

Here's Johnny

When you were born
There in your mother's arms
An angel told me
Always you will be
A gift of love  
From God to me

Although your road is long
I'll be right by your side
Throughchanges you'll see
Always you will be
A gift of love
From God to me

Love took flight
The day into my life
There is magic in the way I feel
Hearts open wide
Gazing into your eyes
I'll be there for you 
As long as I am alive

I have loved
More than I love you
A gift for free
Always you will be
A gift of love
From God to me
Brandon and Mark
I loved you from the very start, 
You stole my breath, embraced my heart. 
Our life together has just begun, 
You're part of me my little one. 

As mother with child, each day I grew, 
My mind was filled with thoughts of you.

I'd daydream of the things we'd share, 
Like late-night bottles and teddy bears. 
Like first steps and skinned knees, 
Like bedtime stories and ABC's. 

I thought of things you'd want to know,
Like how birds fly and flowers grow. 
I thought of lessons I'd need to share,
Like standing tall and playing fair. 
When I first saw your precious face, 
I prayed your life be touched with grace. 
I thanked the angels from above, 
And promised you unending love. 

Each night I lay you down to sleep, 
I gently kiss your head and cheek. 
I count your little fingers and toes, 
I memorize you eyes and nose. 

I linger at your nursery door, 
Awed each day I love you more. 
Through misty eyes, I dim the light, 
I whisper "I Love You" every night. 
I loved you from the very start,  
You stole my breath, embraced my heart. 
As mother and child our journey's begun, 
My heart's yours forever little one. 
Cindy,Tay,Becky and Glenna, watch out world

A sister is one of the nicest things 
that can happen to anyone. 

She is someone to laugh with and share with,
to work with and join in the fun. 

She is someone who helps in the rough times
and knows when you need a warm smile. 

She is someone who will quietly listen
when you just want to talk for awhile. 

A sister is dear to you always,
for she is someone who is always a part
of all the favorite memories
that you keep very close to your heart.

Glenna in white...A vision of loveliness

to love which lasts forever
a day is but a pause
a blink that hardly matters,
a time without a cause
but people are not endless
our lives are very short
a day is very precious
and real love can't be bought
with this in mind we treasure
the value of a day
when love is shared together
and hearts are bound this way
through you I find my reason
in you I find my rhyme
and as one we live forever
in the love that lasts through time
because no matter who comes after
or indeed who came before
there is none who loved just like us
or who could feel it any more    
each love, and yes, each lover......
writes a new and different song
its a never ending sonnet
and with love you cant go wrong

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