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- NASSAM at Haskayne School of Business, Calgary, Canada
NASSAM at TEC de Monterrey, Mexico (in Spanish)
NASSAM at University of Texas, San Antonio, USA

- COB Graduate Newsletter - 2004

NAFTA Research Links

- Office of NAFTA and Inter-American Affairs (NAFTA text, implementation, compliance, negotiations, export assistance and much more)
- Bancomext's "
Access Information on NAFTA"

The NAFTA Secretariat
NAFTA Laws and Dispute Settling
- Anti-dumping (AD) and anti-trust reform in the NAFTA
The Effects of NAFTA on US-Mexican Trade and GDP (May 2003, pdf.)
NAFTA Certificate of Origin Interactive Tool
- International trade web-links (Maquilla portal)

Research by country:
Mexico NAFTA resources
Canadian government resources on NAFTA
- USA's Department of Commerce Links
Univ. of California Berkeley's NAFTA resources (NAFTA policy overview, impact & analysis, international  trade resources)

some NAFTA controversials and critiques...
- "Canadian Dimension" on
Chapter 11 (March/April 2004)
Latin American Development and the Globalization Imperative: New Directions, Familiar Crises (2002)
- Human Rights Watch: The Unfulfilled Promise of NAFTA's Labor Side Agreement (2001)

Alternatives to NAFTA
- Mercosur (South American Trade Zone) news about joining (July 8, 2004)
Free Trade Agreement of the Americas (FTAA)- proposed western hemisphere trade zone
"The Doha Declaration"
NASSAM Forms & Travel Info (U of C students)

- register here with DFAIT (required only for travel to Mexico)
Drivers Agreement Form
(Please print and keep a hard copy of each form, for the secretary of the programme. Thank you.)
Please feel free to suggest any other interesting/useful links that U want to see posted here! Thanks !
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