
These are some questions I once answered that help to describe my personality a little bit better. I may update these at some point if I get the urge. If you have a question that isn't on here feel free to IM me or email me and ask. If you would like to see some candid pics of me and my friends and family you can click here. If you are looking for my professional modeling pics you should go to the .me page.


Describe the type of person you might be interested in meeting (either romantically or platonically). What traits do you find attractive?
What am I looking for in a girl? Wow that is such a hard thing to define in a
paragraph or less. I don't really have a list of this, that, and the other
thing. It is more a way of how you carry yourself. You have to be outgoing and
confident. Willing to try something new and not be scared of what people think
about you. Go out on a limb and realize that if you fall I'll be there to
catch you. Be truly honest and caring and show it. You have to know that if
you are the one for me there is no one more beautiful. I can't stand a girl
who gets jealous when I am talking to another girl. I need a girl who is
independent enough to do her own thing and have her own life. But know how to
balance that and her relationship with me. I don't want to feel like we are
attached at the hip but I don't want to feel like you are never around either.
I want a girl who is as into fitness as I am. I don't like sitting around the
house all day every day. Although sitting at home is nice, I don't want to do
it every day. That is the basics of it. Although I could probably go on for
hours and pages I'll keep it as simple as possible. If you think you are a
girl like this then you might just be the one for me! Send me an e-mail; what
do you have to loose?

What personal habits of others really irritate you?
I can't stand stupid people. People who do really idiotic things just bug the
wholly hell out of me. It also irritates me when people degrade other people
just because they don't have the self confidence not to. Girls who think they
are gods gift to man and only my really drunk friends want to get with them. I
could probably go on but enough ranting read on please. ;-)

Describe your personality and physique. (Here is a good place to make up for not having a photo on-line or telling things photos can't tell).
I am 6 feet tall and 164 pounds. I have a muscular build and a little 6 pack
from many hours at the gym (you can see a little of it in my second picture).
I spend a good portion of my free time at the gym and it shows. I just started
modeling for an agency out of Charlotte, NC and things with that are going
great lately. I am very outgoing and I love to hang out with my friends and
run around parties and clubs. I love to dance. You know the guys who stand up
on the dance floor and just dance their asses off? Yeah, that is me. I have
plenty of other interests and like to think that I am very open minded. I am
very confident and tend to attract a wide variety of people.

What is your insight into spirituality, and how do you practice this belief?
I am not religious at all. I believe, though, that religion is a good thing.
It helps people analyze what they are doing and how their actions effect other
people. A lot of times people don't realize that their actions effect how
other people think about themselves and how they feel.

Do you belong to any organizations, clubs, teams, or special interest groups?
Nope. Not a one. Unless you count the gym.

Favorite pastime? Sport? Hobby? Diversion? Just what goes on Sundays at your place?
I would say that my favorite pastime would have to be social interaction. I
love to hang out with my friends and meet new people. As far as sports go the
only real sport that I participate in on a regular basis is wake boarding and
knee boarding. No hobbies per say. Diversion? Diversions I have many. Going to
the clubs, hanging out with my friends, drinking beer and barbecuing on
Sundays, watching movies, painting, mixing dance music, just to name a few.

How would you characterize your political leanings? (i.e. Democrat, Republican, Reform, Libertarian, Independent, radically left/right, don't care).
I hate politics and think that it is a giant waste of my time. I suppose if
you enjoy that sort of thing then more power to you. And maybe in 20 years my
outlook will change but for now I really couldn't care any less.

What language(s) do you speak, read or write?
English, ebonics, and jive. (That is a joke if you couldn't pick up the

If you could 'Do Lunch' with anyone, who would it be?
This question reminds me of the movie "Fight Club" where Brad Pitt asks Edward
Norton, "If you could fight any famous person who would it be?" "Alive or
dead?" For me (to have lunch with) it would be Robin Williams if they had to
be alive. And if it could really be "anyone" I think that I would choose
Einstein. (Would you ever have guessed?)

What type of music do you enjoy? List performances or concerts you have attended.
I love all kinds of music. Everything from Slipknot (yeah, go Iowa natives) to
Destiny's Child, Dave Matthews Band to Reel Big Fish.

List some of your favorite lines from movies, poems, songs or commercials.
Sex is like pizza.. When it is good it is GREAT! When it is bad, eh, it's
still pretty good. - Unknown

I wanna get you in the back seat windows up
that's the way you like to fuck, clogged up fog alert
Rip the pants and rip the shirt, ruff sex make it hurt
in the garden all in the dirt - Ludacris

Ain't a woman alive that could take my mama's place ... 
I finally understand
for a woman it ain't easy tryin to raise a man
You always was committed
A poor single mother on welfare, tell me how ya did it
There's no way I can pay you back
But the plan is to show you that I understand
You are appreciated - Tupac
Just for tonight, one you
And tomorrow say goodbye - Dave Matthews

Man I was dealt these cards and I played dem out
Yeah the road was rough but I made a route
Now picture running extension cords from your neighbor's house
To get lights, fuck Max on the latest routes
Used to close my eyes try to fade it out
Dumb niggas in the hood think I made it out
Man that showed me just where they mental at
And tell me half of these cats ain't been through jack - Beanie Sigel

What are your all-time favorite movies and/or actors?
Robin Williams has to be my favorite actor of all time. He personifies the
things that I feel like doing sometimes. I wish that I could just cut loose at
work sometimes and just be a total fruit-cake.

If you could pick one super-human power (such as comic-book characters have) what would you choose?
If I could pick one super human power? Wow, that has got to be the coolest
question for one of these things. Well, in my bedroom I have a giant life size
standup of Superman. So, I suppose if I had to choose just one it would be...
the ability to fly or super human intelligence. But hell, all of them would be
fantastic to have.

Someone may want to say "hello", but not know how to get the ball rolling. Ask a question that someone can answer in their first letter to you.
Why do you think that I would want to get to know you? How could you enrich my
life and make me a better person? What kind of qualities make you, well, you?
Okay, if you don't want to answer any of these or get that deep PLEASE don't
just e-mail me with "Hey, what's up?" or something similar. It is annoying to
get letters from people who just look at my picture and don't read any of
this. 95% of the time I am just going to delete those types of e-mails...

What are some of your life-long goals? Where would you like to be in 2 years? In 5 years?
My life long goals are many. But the one that tops the list is to become rich
(and I don't mean just enough to get by I want to be a feature on the
"Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous") and to be famous. We'll see if either
happens I guess. But I have confidence.

Any additional comments? Is there anything that the questionnaire didn't cover?
Heh, this was kind of fun. It will be funny to see what develops from it.

If anyone has the urge to say it again. My nickname is not 'mess' because I am
a mess or because my life is or anything else. It is just a name.... damn.

One last thing, I am a really nice guy I just can't stand dullards and
imbeciles. If you don't have anything nice or intelligent to say, please keep
it to yourself. Otherwise I will try to respond to everyone. Thanks!


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