game giving you 500 points if it reaches the bottom.
5) You�ll get better at this game with practice, so don� desperate and if you run of of time you can restart it.
1) During the game type: pyramibread , this will show an available movement
2) type:
scarabaeus, this will give you 30 secs of bonus ( you can only use twice)
3) type:
pleasesutekcanihavemoretime this will also give you 30 secs of time
Cooming soon:
Dunno one you would like info about.Submit it in the box!!
Name: Cliffhanger
Nps: you�ll have to pay 15 nps per play and you can win up to 1500 per day
Difficulty: medium
Tips: count how many words the phrase has and then look for the answers here.
Name: The castle of Eliv thade
Nps: 150 nps per 100 points scored
1) I strongly suggest you to use an anagram solver. Search the net for one
2) Look for some of the answers
Tricks: type rehaxtint for an extra hint
I�ll be trying to update the games tips daily if you want to submit a tip do so in the box. Remember to enter your username
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