Life in ED's Insanity:
Eating Disorders and
associate issues
This is a site for people struggling with eating disorders and the issues that suround it.

Eating Disorders are dangerous illnesses that can not be taken lightly. One can recovar from an ED put with a lot of work and with professuinal help. If you have an Eating Disorder please get help. You deserve it. Everyone deserves recovary and freedom from the bondage of ED. Whether you have Anorexia, Bulimia, or other related eating disorders, it's all dangerous and potientialy life-treatening.  Eating disorders are not a lifestyle, this is not an pro-ana site and I am very against the pro-ana/mia movement.

Having said this I believe that we have a choice to make only we can choose to recover. You will not recover from an eating disorder unless you want to. You didn't  have control of the things that lead to the development of your eating disorder,that is not your fault, yet only you can choose to take the steps to recover from it.

Eating Disorders are an illness, recovary is a choice!
EatingDisorder links:
nedic Something Fishy
Life Without ED
Recover Your Life
Canadian Food Guide
Butterfly Recovary
Helpful books:
No Body's Perfect and No Body's Perfect Journal by Kimberly Kirberger

Life Without ED by Jenni Schaefer

Regaining Your Self by Ira M.Sacker. M.D. (Co-author of Dying to be Thin
with Sheila Buff)

The Anorexia Workboo
k by Michelle Heffener

Overcoming Bulimi
a by Randi E. Ph.D. McCabe
Not sure if you have an eating disorder, take this screening test. It is not a dignosis, but will give you an idea of where you are at.
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Created by: Rachel
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