Goats Experiment

The Beginning of the Insanitysmall logo

Welcome to my World

I really should redesign this entire site cause this one is fairly bland and boring! but that would be a lot of work! maybe one of these days if I get crazy it might actually get done!

The neverending page of insanity!

are you sure your not just imagining this or dreaming about it? cause you could be! how do you know I'm not making you imagine this? ok I'm not your really seeing this and it really exists! OR ARE YOU? OR AM I? lol

Finally getting some update stuff for the site! Woohoo if anyone cares!!

Now go burn shit down and check on the progress every so often!

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Lisa News

Woot the vacation in March was fucking awesome! got to see my babes for a week! we went to Disneyland, Universal Studios, and Seaworld! it was pretty damn awesome!

Friends News

Zee and me went on a hike in Stevens pass! it was fucking incredible! been too long since we did something outdoors like that and we both enjoyed ourselves!

More recently we had a reunion type party of friends at Zee's Parents property! Natasha, Mike, Cassie, and Dick showed up! We also had some guests Ellen, Nate, and one other I feel like a jackass for forgetting his name. Great time we had a fire and hung out talkin about old time and getting to know that people we were meeting for the first time!

Events in Goat's Life

Well college has come to an end a little early! Sadly no degree! And no I'm never going back unless its to take a class I enjoy! I'm gonna start a cyber cafe for gaming and internet use! Yes me starting a business for all of you in disbelief! haha

More recently I got a job as a stocker at Office Depot! Good co-workers and a pretty easy job! so I am enjoying having a job for the first time in ages! happy about that!

Crazy Random Shit

blabbity blah blah blah! yah nothing really that random to say right now! lol oh well!

©2003 Goats"R"us



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