The Hounds:Link and Mango
In this part of the site you can learn all about and see plenty of pictures of Link and Mango, who are absolutely and without question the two best, most loyal, funniest, and all around most talented dogs ever to walk on four paws. Mango is an English Bulldog, and Link, well, we don't know what the heck Link is, but he looks sort of like a hippo. The puzzle of exactly what types of animals had to swap chromosomes around in order to produce such a fine beast is one of life's great mysteries, right up there with Stonehenge, the Sphinx, and where exactly Elvis is these days. So if you think you can help solve it, by all means drop me a line. Click on the links below for more on either Link or Mango.
More About Mango....
More About Link....
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Pictures of the Dogs (start here!)
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