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What goes through my mind.......
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So i'm not going to sit here and waste my time typing up all the reasons why I'm so disappointed with the outcome of this election. 

I'd like to share one story though, compliments of one of my favorite professors.

So I'm sure you all remember, Bill Cinton lied about having "sexual relations with that woman Monika Lewinsky".  Of course you do.  Then i'm also positive you remember how the Republican party tried to impeach Clinton just because of the aforementioned event.  An event that didn't even affect the bottom line of Americans.  Additionaly, Clinton's actions didn't result in any deaths or disasters.

Now to compare that story to our recent president.  George Bush lied about his justification for going to war and as a result thousands of people died, including soldiers who went to war for reasons they didn't even know. 

Can you imagine if a democratic president had done this?  They tried to impeach Clinton because of his little affair, imagine what would have happened had he or any other democratic president invaded Iraq, killed thousands in the process and then realized "oops there aren't any weapons of mass destruction". 

Think about it.
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