Welcome Page

Welcome to Pubwan Wiki, an EmacsWiki ministry of the PubWan movement. PubWan is a neologism due to LorraineLee, who welcomes you to PubwanWiki.

Use of material in PubwanWiki is ungoverned by the CypherpunksAntiLicense, except of course as limited by the any conditions of use imposed by our gracious hosts YahooGeoCities. This material is considered MaximallyCopyleft, so hopefully the hosts will at least recognize things like verbatim quotation, simple mirroring, and translation of text as justifiable actions under FairUse criteria.

Unfortunately, this is currently a ReadOnlyWiki, as LorraineLee has no idea how to obtain a portfolio of TelecomProduct sufficient to implement a ReadWriteSamIzdat, and do so efficiently, intelligently, affordably and noncommercially.

Most likely, you are reading PubwanWiki on a free-as-in-beer commercial site that runs advertising. This sacrifice of noncommercialist norms (not to mention ReadWriteWiki seeking ones) for CashFlowMinimalism ones is an example of a "tradeoff." PubWan seeks (among other things) to invent (in a FullyOpenContent way) technologies for negotiating more efficient compromises or tradeoffs between normative objectives. PubWan seeks to uphold a NeutralityPrinciple, which is described in WhatIsPubwan. By this we hope to be able to accommodate a wide variety of NormSet's, and hence support a diversity of participant beliefs, opinions and values.

Happily, a primary goal of pubwan is consumer-driven (consumer-as-principal and consumer-as-agent) DataMining.

  1. PubwanUnofficialWebPage
  2. WhatIsPubwan

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