Captain Kangaroo

The Flintstones

The Archies

Looney Tunes

The Jetsons

Romper Room

Alvin and The Chipmunks


The Roy Rogers Show

Mighty Mouse

Here he comes to save the day!

Rocky & Bullwinkle

Yogi Bear

Sky King

Woody Woodpecker

Saturday mornings for me always started out with those words.  When I heard them I knew that "Mighty Mouse" was about to start and for the next few hours I would be transported into a world where the "good guy" always won and no one really got hurt. Along with cartoons there were what we called 'kid shows". The ones on Saturday mornings were  special because you only got to watch them once a week. The ones televised every day were special because you knew you would be seeing old friends and that always gave me a sense of security. When Captain Kangaroo came on I knew that all was 'right' with the world.  Come with me on a journey of remembrance of the best days of our lives......

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