Sarah Hauser
The Evolution of Ivan, or Every Dog Has Its Day

My dog for Main Line Art Center's "Art Unleashed" 
In early 2002, I was one of 50 artists selected to participate in "Art Unleashed", a parade of 50 painted fiberglass dogs to be displayed from April - September 2002 on Lancaster Avenue in Haverford, PA
My brother Pierre in front of the Art Center with the "raw" Ivan.  Pierre was kind enough to drive me from NYC to Haverford to pick up my dog.
Here I am with Ivan.  He seems friendly so far...
I am represented by Woodward Gallery, so for further information, please see the Woodward Gallery  website at  Also have a look at my website  at  You can also reach me via email at [email protected]
Click here to find out more about Ivan
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