These are images from my comic, Darkholme's Paradise. Hope you enjoy them.
Darkholme's Logo
This is Solace. She is one of the cutest of my character designs. She is not the first picture on the page  because of her importance to the story or anything. She is here simply because she is my favorite and I love to draw her. Later on, I'll post more of her concept designs and info on her involvement to the story. I hope you like her as much as I do.
Darkholme's Paradise Image Gallery
This is Darkholme Solomon. This is the character for whom this comic is named. He is my alter ego in a way. I used elements of my own face to design him and a lot of my personality to define him. This is the evil version of him. He has a counterpart who is good, too. They are polar opposites in everything except their overwhelming desire to fulfill their destinies. Mr. Solomon represents the number 8, which means the power to build or detroy. This is a life lesson to myself, in that I constantly remind my self that only I have the power to build or destroy the person I hope to become.
Peace and blessings. Welcome to my Image Gallery for Darkholme's Paradise. This is the site where you be able to veiw and become familiar with the world and characters I have created... thus you will become familiar with me.  My name is Natiq Abdul Jalil, and I've been an artist for as long as I can remember. With my art is where I feel most at home, so please come on in and make yourself comfortable. Feel free to stop by whenever you like.
Mr. Solomon
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