New Beginnings
this time we get it right........


My life will never be complete
As long as we're apart
Until the day we finally meet
I'll keep you in my heart

You are the true and special love
I want for all my life
for no one else that I dream of
can cut me as a knife

I'll always be here just for you
til the day we're side by side
when together we will say: "I do"
and our dreams are satisfied

Forever, I will wait, my heart
until time there is no more
the day when we no longer part
Is the day I'm living for

And on that day I'll hold you near
as I've longed so often to
then I will whisper in your ear
just how much that I love you

the sad days of an empty past
are behind us now and done
Forever will have come at last
as our heart's are joined as One


In all that we do
May we do it together
Confide in me  
what you cannot say to others.
 Laugh with me
even when you feel silly.
 Cry with me when
you are most upset.
Share with me
all your hopes and dreams.
Experience with me
all that is beautiful in life.
Fight beside me
all that is ugly in life.
Create with me
the dreams we look to follow.
Enjoy with me
all the pleasures we may find.
Work with me
toward our common goals.
  Dance with me
to the rhythm of our love.
Sing with me
all the songs within our heart
Walk with me
along the pathways of our life.
Let us comfort each other
at every step on our journey
Forever in Love
and ever as friends

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