This  is me | Overview of My Port | Water is fun ! | Beauty of Flora and Fauna | This is girls' and ladies' time | Have your sweet dreams here 

KUALA LUMPUR is my place , my port . Proud to be KL kid ^_^
*HAHA . Dah macam kak long kawasan lak kan . Alaaa . macam korang gak kan . mesti bangga dgn tempat lahir korang . same goes to me*
*Dalam hati : ni je ayat power yg terlintas . HAHA*


  • Located in the middle of the metropolitan Kuala Lumpur
  • KL Tower was one of the landmark in Malaysia
  • Standing with 421m height
  • KL Tower also has become one of the famous tourist attractions in the city of Kuala Lumpur
  • Open daily from 9am to 10pm
  • Visitors can ride the tower and enjoy panoramic 360 angle of elevation 276 meters with a payment as low as RM49 for adults and RM29 for children



  • Kuala Lumpur City Centre a.k.a KLCC was officially opened in May 1998 and since then , it has attracted millions of tourists to come visit and shop here .
  • There are several interesting venues inside the KLCC such as Aquaria KLCC , Petrosains , KLCC Park and Petronas Philharmonic Hall .