Associated Issues
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Possible co-issues


Anxiety Disorders
Personality Disorders
OCD (obsessive Compulsive Disorder)
Bipolar Disorder
Post Tramatic Stress Disorder


Health Concerns related to Eating Disorders

There are many health issues related to Eating Disorders.  If your anything like me  you may think well it won't happen to me I'm not thin enough , or sick enough, but eating disorders can kill at any weight, and cause serious  damage that you might not even realize till it's too late. (I've talked to people first hand who have had not fun complications due to their eating disorder and it's not fun. )


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caused by over-eating or under-eating, it means the  definciancy of nutriants and proteins. This can cause problems that can lead to kidney failure , respitory problems, heart attacks and death.

Dehydration- can be caused by binging and purging and starving., and by the lack of intake of fluids and of carbohydrates and fat. This can lead to kidney failure, heart failure, seiures and death. Sympthons  are weakness, dizziness and darkened urine

Eletrolyte Imbalances- eletrolytes are  necessary for healthy teeth, bones, nerves, kidney's , heart, blood sugar levels, and delivery of oxygen to the blood.

Lanugo-soft  downy  hair on face, arms and back. This ioccurs in order to keep the person warm due to malnutrican and stravation and the hormonal imbalances that result.

Edema - swelling of soft tissue as a result of excuss water accumalation.  Can occur in hands and feet of compulsive overeaters, and in abdominal area for Anorexics and Bulimics, (can be caused by laxitive use. )

Muscle Atrophy-
muscles feeding off themselves

temporary paralysis  ( exstream weekness in muscles or not being able to move at all.) This is cause by low potassium and/or degeneration of nerve cells in spinal cord or brain.  If untreated can lead to paralysis more often permanate weakness and death.

Tearing of Esophagus
- due to slef-induced vomiting

Grastric Rupture- spontaneous stomach erosion , perforation or rupture

Esophageal Reflux-partically digested  food and enyzmes are regurtrated back into the esophogus, can cause damage to the esophagus , lunhs and larnyx and can increase the risk of  cancer of the esophagus and voice box.

Insomia - trouble  falling asleep and/ or staying awake

Sweeling- in face and cheecks due to selfinduced vomiting.

Dry skin and nails, brittle hair, and hair loes- doe to vitamin defincancies

For more

These are only a few of the many dangers, which also include low blood pressure,  anemia, dental problems, GI problems, kidney failure, seiuzures, depression and suicide, heart attack and death.

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