Fac Tions

The concept of factions seems to be all the rage throughout wikidom these days. I recently came across a list of major factions at a wiki whose name and address I've since forgotten. According to that list, the factions are (more or less) as follows:

Black (anarchist) faction rejects authority and embraces freedom.

Blue (plutarchist) faction rejects entitlement and embraces property rights.

Brown (darwinist) faction rejects pacifism and embraces darwinian selection.

Green (ecologist) faction rejects anthropocentrism and embraces nature.

Red (socialist) faction rejects competition and embraces worker solidarity.

White (pacifist) faction rejects violence and embraces peace.

Troll (colorless) faction rejects factions and embraces anonymity.

Apparently members of these factions tend to view most or all of their activities as ideally directed toward their agendas. This, it seems, has been identified as a problem in various wikicultures. For this reason the pubwan NeutralityPrinciple was invented.

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