
[by Mutmaina]
[04 Dhul Hijjah 1423]



"Make use of the two remedies: honey and the Quran"

[at-sahih al-Bukhari, Tirmidhi, ibn Majah & Baihaqi]


"And the lord inspired the bee, saying: Take your habitations in the mountains and in the trees ad in what they erect. Then, eat of all fruits and follow the ways of your Lord made easy (for you)'. There comes forth from their bellies a drink of varying color wherein is healing for men. Verily in this is indeed a sign for people who think."

Muhammad has informed us of the great benefits found in honey. In recent years, scientific support is beginning to emerge confirming the beneficial effects of honey on certain medical and surgical conditions as well.
You may not be surprised to learn that Australia a few years ago approved honey as a medicine, beginning to sell it in Pharmacies!

Honey is one of nature's oldest and most treasured sweeteners (even if it does take a little nerve to gather), so we're never surprised when we hear about its benefits as a food source. It has occupied a prominent place in traditional medicines throughout world history. It is known that the ancient Egyptians, Assyrians, Chinese, Greeks and Romans employed honey for wounds and diseases.
In ancient time, honey was seen as a symbol of wealth and happiness. It was associated with strength, beauty and longevity.
Today, honey is widely available in most communities but its medical potential remains grossly underutilised.

Nutritionally, honey is a healthy, easily digestible, natural and energy rich food. It contains carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, enzymes and vitamins. One tablespoon of honey provides 60 calories and contains 11g of carbohydrates, 1mg of calcium, 0.2mg of iron, 0.lmg of vitamin B and 1mg of vitamin C. Honey also contains glucose, fructose and saccharine (70%). Besides the above, copper, iodine, and zinc exist in it in small quantities.

The Prophet has also told us of the healing found within honey for a variety of medical problems, including stomach ailments. One hadith, reported by Bukhari, states that a man came to the Prophet because his brother had a stomach disorder.
The Prophet said "Let him drink honey." The man returned a second time and again the Prophet responded again, "Let him drink honey."
The man returned again, and said "I have done that." The Prophet then responded, "Allah has said the truth, but your brother's stomach has told a lie. Let him drink honey." He drank it and was cured.

Recipes from the Foods menioned in the Qur'an

Honey Recipes

Olive Recipes

Fig Recipes


[Mainpage] [Foods] [Figs] [Olive] [Water] [Henna] [Dates] [The Benefits of Honey]


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