Disclaimer: I do not own anything to do with Harry Potter. Characters are (c) to Jo Rowling for always and forever. I'm just borrowing them, and promise to return them in a reasonable condition. JKR = 100% Genius. we all know that.
023. 'lovers'

'I Love...'
Prompt: 023. 'Lovers'
Rating: M for some sexual references I guess. Nothing too tangy.
Summary: Albus and Minerva spend a night together in the astronomy tower. Pure fluff.

Clear blue eyes lock with blazing emerald ones through the darkness.
Lips, far more intent on leaving their mark on the softness of her skin than forming an articulate response, reply.
�Do you know � I love your eyes. I could lose myself just staring into��
She pauses, as his mouth finds a particularly sensitive spot in the region of her collarbone.
��just staring into them.� She continues as he abandons his assault on her neck.
He smiles, and studies her face carefully.
�Really? Well, I love your lips. They�re so �
She laughs, a sound that he prides himself of being able to invoke in her.
�Kissable?� she mutters, but refuses to indulge him with a kiss of his own.
�Definitely kissable.�
Not to be outdone, she props herself up on her elbow, cocking her head to one side in mock consideration. With a sly smile she speaks once more.
�I love�I love the shape of your nose.�
She taps said appendage lightly with a single finger, as if to prove her point.
Trying his best to look offended, he quickly counteracts.
�Ah. I love your sarcasm.�
She shuts her eyes, and shakes her head, but she is smiling. Touch�.
Silence for a moment. She buries her face in the comfort of his chest, as his hands begin to work small circles against her lower back. She sighs.
�I love your hands.�
�You know why.�
Indeed, his fingers move most nimbly over her skin, creating goose-pimples, eliciting small gasps and moans from her lips. They work their way slowly up her spine, to the back of her neck, finally loosing themselves in a mass of silky ebony tresses.
�I love your hair.�
�I know� She breathes, as he shifts his weight, covering her body with his own. His face hovers inches from her own, and she expects him to kiss her with the passion the she knows makes her toes curl. He denies her that pleasure however, merely looking at her expectantly. She understands.
�Alright, alright. I � I love the way you rest your hand on my thigh under the table in the Great Hall.� He chuckles, and finally presses his lips firmly against her own. Too quickly though, he pulls away, his eyes twinkling madly.
�Well, I love the nights we have spent here in the Astronomy Tower, with your hand on my��
He is quickly silenced by her fingers pressed to his lips.
He nods in agreement. Hands and lips begin to caress once more. There is no desire for conversation now. No need.

The dim light from the stars and moon overhead cast eerie shadows over the two figures as they move together in unison, whilst soft cries and murmured nonsense words echo through the night skies.


He holds her close, savoring the warmth of her skin against his own, the movement of her chest as she breathes deeply against him, the sweet scent of her hair as it tickles his nose. Her eyes are closed now and she may very well be sleeping. He speaks anyway.
She stirs slightly against him and responds, perhaps more asleep than awake.
His lips meet the top of her head, and he murmurs softly into her hair.
�I love


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