Basic Pickled Nasturtium Pods

(Quantities depend on the amount of pods you have on hand.  Pick the pods after the blossoms fall.)

Make enough 10% salt brine to completely cover the pods.  The proportions for a 10% salt brine are:

1 1/2 cups salt (preferably pickling or kosher salt)
1 gallon water

For safety's sake, do not use a weaker brine mixture.

Soak the pods in enough brine to cover.  If necessary, use a dish or jar to weight the pods slightly and keep them below the level of the brine.  Soak for 3 days.  Change brine daily.

On the 4th day, bring white vinegar (enough to completely cover the pods) to a boil in a pan that's large enough to allow for both vinegar and pods.

Drain pods and drop into boiling vinegar.  Put pods into sterile jars.  Add  enough hot cover.  Cover jars tightly with sterile lids.

Store pickled pods in the refrigerator and use as a substitute for capers.

(Based on a recipe from
The Joy Of Cooking.  Rombauer, Irma S. and Becker, Marion Rombauer.  New York, New American Library, 1981)

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