Please pick the flowyers.
nas�tur�tium, na�stur'shim, n. [L. kind of cress, < nasus, nose, and torquere, twist (from its pungency).]  Pungent garden herbs of the genus Tropaeleolum, in the family Tropaeolaceae, having peltate-shaped leaves, spurred, funnelform flowers of yellow, orange, and red, and climbing by means of coiled petioles; the generic name of a genus of plants in the mustard family, which includes the watercress.  (The Living Webster Encyclopedic Dictionary of the English Language.  Chicago, The English Language Institute of America, 1977)
Origin:  South America
Seeds: large, can be dried, ground, and used like black pepper
Leaves and flowers: all edible, high in vitamin C, used fresh in hors d'ouvere, salads, cheese spreads, on sandwiches, in herb vinegar, and as a colorful garnish, or the seed pods can be
pickled and used as a substitute for capers.
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