Natalie Rodriguez
Annotated Webliography
College Stress:
"College Stress" This website explains the many reasons of what causes college stress and what kind of stress may be presented.
"Dealing with College Stress" This website contains facts about how college stress affects the body and mind and how to control your stress properly.
"Making the Transition" This website helps you transition to college and warns you of the hard work in college.
"Stress and the College Student" This website explains what factors contribute to stress and how freshman year is the most popular year for college stress.
�"Stress Management" Explains what stress is and how it can affect your career.
Conclusions in essays:
"10 steps to Writing an Essay" This website helps you step by step on how to write a perfect essay. They also provide help on writing conclusions.
"Concluding Paragraphs: Avoiding Fade-outs" This website helps you evaluate the importance of the essays subject and what major points you should include in your ending paragraph.
"Strategies for Writing a Conclusion" This is a website giving examples of how to create a conclusion. It is usefulbecause, it provides ideas to use on your conclusion.
�"Strategies for Writing an Effective Conclusion" This website helps you write your conclusion by using the ?so what? method.
Math Resources:
"College Algebra" This website helps you with the basics in all college Algebra from Linear equations to exponents.
"How to Master Algebra 1" This is a website which gives you step by step information on how to solve a mathematical problem.
�"How to Survive College Math" This website gives you tutorials for each category of math and provides quizzes and practice test to help you test your abilities and what you have learned through the process.
"Math Anxiety" This website helps you deal with math anxiety and prepares you for math exams.
"Solving Word Problems" Shows strategies on solving math word problems without any problems.
Study Skills:
"Effective Study Skills" This site helps you study for oral, written, and group assignments.
"Helpful Study Skills" This website helps college students how to study right, control test taking anxiety, time management, citations, biology, etc.
"How to Study" This is a website helping student how to study efficiently and correctly.
"Preparation before Study" This website helps you learn how to take notes correctly, parts of speech, essay preparation, and so much more.
"Study Guides and Strategies" This website is translated in many languages and helps you prepare for exams, learn, study, classroom participation, and helps you learn in a group setting.
"Study Strategies" This website provides ideas for studying correctly. This website contains help in methods for memorizing, motivation, and learning styles.
"Study Skills" This website contains several help areas in note taking, reading methods, and how to master a test.
Writing Resources:
"How to Become a Better Writer" This website from Washington College is extremely useful because it shows you how to develop an idea, and how to apply that style of writing.
"How to Stop Using Fragment Sentences" shows how to notify fragment sentences and shows the way around them when you write a paper.
�"Learning How to Write Plan a Paper" This shows how to analyze your paper and how to get started without a mind cloud.
"When to Use Punctuation" This shows how and when to use punctuation in your everyday life and papers.
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