Natalie Rodriguez
���������������������������������������������� Discovering your learning style
����������� By analyzing my results from taking the thinking, doing feeling, and innovating test and the visual, aural, read/write, and kinesthetic learning quizzes, I have figured out that I am a feeling learner; some characteristics of a feeling learner are that they enjoy personal connections and any emotional support in an environment. They also honor emotions and seek answers that are personally meaningful. I have also realized that not only am I a feeling learner but also a doing, innovative, and a thinking learner. I am more of a feeling learner then the rest however I have tried the other methods of learning in different situations and classes, but in the end, and my feelings get in the way of everything I do. For instance, starting on the first week of math class, I had a discouraged attitude because I have had bad luck with all of my math teachers in the past. At that time, I knew that I was going to try anything and do anything to make it in that class. I started thinking positive and I studied every chapter carefully, and as a result, I was receiving more A's on most of my exams. As time went by, I started doing better in the class overall. I did better in that class because I put my mind to what I really wanted and in what was more important to me. I accomplished my goal by developing a positive attitude.
����������� The VARK learning strength quiz made me realize the different ways I learn specific subjects. Because of taking the quiz, I found out that I am more of a kinesthetic learner. Kinesthetic learners use all of the senses (sight, touch, taste, smell, and hearing.) They enjoy participating in laboratories, field trips and educational tours. These kinds of learners need examples of principles and role-playing. Kinesthetic learners like lectures that give real life examples, love hands-on approaches, and remember the "real" things that happened. I have noticed more often that I do relate more to the kinesthetic learning style for many reasons. In class, I usually need an enthusiastic professor who can make the class lecture memorable. I usually find myself not as interested as I would be in an active class. I always participate in class when there is a chance. I love projects because I can put all of my personality to it. I can use graphs, pictures, skits, and make if fun for the class. In the 9th grade, I had a great algebra teacher. To me he was the best teacher ever. He always used activities and games to teach the class; he used different alternatives like making the test hands on while also using mental math to finish your problems to teach a chapter in a fun way and because of that, I ended up passing his class with an A. Guess what class that was. Algebra!
����������� When analyzing my study skills professor, I realized using VARK, that he is a visual teacher. I know that he has a mixture of all learning styles, but he is strongest in visual teaching. My study skills professor uses examples of stories to connect with his students in a more personal way. For example, recently he used his own educational life story to show us that life is not easy and that there will be many challenges that we will have to face in the future. He uses the board to mark down important things that we will need in the future, like an example of how to write a good essay or important notes that we may need for a test or quiz later on. He also uses videos as part of the class lecture to help us understand metaphors in a way that the class can understand it. When he teaches or lectures, he uses gestures, picturesque language and movements. In almost every lecture, he uses an enthusiastic tone to excite the class. When he does this, the class becomes more of a fun learning space, and everyone's moods change as well.
����������� I used the VARK learning styles when analyzing my writing professor. She is a spirited person who wants the best for everyone. When I analyze her way of teaching, I figured out that she is an aural teacher. An aural learner prefers to attend discussions, discuses topics with others and the teachers explain new ideas. Aural learners like to read summarized notes aloud, and interact with people. In class, my writing professor will first get the entire classroom to meet up in the back of the classroom to discuss different issues, good or bad. We also talk about how we are each doing in our classes or even personal things that had happened to us during that week or weekend. When she gets ready to give us a writing assignment, she explains exactly what she wants us to do, and she gives us a couple of examples. She likes to spend time with each student to see in what state they are and how they doing in their classes. For instance, in class last week, I was having trouble with the introduction to my "Heroes" essay, and she came to me and actually helped me step by step. She gave me ideas on how to end my essay and how to correct grammar. She will sometimes lecture in class, but never for the entire period. Because of the way she is, she makes it easier for me to be more open to her and let her know that I do not understand something and she helps me.
����������� By using the VARK and HDBI criteria, I have learned that everyone learns in different ways and for some people it takes a lot of effort to actually understand a subject. These two test criteria?s have helped me realize that I learn best as a kinesthetic and feeling learner, although I also learn in all the other ways that the VARK and HBDI provide. I will try my best to find a way to adjust to all of the VARK and HBDI learning styles and also adjust to the ways my teachers teach no matter how hard it may be.
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