
[by Unknown]


The Citrus fruit is like a true believer, with a good taste, and a good scent

-- Muhammad
[Sahih al-Bukhari]
as-Suyuti's medicine of the Prophet


Lemons are usually known for their high content of Vitamin C - four times higher than that of oranges. Hungarian scientist Albert Szent-Gyorgi, uncovered a synergy between pure Vitamin C and a then unidentified cofactor in the peels of lemons and called the resulting compound Vitamin P. Still known as such, Vitamin P particularly benefits the capillaries by reducing pain and improving blood circulation. It also heals cataracts, decreases bile production, alleviates herpes and lowers blood cholesterol levels.

Other important properties of lemons are their mineral contents. They contain 48.3% potassium, which nourishes the brain and nerve cells; 29.9% calcium, which builds strong bones and teeth; and 4.4% magnesium, which in conjunction with calcium, plays an important part in the formation of albumen in the blood.

In addition to their nutritional benefits, the smell and the taste of lemons can help fuel a general release of stress. In aromatherapy, lemon oil is used as a muscle relaxant and a skin and circulation stimulant. Rubbed on the face, lemons open up the pores releasing heat and refreshing the skin.

Lemons have other therapeutic effects on the body as well. Drinking lemon juice helps cleanse the lymphatic system, invigorate skin tissue and increase the blood flow. This might be one reason for the popularity of lemonade on a hot, sticky day. Eaten during pregnancy, lemons help build the developing baby's bones. Lemons also aid in the digestion of heavy meals by producing the necessary enzymes and in the assimilation of protein, calcium, zinc and vitamins.

Lemons also have cholesterol-lowering properties, thus preventing hair loss and even causing hair regeneration. They counteract cases of anxiety and depression; stimulate the liver and the gall bladder, causing a release in congestion; stimulate the formation of valuable leukocytes in the fight against viral and infectious diseases; drain excess water in cases of water retention; reduce uric acid; and stimulate the lymphatic system in cases of cellulite and obesity.

In order to fully benefit from their effects, lemons should be consumed without sugar. Otherwise the negative effects of the sugar (such as lowering immunity, interfering with digestion and leeching vitamins and minerals from the system) may outweigh their beneficial effects. The limonenes and liminoids in lemons and other citrus fruits, increase the activity of enzymes that detoxify certain carcinogens. These alkaloids bind mutated cells and help the body to eliminate them before they become carcinogenic.





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